Hal Draper (19. september 1914 – 26. januar 1990) var amerikansk revolutionær socialist, aktiv i Workers Party og senere i Independent Socialist League, revolutionære organisationer, som var lige kritiske overfor den vestlige kapitalisme og den østlige byrokratiske kollektivisme (som var gruppernes karakteristik af de stalinistiske stater østpå).
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- Artikler af Hal Draper / Articles by Hal Draper
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Socialismens to ansigter

(Kbh., Forlaget Solidaritet, december 2011, 96 sider)
“De socialistiske bevægelser og ideers historie her i kort og letforståelig gennemgang. Hal Draper viser, at det afgørende skel i socialismens historie går mellem ‘socialisme fra oven’ og ‘socialisme fra neden’ – sådan som Karl Marx formulerede sammenhængen mellem socialisme og demokrati.”
Pjecen kan købes i Solidaritetsbutikken, Griffenfeldsgade 41 (14.00-17.00), eller bestilles på Forlaget Solidaritet.
Hal Drapers artikel blev i 1996 udgivet (uoversat) med titlen ‘The two souls of socialism’ på Internationale Socialisters Forlag i serien ‘Utrykte tekster’ [sic!].
Teksten er online på Marxists Internet Archive og oprindelig trykt i 1966. Se også norsk oversættelse: Sosialismens to sjeler (Marxists Internet Archive, Norsk seksjon)
Wikipedia.org har en kort gennemgang af pjecens indhold.
Hal Draper (19. september 1914 – 26. januar 1990)
Amerikansk revolutionær socialist, aktiv i Workers Party og senere i Independent Socialist League, revolutionære organisationer, som var lige kritiske overfor den vestlige kapitalisme og den østlige byrokratiske kollektivisme (som var gruppernes karakteristik af de stalinistiske stater østpå).
Hal Draper skrev i 1960erne det indflydelsesrige essays The Two Souls of Socialism, som satte den afgørende skillelinie i den socialistiske bevægelse mellem ‘socialisme fra oven’ contra ‘socialisme fra neden’, og på sine ældre dage skrev han en række artikler om Marx og Engels og socialistisk demokrati, som mundede ud i hovedværket Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution (5 bind på over 2600 sider, 1977-2005). Læs mere på Introduction to Hal Draper + Wikipedia.org.
Nedenfor et udvalg af artikler og bøger af og om Hal Draper. Se også der tidsskrifterne New International (1934-1958) + New Politics (1961-1976), hvor Hal Draper var fast bidragyder.
Bjarne A. Frandsen. April 2003.
Revideret juli 2023.
Center for Socialist History
I Archive bl.a. temaer om: Lenin & ‘Leninism’ – Sect, parties & trade unions – The ABC of national liberation movements – Libertarian ‘socialism’. Se også den (begyndende!) online-udgave af 3-bindsværket Marx-Engels Cyclopedia.
Texter av Hal Draper
Artikler, boguddrag og bøger online på svensk. Bla. Karl Marx’ Revolutionsteori: Band 1: Stat och byråkrati + Band II: Samhällsklassernas politik + Band 3: Proletariatets diktatur + Band 4: Kritik av andra socialismer + Band V: Krig och revolution.
Marxists Internet Archive
Hal Draper
En række artikler online + Introduction to Hal Draper
+ Norske MIA, med fire tekster online.
Workers’ Liberty
Hal Draper
Artikler af/om Hal Draper.
Artikler af Hal Draper / Articles by Hal Draper
Historical Materialism
The myth of Lenin’s ‘Concept of the Party’: or what they did to ‘What is to be done’? (nr.4, sommer 1999, s.187-213)
The myth of today is an axiom of what we might call Leninology – a branch of Kremlinology that has rapidly grown in the hands of the various university Russian Institutes, doctoral programs, political journalists, et al. According to this axiom, Lenin’s 1902 book What is to be done? represents the essential content of his ‘operational code’ or ‘concept of the party’; all of Bolshevism and eventually Stalinism lies in ambush in its pages …”. Artiklen findes online på Marxists Internet Archive.
Se også Mike Jones kommentar: Rosa Luxemburg on Lenin’s concept of the party (What Next! nr.13, 1999).
International Socialism
Marx and Engels on womens liberation (nr.44, juli-aug. 1970, s.20-29)
“The aim of this [article] is simply to present what [Marx and Engels] really had to say on the question, as against some of the less-than-knowledgeable summaries that have seen the light recently”.
