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A demonstration of workers from the Putilov plant in Petrograd (modern day St. Peterburg), Russia, during the February Revolution. The left banner reads (misspelt) "Feed [plural imperative] the children of the defenders of the motherland"; the right banner, "Increase payments to the soldiers' families - defenders of freedom and world peace". Both refer to the economic toll the First World War was having on civilian life, February 1917 (probably around March 7 [O.S. February 22]) Photo: Unknown. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1917.
Februarrevolutionen i Rusland 1917: at storme himlen. Af Alan Woods (Revolution, 27. februar 2017). “På baggrund af erfaringerne fra 1905 oprettede arbejderne sovjetter (arbejderråd) for at overtage styringen med samfundet.”
Februar-revolutionen: 100-året for Den Russiske Revolution. Af Lene Junker (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr.357, 17. februar 2017). “Revolutionen kom uventet. De politiske ledere i opposition til det enevældige zarstyre spillede ingen rolle.”
Opstanden, der bragte tre århundreders zar-styre til fald. Af Kirstin Roberts (Socialistisk Information, 4. februar 2017). “Februarrevolutionen var et lysende fyrtårn af inspiration for arbejdere og undertrykte overalt i verden.”
Reading Guide: The 1917 February Revolution (In Defence of October, 13 March 2017)
A guide to the February Revolution. By Eric Blanc (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 8 March 2017). “One hundred years after the February Revolution, we answer your questions about the historic rebellion.”
The story of the February Revolution. By Kevin Murphy (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 8 March 2017). “Russian workers went on strike on International Women’s Day 1917. They ended up toppling tsarism.”
Before February. By Todd Chretien (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 8 March 2017). “The February Revolution erupted 100 years ago today and swept away a blood-soaked monarchy.”
Fidelity to February: The People’s revolution (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, March 7, 2017). “In days where revolution can seem more remote than ever, Dan Swain explores the height of the February revolution and reflects on its relevance to revolutionary politics today.”
Caught in the Revolution. By Alan Gibson (Socialist Review, Issue 422, March 2017). Review of Helen Rappaport’s book (Windmill Books, 2017, 464 p.). “Helen Rappaport has skilfully woven together the accounts and reports made by more than 80 foreigners who were either visiting or working in Petrograd on International Women’s Day 1917 …”
February 1917 – when workers remade history (Socialist Worker, Issue 2544, 7 March 2017). “A century ago this week in Russia, the February Revolution ended an ancient dictatorship and began the quest for a new society.”
‘From the slow river into a rapid’ (Socialist Review, Issue 421, February 2017). “In February 1917 Russian workers toppled the hated emperor, beginning a process of mass revolt … Esme Choonara explains how discontent turned into revolution.”
1917: The view from the streets: Leaflets of the Russian revolution (John Riddell: Marxist Essays and Commentary, December 2016 – ). “A series of new translations of revolutionary leaflets and statements being published in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution …”:
Leaflet 5: Women’s Day in Russia 1917: A day to prepare for victory (March 6/February 21, 1917). “A leaflet issued by Russian socialists 100 years ago to honor Working Women’s Day anticipated the revolution that began that day.” With links to Leaflet 1-4.
The opening days of the Russian Revolution (Workers’ Liberty, 15 February 2017). “This extract from Paul Vernadsky’s forthcoming book on the revolution describes the background and opening events – the democratic revolution, ousting the Tsar, which would eventual lead to a workers’ revolution.”
February’s forgotten vanguard. By Jason Yanowitz (International Socialist Review, Issue 75, January–February 2011). “After discussing the political and economic situation the left faced leading up to February, I will go through the major flaws of the spontaneity argument. In reality, socialists were involved at every stage of the revolutionary process in Russia.” + Debate between Paul D’Amato and Jason Yanowitz: Spontaneity and Revolution (Issue 78, July-August 2011)
The February Revolution (, May 17, 2013/March 2, 2007). “Kirstin Roberts tells the story of an uprising that toppled three centuries of Tsarist rule.”
February 1917: the fall of the tsar. By Kevin Ramage (Socialist Alternative, October 1987). “The February revolution in Russia opened nine months of titanic class struggle which culminated in the coming to power of the working class …”
The Petrograd workers and the Fall of the Old Régime: From the February Revolution to the July Days, 1917 (pdf). By David Mandel (MacMillan, 1983, 213 p.). “This is a study of the first months of the Russian Revolution as seen from the factory districts of Petrograd, the ‘red capital’.”
