Charles Dickens. Britisk forfatter og journalist, der levede fra 7/2 1812 – 9/6 1870. Han er mest kendt for sine sociale og samfundskritiske romaner – ofte udgivet som føljeton.
- Biogafier / leksikalt
- Artikler på dansk
- Articles in English
- Værker / Works
- Videos
- Se også / See also
Charles Dickens. Af Lars Ole Sauerberg (Denstoredanske)
Charles Dickens (Bibliografi.dk: international forfatterbibliografi). 83 titler med angivelser af alle udgaver, udkommet i Danmark – på dansk og engelsk.
Charles Dickens. By Abigail Josephsen (Litteratursiden.dk). Med artikler om hans forfatterskab + oversigt med udvalgte bøger af/om Charles Dickens.
Charles Dickens (Wikipedia.org). Lang engelsk artikel med links til kort dansk – men med gode links – og længere norsk artikel.
Dickens 2012 : Celebrating the 200th birthday of Charles Dickens (site). Film, TV & Radio – Literature & Education – Exhibitions – Theatre & Performing Arts – Festival & Outdoors + Events Calender (Charles Dickens Museum
and Film London + The Dickens Fellowship).
Artikler på dansk
De fattiges digter Charles Dickens 200 år. Af Bjarne Nielsen (Arbejderen.dk, 15. februar 2012)
“Den store britiske forfatter Charles Dickens bevarede hele livet sit indre barn og havde nemt ved at identificere sig med de små i samfundet. Han er blevet kaldt det 18. århundredes børneombudsmand.”
Glimrende biografi går i fodsporet på Charles Dickens. Af Per Theil (Politiken.dk, 29. december 2011). Anmeldelse af Claire Tomalin, Charles Dickens: A Life (Penguin/Viking, 2011)
“Til februar er det 200 år siden, Charles Dickens blev født. Forfatteren blev 1800-tallets svar på en børnenes ombudsmand.”
Julens demokratisering: Om Charles Dickens. Af Martin Toft (Litteratursiden.dk, 2003; online på Internet Archive)
“Litteraturen fra den tid bidrog til at nyfortolke bl.a. julens funktion i en moderne sammenhæng. Her træder særligt én forfatter frem, nemlig Charles Dickens (1812-1870), som skrev en lang række julehistorier i tidstypiske opsætninger.”
Articles in English

Charles Dickens: political and socialist views. By Michael Wolf (Slideshare.net)
Slideshow om Dickens sociale tanker og bestræbelser.
The festive utopia (Weekly Worker, Issue 1519, 12 December 2024)
“A collision of two worlds: on the one side, the dingy, foggy London in cold midwinter, and on the other, a fantastical world peopled by spirits. Paul Demarty, in an unusually cheerful mood, revisits Charles Dickens’ A Christmas carol.”
Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations gets a gritty 21st century reboot. By Eileen Jones (Jacobin, April 1, 2023). “Steven Knight’s new adaptation of Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations gets adds drug addiction, the slave trade and even sadomasochistic sex. But lurid flourishes alone can’t save this adaptation.”
BBC’s Great Expectations foregrounds action and filth. By Gareth Jenkins (Socialist Worker, Issue 2847, 21 March 2023). “This version of Great Expectations draws out the sordid world of hypocrisy and corruption that Charles Dickens’ novel hinted at.”
The campaign to smear novelist Charles Dickens as a racist. By David Walsh (World
Socialist Web Site, 10 July 2020). “… a campaign against Dickens as a misogynist, imperialist, anti-Semite and reactionary defender of law and order has been under way for decades in pseudo-left, feminist and postmodernist academic circles.” See also: Racism in the works of Charles Dickens (Wikipedia.org).
The Man Who Invented Christmas: Charles Dickens and the writing of A Christmas Carol. Film review by Joanne Laurier (World Socialist Web Site, 8 December 2017). Directed by Bharat Nalluri; screenplay by Susan Coyne, based on the book by Les Standiford.
A new film version of Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations: ‘Those wretched hankerings after money and gentility’. By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 20 November 2013)
“It is an intelligent and moving version of the book, with a good deal to say in its own right.”
A writer for new hard times. By Bill Keach (SocialistWorker.org, April 5, 2012)
“Two hundred years after his birth, the British novelist Charles Dickens still has much to tell us about capitalist society.”
Charles Dickens: the making of a great writer. By Andy Ford (Socialism Today, Issue 156, March 2012)
“His legacy has been claimed by many … What they neglect to mention, of course, was his anger, even despair, at the callous indifference of ‘the great and the good’ to the plight of the poor, and official inaction against the abuses he exposed.”