The two souls of socialism (nr.11, vinter 1962, s.12-20)
“The aim is not to give a history of socialist thought in a nutshell, but simply to illustrate a thesis – the thesis being a historical interpretation of the meaning of socialism and of how socialism came to mean what it does today.”
The inevitability of socialism (nr.15, vinter 1963-64, s.21-28)
“The meaning of the formula, “the inevitability of socialism,” is not a new question, but there has arisen an attempt to give it a new importance and a new emphasis as well as a distorted meaning.”
International Socialist Review
Marx, Engels, and Self-emancipation, Part 1-2 (nr.53, maj-juni + nr.54, juli-aug. 2007)
“Reprint of a classic article [from 1971] on the genesis of Marx and Engels’ concept of working-class socialism from below.”
Who’s going to be the lesser-evil in 1968? (nr.32, nov.-dec. 2003)
“The point is that it is the question which is a disaster, not the answer. In setups where the choice is between one capitalist politician and another, the defeat comes in accepting the limitation to this choice”.
First udgivet af Independent Socialist, jan.-feb. 1967.
Marx Myths & Legends
The ‘Dictatorship of the Proletariat’ in Marx and Engels (1987)
“‘Dictatorship of the proletariat’ has been used to label Marx as an enemy of democracy. In this article, Hal Draper demonstrates that not only Marx, but also the conservatives of his time, identified the most thoroughgoing democracy as a ‘dictatorship’ – i.e., dictatorship of the people over the propertied classes. Draper shows how the meaning of the word ‘dictatorship’ changed over the decades, eventually coming to be seen as a form of government antithetical to democracy, and how via Plekhanov, ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ came to be understood in this way in Russia.”
Marx and the Economic-Jew Stereotype (1977)
“The legend according to which Marx was an anti-Semite swings on the projection of the late-twentieth century understanding of ‘political correctness’ onto 19th century writing, and in particular on Marx’s review of Bruno Bauer’s article ‘On the Jewish Question’. The work has been circulated in grossly edited form by right-wingers with the specific aim of slandering Marx’s character. In fact the article is a defence of the civil rights of Jews, as well as being a profound study of the relation between social and political rights in bourgeois society more generally.”
Texter av Hal Draper
Marx och Engels om kvinnornas frigörelse, Marx och stereotypen om ekonomiska juda, Mot en ny start – på en annan väg: Alternativet till mikrosekten, Mytbildningen kring Lenins “partiuppfattning” eller vad de gjorde med “Vad bör göras?”, Karl Marx’ revolutionteori Band I, Karl Marx’ revolutionsteori Band II, Marx/Engels om “Krig och revolution”
Marxists Internet Archive
Hal Draper: 1914-1990
Articles, books and pamphlets 1935-1990.
Marxists Internet Archive – Norsk
Hal Draper 1914-1990
Clark Kerrs tanker (1964), Sosialismens to sjeler (1966), En sosialistisk guide til nasjonale frigjøringsbevegelser (1969), Fram mot en ny begynnelse (1971).
Marxists Internet Archive – Svensk
Hal Draper 1914-1990
Marx och Engels om kvinnornas frigörelse (1970, Mot en ny start – på en annan väg (1971), Mytbildningen kring Lenins “partiuppfattning” (1990).
New Politics

The Two Souls of Socialism (årg.3, nr.9, sommer 1990, s.129-156)
“The following pages propose to investigate the meaning of socialism historically; in a new way. There have always been different ‘kinds of socialism’, and they have customarily been divided into reformist or revolutionary, peaceful or violent, democratic or authoritarian, etc. These divisions exist, but the underlying division is something else. Throughout the history of socialist movement and ideas, the fundamental divide is between Socialism-From-Above and Socialism-From-Below.”
Tidligere bragt i New Politics (årg.5, nr.1, vinter 1966, s.57-84), samt i en tidligere kortere udgave i International Socialism (nr.11, vinter 1962, s.12-20). Online på Marxists Internet Archive. Se også norsk udgave: Sosialismens to sjeler
A note on the father of Anarchism (årg.8, nr.1, vinter 1969, s.79-93)
“The myth of ‘Libertarianism’ rides again, as George Woodcock celebrates the Notebooks left by Proudhon, the ‘father of anarchism’ … the Notebooks contain the most massive evidence we have that this rhetorician of liberty was one of the most authoritarian and anti-democratic minds of the 19th century”.
Marx and the dictatorship of the proletariat (årg.1, nr.4, sommer 1962, s.91-104)
“This study deals with the origin and history of the phrase ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ in Marx and Engels. It asks: What did this term mean to them?”