The February Revolution + The Bolsheviks in February + The Mensheviks and the February Revolution + The Bolsheviks and the Provisional Government. Chapter in Alan Woods: Bolshevism: The Road to Revolution (Wellred, 1999, p.503-532)
Before Lenin: Bolshevik theory and practice in February 1917 revisited. By Eric Blair (Historical Materialism, Blog, 27 February 2017). “One hundred years after the revolution, it is well past time for Marxists to take a fresh look at what Bolsheviks said and did on the ground in 1917.”
Danmark afhænder Dansk Vestindien/De Vestindiske Øer til USA for 25 millioner dollars efter folkestemning kun i Danmark 14. december 1916 (64.5 % for salg).
Kolonihistorisk Center: For et nyt kolonihistorisk perspektiv (site; online på Internet Archive, 2023). “Foreningen for et kolonihistorisk center (KOHI) blev etableret i 2015 med ønsket om at skabe fokus på dansk kolonihistorie i en dansk offentlighed.”
For 100 år siden solgte vi De Vestindiske Øer. I år kan vi lære om dengang, Danmark var en kolonimagt. Af Torben Sangild (Zetland, 21. februar 2017). “Slavehandel, grusomheder og eftervirkninger af den danske kolonialisme … der [er] et hav af arrangementer, der giver anledning til selvransagelse. Vi har udvalgt fem forskellige genveje til Vestindien.”
100-årsdag vækker Danmarks kontroversielle kolonifortid til live. Af Karen Lerbech Pedersen (, 27. marts 2017). “100-året for salget af De Vestindiske Øer får museer og forlag til at føre et til tider hengemt kapitel i danmarkshistorien frem i lyset.”
Da Danmark var en slavenation: om slaveriet og De Vestindiske Øer fra 1600-tallet til nu (pdf). Af Rikke Alberg Peters, Peter Yding Brunbech, Christina Louise Sørensen og Jens Aage Poulsen (HistorieLab – Nationalt Videncenter for Historie- og Kulturarvsformidling, 2016, 60 s.). Undervisningsmateriale bygget op omkring kilder, spørgsmål mm. til 7.-10 klasse.
Lokal folkehelt gav sorte danskvestindere en stemme. Af Jon Mathorne (, 6. januar 2018). “Avisen blev et værktøj for arbejderlederen David Hamilton Jackson. Gennem den styrkede han sine sorte landsmænds mod til at kæmpe for deres rettigheder.”
Se også Erik Gøbel: David Hamilton Jackson, 1884-1946 (, 11. januar 2017). “Han spillede en vigtig rolle i arbejderbefolkningens organisering og politiske bevidstgørelse i kolonien – og blev en svoren fjende af det lokale danske styre.”
Salget af Dansk Vestindien endte i politisk fnidder. Af Jon Mathorne (, 19. marts 2017). “USA var i begyndelsen af Første Verdenskrig interesseret i at overtage de danske øer i Caribien. I Danmark blev spørgsmålet forvandlet til et slagsmål ompropaganda og politiske drillerier.”
Det var strejke, ikke oprør!: i anledning af 100-året for Transferday 2017 (pdf). Af Michael Keldsen (Dansk Vestindisk Selskab; Magasinet, årg.51, nr.4, november 2016, s.12-14; scroll ned). “Nogle refleksioner over begivenhederne i 1915-16, der bl.a. involverede David Hamilton Jackson.”
Huller i hukommelsen. Af Michelle Arrouas (, 7. oktober 2016). “Op til 100-året for salget af Jomfruøerne retter en bølge af bøger opmærksomhed mod Danmarks kolonitid …”
Det var en god tid for Danmark … Af Emil Eggert Scherrebeck (, 19. januar 2015). “Danskere er i mange år blevet undervist ud fra mangelfuldt undervisningsmateriale i forhold til Danmarks kolonihistorie. Men de seneste 10-15 år er der sket et markant skifte. Nyere undervisningsmateriale til folkeskolen behandler emnet nøgternt, nuanceret og uden nostalgi, mener forskere.”
