Links om Bob Marley og hans musik / Links on Bob Marley and his music.
Ja, vi ved godt, at det var “Yesterday”, at det var Bob Marleys 70 års fødselsdag. Men det er aldrig for sent at fejre Bob Marley og hans musik. Hør “Yesterdays’ Dreams” (YouTube, 3:46 min.).
Yes, we do know, that it was “Yesterday”, that was Bob Marley’s 70th birthday. But it’s never too late to celebrate the life and music of Bob Marley. Listen to “Yesterday’s dreams” (YouTube, 3:46 min).
- Bob Marley (Wikipedia.dk). Og længere på engelsk med mange links.
- BobMarley.com. Stort fan-site.
Artikler på dansk:
Bob Marley var mere end en ganjarygende fredsprofet. Af Troels Heeger (Information.dk, 6. februar 2015). “Hans sange er popkulturelle evergreens med militante budskaber.”
Bob Marley – Revolutionære rødder. Af Brian Richardson (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr. 239, 2. marts 2005, s. 12). “Marley var en utrolig politisk figur, på trods af hans egen benægtelse heraf.”
Articles etc. in English:
Bob Marley: One Love—Airbrushing the complicated life of the great reggae singer. By Paul Bond (World Socialist Web Site, February 26, 2024). “Marley was more complex than painted here. Marcus Green offers only perfunctory indications of this complexity, confined within a framework of saintly justness.”
Bob Marley’s peace gesture supported radical change in Jamaica. By Brian Meeks (Jacobin, June 30, 2021). “An iconic 1978 image shows Bob Marley uniting left- and right-wing party leaders on stage, calling for a truce. Misread as apolitical, his gesture was actually meant to rescue a socialist political movement in danger.”
A brief history of seven Bob Marley songs. By Brian Richardson (Socialist Review, Issue 409, January 2016). Brian Richardson is author of Bob Marley: Roots, Reggae & Revolution (Redwords, 2015, 112 p.)
Marley as artist and activist. By Jade Baker (Solidarity, Issue 250, 20 June 2012). Review of Kevin Macdonald’s documentary Marley (2012).
Marley’s cry of rage against poverty still rings out today. By Yuri Prasad (Socialist Worker, Issue 2301, 5 May 2012). Review of Marley, directed by Kevin MacDonald.
Bob Marley: ‘Rasta don’t work for no CIA’. By David T. Rowlands (Green Left Weekly, Issue 891, August 14, 2011). “The Bob Marley songbook is bursting with eloquent social protest …”
Bob Marley’s legacy of unity (SocialistWorker.org, May 23, 2011). “Thirty years after his death, Alexander Billet looks at the legacy of a reggae legend.”
Bob Marley was an Anarchist (YouTube, 1:43 min.). Uploadet 19/02/2010. “Interview with Bob Marley in which his view on politics comes across very ‘anarchist’. Good insight into who Bob Marley really was.” With comments.
Bob Marley was a revolutionary voice for the human rights of the poor and a prophet of our times. By Edward Tsumele (Sowetan, February 18, 2011). “His demise robbed the world of one of its brightest prophets and human rights campaigners …”
A tribute to a true revolutionary – Bob Marley (article, albums & downloads). By Domcoreleone (Corleone, Hold the Throne, 7 February 2010).
Bob Marley. By Dave Gorton (The Socialist, Issue 548, 17 September 2008). Review of Jason Toynbee, Bob Marley: Herald of the Postcolonial World? (Polity, 2007).
Bob Marley: Roots revolutionary. By Brian Richardson (Socialist Review, January 2005). (Se dansk oversættelse ovenfor).
DailyMotion – Bob Marley videos (App. 80 min.).
Get up, stand up/ Stand up for your rights
Get up, stand up/ Don’t give up the fight
“Get Up, Stand Up,” 1973(YouTube, 6:07 min.).
Se også/See also:
How the IMF wrecked Jamaica. By Abbie Bakan (Socialist Worker, Issue 2059, 10 July 2007). “Thirty years ago the US and the IMF moved to destabilise Jamaica’s radical government …”
Don’t worry be Happy (YouTube, 4:01 min.).
Bob Marley: Revolution (YouTube, 3:12 min.)