Socialist Register
Marxist women versus bourgeois feminism. With Anne G. Lipow (1976, s.179-226)
“The texts presented here are intended to revive acquaintance with a revolutionary women’s movement which was undoubtedly the most important one of the kind that has yet been seen. Yet it has been so thoroughly dropped down in the memory hole that even mention of its existence is hard to find”.
Also online at Marxists Internet Archive.
Marx on democratic forms of government (1974, s.101-124)
“This is one chapter in a work on Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution which will be published in the near future: Many questions connected with the subject of this chapter and which are only briefly mentioned here are of course discussed in detail in other parts of the work. In general way, Marx’s socialism (communism) as a political programme may be most quickly defined, from the Marxist standpoint, as the complete democratization of society”.
Also online at Marxists Internet Archive.
The principle of self-emancipation in Marx and Engels (1971, s.81-109)
“There can be little doubt that Marx and Engels would have agreed with Lenin’s nutshell definition of Marxism as ‘the theory and practice of the proletarian revolution’. In this violently compressed formula, the key component is not the unity of theory and practice; unfortunately that has become an ambiguity. The key is the word ‘proletarian’ – the class-character component.”
The death of the state in Marx and Engels (1970, s.281-307)
“The aim of this essays is to survey the thinking of Marx and Engels on the ‘dying-away’ of the state in socialist (communist) society. By passing in review what they wrote on the subject, to the extent practical without getting into ramifying issues, we will also consider how their understanding of the question developed through three fairly distinct periods.”
An eye-witness account of the Russian Revolution (3/104, 10. jan. 2007)
“The following discussion by the American Marxist scholar Hal Draper, is of a book written by a non-Bolshevik member of the government that took power in October 1917, I N Steinberg. Steinberg’s book, In the Workshop of the Revolution, published in 1954 long after he left Russia, has long-been important source material for histories of the revolution.”
The ABC of national liberation movements: A political guide (31. marts 2022)
“In the thick of the Vietnam War, Hal Draper penned a set of theses about how socialists should approach questions of imperialism, war, and national liberation. With a new introduction by Sam Farber.”
What Next?
The ABC of the national liberation movements (nr.13, 1999)
“This article is part of a document, written in the aftermath of the 1968 Tet offensive in Vietnam, which was intended as a political discussion guide for members of the Independent Socialist Club of Berkeley. The second half of the document, which deals specifically with Vietnam, has been omitted for reasons of space, as has Draper’s introduction”.
Se den uforkortede udgave på Marxists Internet Archive + Tempest lige over.
The myth of Lenin’s ‘Concept of the Party’, or: what they did to ‘What is to be done’? (nr.12, 1999)
“The myth of today is an axiom of what we might call Leninology – a branch of Kremlinology that has rapidly grown in the hands of the various university Russian Institutes, doctoral programs, political journalists, et al. According to this axiom, Lenin’s 1902 book What is to be done? represents the essential content of his ‘operational code’ or ‘concept of the party’; all of Bolshevism and eventually Stalinism lies in ambush in its pages …”. Artiklen findes også på Marxists Internet Archive + i tidsskriftet Historical Materialism (nr.4, summer 1999, s.187-213). Se også Mike Jones kommentar: Rosa Luxemburg on Lenin’s concept of the party (What Next, nr.13, 1999)
Toward a new beginning – on another road: the alternative to the micro-sect (1971) (nr.10, 1998).
“The problem is still: how to build a revolutionary socialist party. In the US, no appreciable progress towards this goal is visible in the last third of a century (since the end of World War II). The goal is still there, but the road to this goal can hardly be considered immune from re-examination.” Artiklen findes også på Marxists Internet Archive.
Se også Ernie Haberkern: Introduction to Hal Draper’s ‘Toward a New Beginning’ (nr.10, 1998) + Brian Bean: Critical thoughts about Hal Draper’s “Micro-sect” (SocialistWorker.org, March 29, 2019).
The myth of Lenin’s ‘Revolutionary Defeatism’ (from New International, årg.19, nr.5, sep.-okt. 1953, s.255-283 + årg.19, nr.6, nov.-dec. 1953, s.313-351 + årg.20, nr.1, jan.-feb. 1954, s.39-59). Artikel-serien er også online på Marxists Internet Archive
Workers Liberty
An open letter to Ignazio Silone (1956) (3/7, okt. 2006)
“We are here raising only the question: Why have you abandoned the ideas of Third Camp internationalism, as you explained them in your brilliant 1939 interview reprinted elsewhere in these pages? and why have you become a critical supporter one of the war blocs?”