Den dansk-vestindiske arbejderbevægelse og strejken i 1916 (pdf) (Meddelelser om Forskning i Arbejderklassens Historie, nr.16, maj 1981, s.5-19). “Denne gang bringer vi en artikel om en mindre kendt side af arbejderbevægelsens historie. Det er Peter Hoxcer Jensens bidrag om den vestindiske arbejderbevægelse og strejken i 1916, hvis forløb bl.a. blev præget af forbindelserne til arbejderbevægelsen i Danmark.” Scroll ned.
Den sociale uro på St. Croix 1915-16, specielt med henblik på den af David Hamilton Jackson ledede strejke i januar-februar 1916, og udvalgte danske avisers behandling heraf (pdf). Af Inge Evald Hansen (Speciale i historie, Århus Universitet, efterår 1981, 116 s.; online på “Bag hele organiseringen af arbejderne og tilrettelægqelsen af strejken stod læreren David Hamilton Jackson. Et af de viqtigste punkter i strejkens baggrund var Jacksons rejse til Danmark i sommeren 1915.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen 3. juli 1848 om slaveri og frigivelsen i Dansk Vestindien.
Illustration fra bladet Klods Hans No. 14, Januar 1917, Tegning: Alfred Schmidt (1858-1938). Public Domain.
Karikaturtegningen er af Alfred Schmidt i Klods-Hans, januar 1917. Tekst: “den rige moster Wilson (som har adopteret Børnene for en pæn Sum en Gang for alle): ”” Kom nu boys, saa gaar vi hen og køber jer en fin ny Dragt og et Gulduhr med Kæde.”
Mr. Wilson er den amerikanske præsident 1913-1921, Woodrow Wilson. De tre små hedder St. Thomas, St. Jan & St. Croix. I baggrunden skynder fatter sig ind i det strå-tækte Danmark, med pengeposen i armene: 25 mill. $.
6. april 1917
Det krigsstøttende tyske socialdemokrati bliver splittet og centrum/venstre og pacifisterne stifter Uafhængige Tyske Socialdemokrati, USPD, i Gotha, i den tyske delstat Thüringen. Tilsluttede sig Komintern ved Halle-kongressen 12.-17. oktober 1920 og blev splittet. Opløst 1931.
Zinoviev in Halle (Weekly Worker, Issue 1319, October 15, 2020). “To mark the centenary of the pivotal Halle congress of the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany on October 20 1920, Ben Lewis looks at the lead-up to and consequences of Grigory Zinoviev’s marathon four-hour speech.” See the speech: World revolution and the Third International (Communist Party of Great Britain)
Zinoviev and Martov- head to head in Halle (Weekly Worker, Issue 880, September 8, 2011). Ben Lewis’s introduction to a new book, Martov and Zinoviev: Head to Head in Halle (November Publications, 2011, 228 p.). See review by E. Haberkern: The debate at Halle (Against the Current, Issue 156, January-February 2012)
In Petrograd. Chapter in N.K. Krupskaya, Reminiscences of Lenin (1933) (International Publishers, 1970; online at Marxists Internet Archive)
100-året for Den Russiske Revolution: Lenins aprilteser. Af Jørn Andersen (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr.359, 1. maj 2017). “Den russiske revolution startede ‘spontant’ – uden en synlig politisk ledelse. Men at fuldføre den krævede, at de revolutionære kastede sig ind i kampen om dens politiske retning.”
Da den revolutionære marxisme ændrede verdenshistorien. Af Jørgen Holst (Socialistisk Information, 14. april 2017). “[Om] Lenins ankomst … i Petrograd, og hans første politiske tale om arbejderklassens opgaver og revolutionens karakter i det nye revolutionære demokrati.”
Lenins Aprilteser. Af Rasmus Jeppesen (Revolution, 13. april 2017). “Lenins Aprilteser blev et vendepunkt for Bolsjevikpartiet. Det satte dem på kurs mod at lede arbejderklassens magtovertagelse i Rusland i oktober 1917.”
April 1917: How Lenin rearmed. By Paul D’Amato (International Socialist Review, Issue 106, Fall 2017, p.1-28). “The intersection of theory and practice in the Russian Revolution.”
Lenin’s April Theses and the Russian Revolution. By Kevin Corr (International Socialism, Issue 154, Spring 2017, p.67-94). “The role of the soviets and the matter of the provisional government were to be the two key features of the April Theses.”
From the Finland Station. By Yurii Colombo (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 16 April 2017). “Lenin arrived at Finland Station 100 years ago today, reshaping Bolshevik strategy and the course of the Russian Revolution.”