Dickens the radical. By Gareth Jenkins (Socialist Review, Issue 366, February 2012)
“The great Victorian novelist Charles Dickens was born 200 years ago this month. Gareth Jenkins looks back at his life and work.”
The function of Dickens (Weekly Worker, Issue 902, February 23 2012)
“The English literary establishment fully mobilised for the Charles Dickens bicentenary. But, wonders Harley Filben, why is it so in need of heroes?”
Today’s social divide and the Charles Dickens bicentenary. By John Clayton and Paul Bond (World Socialist Web Site, 23 February 2012)
“Celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of English novelist Charles Dickens (1812-1870) reveal the contemporary version of the official hypocrisy generated by acute social divisions that the author spent much of his life pillorying.”
Contradictory Dickens (Red Pepper, February 2012)
“On the bicentenary of Charles Dickens’ birth, Terry Eagleton looks at the contradictions of the man and his work.”
Dickens: more than Victorian values. By Lindsey German (Counterfire, 24 December 2011)
“The 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens’ birth should be marked as something more than an excuse for more costume drama series’ on television and the promotion of Victorian values.”
Who was Charles Dickens? By Robert Gottlieb (The New York Review of Books, Vol.57, No.10, June 10, 2010)
Review article of seven books about Dickens.
Revolution rewritten. By Jack Farmer (International Socialism, Issue 129, Winter 2011). Review of Colin Jones, Josephine McDonagh and Jon Mee (eds), Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities and the French Revolution (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)
“Charles Dickens was not a writer who liked to sit on the fence. A passionate advocate of reform, his novels rail against all manner of social ills.”
The Pagan winter. By Harley Filben (Weekly Worker, Issue 846, December 16, 2010)
“Charles Dickens and his ‘A Christmas carol’ are routinely represented as a conscience-pricking call for charity at this time of the year. But, argues Harley Filben, there is more to the novel than that.”
Dickens: a twist in the tale. By Anindya Bhattacharyya (Socialist Worker, Issue 1972, 15 October 2005; online at Internet Archive)
“Michael Rosen talks about his new book Dickens: His Work and His World (Candlewick Press, 2005).”
We could all do with some more Charles Dickens. By Gareth Jenkins (Socialist Worker, Issue 1675, 4 December 1999)
“His novels are full of angry protests about the way those at the top of society blamed the poor for their own poverty. The workhouse summed up the way the poor were brutalised.”
Charles Dickens (1939). By George Orwell (The collected essays, journalism and letters of George Orwell, Vol.1, Penguin 1979, p. 454-504; online at George-Orwell.org)
“The truth is that Dickens’s criticism of society is almost exclusively
moral. Hence the utter lack of any constructive suggestion anywhere in
his work.”
Charles Dickens (1912). By Franz Mehring (Marxists Internet Archive)
“One cannot call him, then, a socialist writer. He lacked any speculative plan or inclination along these lines, quite aside from the fact that it was much more difficult then than now to visualize bourgeois society overthrown and reconstructed on new foundations.”

Værker / Works
I februar 1837 begynder Charles Dickens publ. af romanen Oliver Twist i hefteform. / February 1837 Dickens started publish the novel Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist (Wikipedia.no). Norsk Wiki-artikel med links til større engelske.
The real Oliver Twist. By Manny Thain (International Socialist Voice, 9 October 2007). Review of John Waller’s book (Icon Books, 2007)
Oliver Twist: an indictment of Victorian cruelty (Socialist Worker, Issue 1972, 15 October 2005). Lindsey German reviews Roman Polanski’s new film.
See also review by Gareth Jenkins: A new twist on Dickens (Socialist Review, October 2005; online at Internet Archive)
Oliver Twist (1948) – Oliver meets Fagin (YouTube.com, 6:07 min.). Oliver Twist (John Howard Davies) meets Fagin (Alec Guinness) in David Lean’s 1948 movie Oliver Twist.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (1844) Whole Book (YouTube.com, 2:58.38 hours). With synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions.
Dickens/Cukor: David Copperfield (1849) (YouTube.com, 5:42 min.). Director: George Cukor (1935).Scenes with W.C. Fields & Basil Rathbone.
Great Expectations (1861) / Full Movie/The classic story of Pip the British orphan (YouTube.com; 1:53.21 hours). Director: David Lean, 1946.
Charles Dickens’ literary war with the real life Ebeneezer Scrooge (Socialist Worker, Issue 2290,18 February 2012; online at Internet Archive)
“200 years after the birth of Charles Dickens, Michael Rosen takes a new look at two of his best-loved works.” (A Christmas Carol + Great Expectation)
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