Old empire against new: Marxist and the 1904-5 Russo-Japanese war (pdf) (nr.3, dec. 2002, s.131-140)
“The mass, united, Marxist-educated socialist movement of the decades before 1914 created a political culture largely lost in the late 20th century through the depredations of Stalinism and reformism … A persistent bias was to believe that to assess one pole in a conflict as more ‘progressive’ as another mandated political support for the ‘progressive’ pole”.
The ABC of national liberation movements (pdf) (nr.3, dec. 2002, s.141-148). Forkortet udgave af artikel fra 1969. Den uforkortede udgave er online på Hal Draper Internet Archive.
Marx and Engels on war (nr.2, marts 2002, s.136-142)
“Marx and Engels commented on many conflicts and wars between the great powers of 19th century Europe. In this article Hal Draper demonstrates that their political attitude towards those conflicts was consistently based on advancing, not whichever of the established five great powers seemed the ‘lesser evil’ or more progressive, but … the workers revolution”.
Lenin and the myth of revolutionary defeatism + Part 2: After Lenin: the revival and reinterpretation (nr.1, sept. 2001, s.84-110)
“As Lenin himself saw the problems of theory and political policy, his historical role in the socialist movement was to revive and revive and reanimate the revolutionary substance of Marxism that had been overlaid by the creeping social-reformism of the Second International. In respect to anti-war policy, however, he – along with Luxemburg and the whole left – had to do more than to revive. They had to readapt Marxism and its policies to the reality of a new epoch”.
Anatomy of the Rizzi myth (nr.57, sept. 1999, s.29-31)
“Up from the shadows of a thousand obscure footnotes comes the figure of Bruno Rizzi, who has now been rediscovered for the nth time as an early exponent of the New Class theory of the Russian Stalinist social order. But this time, thanks to Adam Westoby, at least a portion of Rizzi’s allegedly ‘underground’ book of 1939 has been translated into English. You can now rediscover Rizzi yourself.”
Sean Matgamna: Introduction to Hal Draper on Bruno Rizzi (nr.57, sept. 1999, s.27-28)
“Bruno Rizzi … is still spoken of as either the originator or best representative, or both, of the view that Stalinist USSR was a new socio-economic formation, not capitalist, but ‘bureaucratic collectivist'”.
Cliff on Russia, only “a matter of terminological taste” (nr.49, sept. 1998, s.43)
“The author … believes that the best theoretical description of the of the Stalinist system is ‘bureaucratic state capitalism’, and we will have to say a word about his handling of this state-capitalist theory; but his political conclusions are very close, if not identical with those of Indenpendent Socialism”. Review of Tony Cliff: Stalinist Russia (1955).
Why the working class?
Uddrag fra Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution, vol. 2, kap.2 (Monthly Review Press, 1978).
Bøger / Books
’Proletariatets diktatur’ fra Marx til Lenin
(Kbh., Forlaget Solidaritet, 2014, 348 sider)
“Kan Lenin, Trotskij, Kautsky og andre fremtrædende marxister da have misforstået, hvad Marx mente med udtrykket ’proletariatets diktatur’? I denne fængslende undersøgelse skræller Draper alle lag af misfortolkninger væk og viser, at de faktisk misforstod udtrykket. På baggrund af de forvrængede opfattelser skaber Draper derefter en ny og gennemarbejdet ideologisk struktur.
Han viser, hvorfor og hvordan senere marxister afviger fra Marx’ hensigter.”
Se uddrag fra bogen: Proletarisk diktatur – fra klassedominans til partidiktater (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 26. nov. 2014)
Socialismens to ansigter

(Kbh., Forlaget Solidaritet, 2011, 96 sider)
“De socialistiske bevægelser og ideers historie her i kort og letforståelig gennemgang. Hal Draper viser, at det afgørende skel i socialismens historie går mellem ‘socialisme fra oven’ og ‘socialisme fra neden’ – sådan som Karl Marx formulerede sammenhængen mellem socialisme og demokrati.”
Hal Drapers artikel blev i 1996 udgivet (uoversat) med titlen ‘The two souls of socialism’ på Internationale Socialisters Forlag i serien ‘Utrykte tekster’ [sic!].
Teksten er online på Marxists Internet Archive og oprindelig trykt i 1966. Se også norsk oversættelse: Sosialismens to sjeler (Marxists Internet Archive, Norsk seksjon).
Wikipedia.org har en kort gennemgang af pjecens indhold.