The ironic triumph of ‘old Bolshevism’. By Lars T. Lih (John Riddell: Marxist Essays and Commentary, June 1, 2015). “The ‘April debates’ and their impact on Bolshevik strategy in 1917.”
Lenin prepares the Bolsheviks (, May 24, 2013). “Todd Chretien describes how Lenin and the Bolshevik Party changed course after the Tsar was toppled …”
April theses: before and after April 1917. By Lars T. Lih (Weekly Worker, Issue 939, November 22, 2012). “The April theses represented Bolshevik continuity rather than a break.”
Lenin rearms the party. Chapter in Tony Cliff: Lenin. Vol. 2: All Power to the Soviet (Pluto Press, 1976, p.119-139)
Se også:
Old Bolshevism, new Bolshevism, and Lenin’s April Theses: Karl Kautsky as theorist of Permanent Revolution? (New Politics, Issue 74, Winter 2023). “John Marot defends the interpretation of Lenin’s April Theses as the pivotal turning point for the Bolsheviks, countering Lars Lih’s and Eric Blanc’s historical narrative.”
The Bolsheviks in 1917: Index to a Debate (John Riddell: Marxist Essays and Commentary, October 12, 2017). “The following are the contributions published so far in an ongoing discussion initiated by Lars Lih and Eric Blanc.”
Consistent Bolshevik message (Weekly Worker, Issue 1329, 7 January 2021). “Did Lenin’s April theses lead to a complete change of policy? Lars T Lih continues his series, arguing that the opposite is the case.” See also: Lenin in his own words (Ibid.).
A curious case (Weekly Worker, Issue 1328, 17 December 2020). “Were the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Kamenev supporters of the Provisional Government and hostile to soviet power? Lars T Lih puts the story straight.” See also: One-liners: Lev Kamenev in March-April 1917 (Ibid.).
‘All Power to the Soviets! A seven-part series by Lars T. Lih (John Riddell: Marxist Essays and Commentary): Part 1: Biography of a slogan (March 23, 2017) Part 2: The proletariat and its ally: The logic of Bolshevik ‘hegemony’ (April 26, 2017) Part 3: Letter from Afar, corrections from up close: Censorship or retrofit? (June 24, 2017) Part 4: Thirteen to two: Petrograd Bolsheviks debate the April Theses (July 20, 2017) Part 5: Lenin refutes a misreading of the April Theses (August 15, 2017) Part 6: The character of the Russian Revolution: Trotsky 1917 vs Trotsky 1924 (October 25, 2017). Part 7: ‘We demand the publication of the secret treaties’: Biography of a sister slogan (April 2, 2018).
Putting the record straight (Weekly Worker, Issue 1178, November 9, 2017). “Jack Conrad argues that those who still insist on claiming that there was some kind of programmatic break in April 1917 are, for their own particular reasons, desperate to defend a radically false version of history.”
Re-Arming the party: Bolsheviks and socialist revolution in 1917. By Paul Le Blanc (October 21, 2017). “A valuable contribution to scholarship on Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Russian Revolution of 1917 has – through iconoclastic overstatement – been transformed into an odd and misleading conceptualization by two scholars …”
Rearming the April theses (Weekly Worker, Issue 1170, 14 September 2017). “With the help of some new insights, Rex Dunn argues that Lars T Lih’s continuity theory does not stand up, despite the new evidence he has uncovered.
False memory syndrome. By Jack Conrad (Weekly Worker, Issue 1150, 13 April 2017). “Far from being disproved by 1917, the standing programme of Bolshevism found vindication.”
Before Lenin: Bolshevik theory and practice in February 1917 revisited. By Eric Blanc (Historical Materialism, Blog, 27 February 2017; online at Links). “Assessing Bolshevik policy before Lenin’s return to Russia in April 1917 has long been one of the most heated historiographic controversies in the socialist movement.”
A revolutionary line of march: ‘Old Bolshevism’ in early 1917 re-examined. By Eric Blanc (Historical Materialism, Blog, 31 March 2017; online at Internet Archive). “Through a re-examination of Bolshevik politics in March 1917, the following article demonstrates that the prevailing story is historically inaccurate …”
Did the Bolsheviks advocate socialist revolution in 1917? By Eric Blanc (Historical Materialism, Blog, 7 October 2017; online at Internet Archive). “In this article, I take a fresh look at Bolshevik stances on state power and socialist revolution from April through October.”