Women and Class: Towards a Socialist Feminism
Essays by Hal Draper, with Anne Lipow (Berkeley, Cal., Center for Socialist History, 2011, 287 s., online på Marxists Internet Archive)
Anmeldt af Nacy Holmstrom: Pioneers of women’s revolution (Against the Current, nr.177, juli-aug. 2015)
Lost Texts of Critical Marxism. Vol. 1: The Fate of the Russian Revolution
Edited by Sean Matgamna (London, Phoenix Press, 1998)
Indeholder 2 artikler af Hal Draper:
The ‘orthodox’ defence of the Soviet Union in practice (s.354-357). 1941.
The new Russian empire (s.490-489). 1949.
Alan Johnson: The pilots who weathered the storm (Workers Liberty, nr.50-51, okt. 1998, s.35-40)
“Alan Johnson argues that the book can play an invaluable role in restoring democracy to the heart of Marxism and help lay to rest the theoretical confusions of post-Trotsky Trotskyism. Alan Johnson is writing a political biography of Hal Draper”.
Alan Johnson: Third Camp Socialism (Historical Materialism, nr.5, vinter 1999, s.301-325)
“These two edited collections make easily accessible for the first time the viewpoint of that minority who went on to form the Workers Party-Independent Socialist League (WP-ISL) from 1940 to 1958. These were revolutionary democratic socialists whose politics were summed up in the slogan, ‘Neither Washington nor Moscow but the Third Camp of Independent Socialism’ … Hal Draper made a wide-ranging claim for the political significanse of the WP-ISL within the revolutionary Marxist tradition”.
Zionism, Israel & the Arabs
(Berkeley, Cal., Center for Socialist History, 1997/1990, 215 s.; online på Marxists Internet Archive). Artikler 1948-67.
Uddrag: Israel’s future foretold (Against the Current, nr.128, maj-juni 2007) + Comment from Ernest Haberkern (ibid., nr.130, sept.-okt. 2007)
Neither Capitalism nor Socialism: Theories of Bureaucratic Collectivism
Edited by Ernest E. Haberkern/Arthur Lipow (New Jersey, Humanities Press, 1996)
Indeholder 2 artikler af Hal Draper:
The triangle of forces – notes on the Czech coup (s.126-137). 1948.
The economic drive behind Tito (s.137-151). 1948.
Alex Callinicos: State in debate (International Socialism, nr.73, vinter 1996, s.117-126)
“The concept of bureaucratic collectivism is little more than a label, defined chiefly by the negations in this collection’s title ‘neither capitalism nor socialism’. As to what bureaucratic collectivism actually is, we are left none the wiser at the end of the book than at the beginning. Its most serious and systematic interpretation, first formulated by Carter and taken up later by Shachtman, leads to reactionary political conclusions. Haberkern and Lipow resist these conclusions, but offer instead little but muddle. Far from, as they presumably hoped, producing an advertisement for the theory of bureaucratic collectivism, they have unintentionally provided a strong case for its final internment”.
Alan Johnson: Third Camp socialism (Historical Materialism, nr.5, vinter 1999, s.301-325)
“These two edited collections make easily accessible for the first time the viewpoint of that minority who went on to form the Workers Party-Independent Socialist League (WP-ISL) from 1940 to 1958. These were revolutionary democratic socialists whose politics were summed up in the slogan, ‘Neither Washington nor Moscow but the Third Camp of Independent Socialism’ … Hal Draper made a wide-ranging claim for the political significanse of the WP-ISL within the revolutionary Marxist tradition”.
Barry Finger: On bureaucratic collectivism (New Politics, nr.23, sommer 1997, s.142-150)
“In Neither Capitalism nor Socialism, a volume painstakingly put together from obscure journals and bulletins now virtually unattainable, Ernest Haberkern and Arthur Lipow introduce and place into political context the emergence of a unique and dissident political and intellectual current from the Trotskyist movement which, from its inception, wrestled with the issues that shaped and defined the past 60 years of world history. The book is divided into four sections which roughly correspond to the political chronology of ‘bureaucratic collectivism’ from its embryonic beginnings”.
War and Revolution: Lenin and the Myth of Revolutionary Defeatism
Edited by E. Haberkern (New Jersey, Humanities Press, 1996). Uddrag i tidsskriftet Workers Liberty (se ovenfor: nr.1, 2001 + nr.2, 2002 + nr.3, 2002)
De oprindelige artikler fra tidsskriftet New International er online på Marxists Internet Archive.
The Adventures of the Communist Manifesto
(Berkeley, Cal., Center for Socialist History, 1994)
Contents (p.i-x)
Preface (p.1-3)
Rediscoverin Marx (pdf). Review by Alan Johnson (Workers’ Liberty, Issue 28, February 1996)
“This is a valuable book which all libraries should possess.”
Review by Chris Matthews (Revolutionary History, Vol.6, No.4, 1997)
“This book is a rare commodity; it is not only highly useful and authoritative, but lively and entertaining as well.”
Analyzing the Communist Manifesto. By Phil Gasper (New Politics, Issue 69, Summer 2020). Review of a new edition (Haymarket Books, 2020, 352 p.)
“… Draper’s translation and his perceptive and erudite commentaries make this a book that everyone with a serious interest in Marx’s thought will want to have in their collection.”

Socialism from Below
Essays selected, edited and with an introduction by E. Haberkern (New Jersey, Humanities Press, 1992)
Gareth Jenkins: No saviour from on high (Socialist Review, nr.174, april 1994, s.31). Scroll ned.
“Nothing has done the cause of socialism more harm than the notion that socialism equals state control … Defence of socialism as not being identical with state control was therefore a burning necessity. It found powerful expression in the work of the American revolutionary socialist Hal Draper, whose marvelleous essays ‘The two souls of socialism’, is republished in this collection of essays”.
Justin Schwarts: Socialism as self-emancipation (Against the Current, nr.48, jan.-feb. 1994, s.46-49)
“Marx conceives of socialism is what Draper calls ‘Socialism-from-below’. The emancipation of subordinate groups requires democratic collective control of the economy attained by these groups themselves, not by anyone acting on their behalf. But the history of the left is dominated by the contrary conviction of ‘Socialism-from-above’ …”
The ‘Dictatorship of the Proletariat’ from Marx to Lenin
(New York, Monthly Review Press, 1987, 188 s.).
Anmeldt af Steve Leigh: Democracy and revolution (Socialist Worker Review, nr.103, nov. 1987, s.29-30)
“Hal Draper has written another well-researched and interesting book on Marx’s ideas … it is worth a careful and critical reading for those already familiar with Marxist history”.
Chapter 1: The Dictatorship of the Proletariat’ in Marx and Engels (s.11-41)
Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution
(New York, Monthly Review Press, 1977-1990)
Vol. 1: State and bureaucracy (1977, 748 s.)
På svensk: Karl Marx’ Revolutionsteori. Band I: Stat och byråkrati (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 419 s.).

Anmeldt af:
Colin Barker: Marxology (International Socialism, nr.104, jan. 1978, s.25-26)
“Draper’s first volume indicates that this is going to be a stupendous work of Marxology. As a work of reference, clearly written and admirably organised, Draper is going to be indispensable to anyone who wants to know exactly what Marx and Engels really thought … My fear, I suppose, is that this extraordinary enterprice will … stay stuck at the level of ‘Marxology’ …”
Vol. 2: The Politics of Social Classes (1978, 756 s.)
På svensk: Karl Marx’ Revolutionsteori. Band II: Samhällsklassernas politik (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 457 s.)
Anmeldt af:
Colin Barker: Karl Marx’ theory of revolution (Socialist Review, nr.11, april 1979, s.35-36)
“I had the privilege of reviewing the first volume of this work. At that time, I was more dismissive of the project than I now care to recall … Hal Draper is not producing marxology, but scholarly marxism of the highest order … The scolarship is simply amazing”.
Vol. 3: The ‘Dictatorship of the Proletariat’ (1986, 462 s.)
På svensk: Karl Marx’ Revolutionsteori. Band III: Proletariatets diktatur (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 327 s.)
Anmeldt af:
Pat Stack: Dictatorship & democracy (Socialist Worker Review, nr.92, nov. 1986, s.21-23)
“Draper provide us with an invaluable restatement of the key points in a book that is a must for your bookshelves. But only put it there after you’ve read it”.
Vol. 4: Critique of Other Socialisms (1990, 373 s.)
På svensk: Karl Marx’ Revolutionsteori. Band IV: Krig och revolution (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 262 s.)
Anmeldt af:
Colin Barker: A rich legacy (Socialist Worker Review, nr.103, nov. 1987, s.29-30)
“Draper’s demolition job on Bakunin – a racist, reformist, Tsar-loving rat – is one of the pleasures of this book. Alas, because of Draper’s death, we shall not get his fifth and final volume, which promised to cover the question of reform versus revolution. But he has left us, anyway, with a marvellously rich and beautifully documented legacy”.
Derek Howl: The legacy of Hal Draper (International Socialism, nr.52, efterår 1991, s.137-149)
“Theres is much in Draper’s book that can be discussed here … but whatever the criticisms, Draper was fighting to defend and enrich the politics of socialism from below, and retained his conviction that the revolutionary ideas of Marx and Engels provided the key to this”.
Vol. 5: War & Revolution
By Hal Draper and Ernest Haberkern (Monthly Reivew Press and Center for Socialist History, 2005, 298 s.)
På svensk: Karl Marx’ Revolutionsteori. Band V: Krig och revolution (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 144 s.)
Anmeldt af:
Sarah Knopp: Marxism and war (International Socialist Review, nr.51, jan.-feb. 2007). Scroll ned.
“This volume, like the others in Draper’s series, is a must-read for modern revolutionary socialists. It not only sets the historical record straight, but also provides a useful historical foundation and starting point for the socialist theories of revolution and national self-determination today.”
Simon Basketter: What Marx really said (International Socialism, nr.110, forår 2006, s.186-189)
“The book has been put together by Draper’s long time collaborator E Harberkern, and occasionally reads as a collection of extended notes … But overall it is a valuable addition to an already indispensable collection of work.” Og i dansk oversættelse: Hvad Marx i virkeligheden sagde (Lars Henrik Carlskovs blog)
Tom Unterrainer: Marx and the ‘Marxist line’ on war (Solidarity, årg.3, nr.88, 23. feb. 2006)
“The concern of this volume is not to develop the ‘Marxist line’ on war, but to account for the many complex and often forgotten episodes to which Marx and Engels were forced to react. For Marx the issue was not just to explain why wars happened but also to determine what impact war would have on the working class movement and any prospects for revolution.”
Marx-Engels Cyclopedia
(New York, Scocken Books, 1985-1986). See Center for Socialist History.
Vol. 1: The Marx–Engels Chronicle.
A day-to-day chronology of Marx and Engels’ lives and activities (xxii, 297 s.).
Vol. 2: The Marx–Engels Register.
A bibliography of Marx and Engels’ individual writings (xxx, 271 s.).
Vol. 3.: The Marx–Engels Glossary.
A dictionary of all proper names mentioned in Volumes 1 and 2: persons, periodicals, parties, organizations, etc. (xx, 249 s.)
Berkeley:The New Student Revolt (1965)

“Don’t trust anyone over thirty’ became a motto of the Free Speech Movement … Hal Draper is one of the few ‘over thirty’ who were familiar with the events of the struggle from the very beginning, and who understood well enough to take the students seriously. He has always been ready with encouragement, but has consistently refrained from giving inappropriate and unsolicited ‘vintage 1930’ advice. This is far from common with our ‘fathers’”. See Thomas Harrison’s review of the new edition (Haymarket Books, 2020, 280 p.): The student uprising that ushered in the radical sixties: The Berkeley Free Speech Movemen (New Politics/Blog, August 19, 2020) + Samuel Farber: The Berkeley Free Speech Movement, 56 years later (Jacobin, September 3, 2020) + Joel Geier: Radicals and the Berkeley Free Speech Movement (Jacobin, December 21, 2020) + review by Josh Newman (Counterfire, April 1, 2021).
The Mind of Clark Kerr (1964)
“The Independent Socialist Club publishes this pamphlet as its contribution to understanding the background of the Battle of Berkeley of October 1-2, 1964, and, perhaps more important, as an aid to continuing and extending the struggle in which this event was one battle. In this battle, a magnificent mobilization by the students won an important beachhead, but the victory for freedom of speech and political action is still ahead”. På norsk: Clark Kerrs tanker (pdf) (Vardøger, nr.1, 1969). See also Alan Johnson: ‘The Bible of the Free Speech Movement’: Hal Draper’s The Mind of Clark Kerr revisited (pdf) (13 s.).
MS Fnd in a Lbry
A satirical science fiction short story about the exponential growth of information (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1961). Se Wikipedia.org.
Dansk udgave: ‘Ms fndt på bt’. I: Det sidste spørgsmål og andre historie. Red. Arne Herløv Petersen (Stig Vendelkær, 19734, side 54-61).
Om Hal Draper / About Hal Draper
Against the Current
Ernie Haberkern: In memoriam – Hal Draper (nr.25, marts-april 1990, s.48-49)
Historical Materialism
Alan Johnson: Third Camp Socialism (nr.5, winter 1999, s.301-325). Anmelderartikel af Sean Matgamna (ed.): Lost texts of critical marxism (1998) + Ernest E. Haberkern/Arthur Lipow (eds.): Neither capitalism nor socialism (1996)
Alan Johnson: Hal Draper: a biographical sketch (nr.4, summer 1999, s.181-186)
International Socialism
Derek Howl: The legacy of Hal Draper (nr.52, efterår 1991, s.137-149)
“Theres is much in Draper’s book that can be discussed here … but whatever the criticisms, Draper was fighting to defend and enrich the politics of socialism from below, and retained his conviction that the revolutionary ideas of Marx and Engels provided the key to this.”
Anmelderartikel af Karl Marx’s theory of revolution, vol. 4.
Steve Wright: Hal Draper’s Marxism (nr.47, sommer 1990, s.157-189)
“It is certain that Hal Draper would have liked to be remebered for having helped build a succesful revolutionary party. Objective circumstances made this tremendously difficult. The books Draper has written on Marx’s ideas will long outlive him. They are vastly superior to the academic alternatives. But the exegesis contained in them cannot remain unflawd by the theoretical standpoint of the author.”
International Socialist Review
Joel Geier: Hal Draper’s contribution to revolutionary Marxism: Socialism from below (nr.107, vinter 2017-18, s.87-108). På svensk (Marxistarkiv.se, 7.9.2020).
“The aim of this essay is to introduce to the newly emerging socialist movement Draper’s central role as the Marxist navigator of late-twentieth-century American socialism, free of all the distortions of socialism from above.”
Tony Tracy: Hal Draper (1998)
Marxist Left Review
Draper, Lenin and the dictatorship of the proletariat (nr.24, vinter 2022)
“Duncan Hart examines the concept of the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ in its historical context, and argues that Hal Draper was wrong to argue that Lenin’s interpretation was an anti-democratic departure from that of Marx and Engels.”
Marxists Internet Archive
E. Haberkern: Introduction to Hal Draper (1998)
New Interventions
Sheila Cohen: Why we should recognise the unions: Marx and Engels’ position on trade unionism as exposed in the work of Hal Draper (årg.6, nr.1, feb. 1995, s.6-11; online at Internet Archive)
“In the second volume of the massive multi-part work by the American trotskyist Hal Draper, Karl Marx’s theory of revolution, are hidden two chapters on the Marxist position on trade unionism which strike me as extremely significant for our understanding and assessment of this question.”
New Politics
The Third Camp in theory and practice: An interview with Joanne Landy and Thomas Harrison (12. august 2018). Originally published in Left History (årg.21, nr.2, 2017/18)
“As young radicals, Landy and Harrison gravitated to the ‘third camp’ wing of the organized left.” About Hal Draper, scroll down to the section “The Independent Socialist Club”.
Alan Johnson: ‘Neither Washington nor Moscow’: the third camp as history and a living legacy (nr.27, summer 1999, årg.7, nr.3, s. 135-165)
“The purposes of this essay are twofold. First, to reconstruct the birth of Third Camp socialism in the split with Trotsky over the question of Russia’s wars in Finland and Poland in 1939-40 … Second, the essay will explore the meaning of the Third Camp in today’s post-Communist world …”
Arthur Lipow: Hal Draper: a tribute (nr.9, sommer 1990, s.126-28)
Reds – Die Roten
Milton Fisk: Socialism from below in the United States: the origins of the International Socialist Organization (1977)
Publikationen har kapitler om The Workers’ Party fra 1930erne til The Independent Socialist Clubs i 1960’erne.
Socialist Party of America
Hal Draper: American socialist, activist and author. With “Selected readings from Hal Draper”.
Brian Bean: Critical thoughts about Hal Draper’s “Micro-sect” (29. marts 2019)
“The crisis in the ISO has generated a lot of interest in various writings about the challenges of building small revolutionary organizations … Here, Brian Bean offers a critical appraisal of Draper’s contributions to this debate.”
Hal Draper’s America as Overlord (8. marts 2023)
“Samuel Farber provides the foreword in the Haymarket-published book America as Overlord, a collection of essays written by Hal Draper in the 1950s and 1960s on the role of U.S. imperialism from World War II to the Vietnam War.”
What Next?
Ian Birchall: Hal Draper and the International Socialists (nr.11, 1998; online at Internet Archive)
“Hal Draper’s document, ‘Toward a New Beginning’ (What Next? No.10) is an important and interesting historical text. Although I, for one, disagree with it quite radically, I welcome its inclusion in the journal.”
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Workers Liberty
Sean Matgamna: Hal Draper and Israel (nr.50-51, okt.-nov. 1998, s.50-56)
“Sean Matgamna, responding to Alan Johnson’s article in WL49, argues that Hal Draper’s writings on Israel included misleading ambiguities.”
Alan Johnson: The ‘other Trotskyists’ and Palestine (nr.49, sept. 1998, s.25-30)
“An in-depth survey of the views of the ‘third camp’ American socialist Hal Draper on Israel/Palestine from the late 1940’s to his death in 1990.”