Lenin, Bolshevism, and Social-Democratic political theory. By John Marot (Historical Materialism, Vol.22, No.2-3, 2014, p.129-171; online at John Riddell: Marxist Essays and Commentary). “The following paper, a criticism of recent studies by Lars Lih …”
Bolshevism was fully armed. By Lars T Lih (Weekly Worker, Issue 1047, 26 February 2015). “Were Lev Kamenev and Pravda ‘semi-Menshevik’ before Lenin’s return to Russia in April 1917?” See Letters: Garbage, by Jim Creegan (Issue 1048, 5 March 2015) + Vindication, by Lars T Lih (Issue 1051, 26 March 2015) + April in Petrograd, by Jim Creegan (Issue 1054, 16 April 2015), with reply from Lars T Lih + Lenin’s programme found vindication, by Jack Conrad (Issue 1053, 23 April 2915)
Supplement: Kautsky, Lenin and the ‘April theses’. By Lars T. Lih (Weekly Worker, Issue 800, January 14, 2010). “Could Karl Kautsky have influenced Vladimir Ilych’s ‘April theses’? Here we print a Karl Kautsky article from April 1917 … It is introduced by Lars T Lih.”
Lenin’s arrival in Russia (Weekly Worker, Issue 1149, 6 April 2017). “One hundred years ago a small group of revolutionaries returned to Russia in the famous ”˜sealed train’. Ben Lewis introduces Grigory Zinoviev’s account of this truly historic event.”
Uddrag 5 af ‘Modstand-4’: Børge Thing – et prisme for koalitionens opløsning (, april 2021). “… Things eget tiårige forløb i den danske hær er et eksempel på, hvordan højre/venstre-koalitionen bag modstandskampen gik i opløsning under Den kolde Krigs første år.”
70 år efter 2. Verdenskrig. Af Sune Hundebøll (, 1. januar 2016). “Ny mindetavle på Axeltorv for BOPA-lederen Børge Thing.” Se også Sune Hundebøll: Mindetavle over Børge Thing (Københavns Biblioteker, 19. februar 2015).
Sådan blev ‘Brandts’ lederskab formet ( “Hvordan udviklede Børge Thing sig til en mand med så stor positiv gennemslagskraft over mange forskellige slags mennesker?”
Bopa sabotage: borgerlige partisaner: brudstykker af en beretning fra kampen mod de tyske besættelsestropper. Samlet af Børge Brandt og Kaj Christiansen (Sirius, 1962, 196 sider). Tidligere udgave med titel: Sabotage (Tiden, 1945)
Personlisten: Morten Thing, om hans søn, historikeren.
20. maj 1917
Tony Cliff, britisk revolutionær og grundlægger af International Socialist Tendency og det britiske International Socialist/Socialist Workers Party (IS/SWP) fødes som Ygael (fra 1930: Ygal) Gluckstein i Zikhron Ya’akov, forstad til Haifa i Palæstina. (Dør 9. maj 2000 i London)
Eric Hobsbawm: Partial publication list (
Eric John Ernest Hobsbawm 1917–2012 (pdf). By Richard J. Evans (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy, Vol.XIV, The British Academy, 2015, p.207-269).
The Eric Hobsbawm Bibliography (site). “It has over 3,000 entries, including details of every published book, journal article, book chapter, review, newspaper article and pamphlet he ever wrote, along with his unpublished work and his private papers.”
Nekrologer mv.:
Nekrolog: Eric Hobsbawm 1917-2012 (pdf). Af Niels Finn Christiansen (Arbejderhistorie, nr.1, juni 2013, s.101-103). “Med Eric Hobsbawms død den 1. oktober 2012 mistede historikerverdenen den sidste af den gruppe markante skikkelser, der omkring 1950 samledes i den britiske Communist Party Historians Group.”
Marxisten, der blev sin tids største historiker. Af Martin Kettle (, 2. oktober 2012). “Eric Hobsbawn forblev marxist til sin død som 95-årig, men nød bred respekt som Storbritanniens førende historiker og en genial syntesemager i sine analyser af kapitalismens historie.”
Marx reebooted – en samtale med Eric Hobsbawm (Autonom Infoservice, 20. september 2016). “Hobsbawm forklarer i en samtale [2008] med Marcello Musto grunden til Karl Marx’s aktuelle betydning.”
Eric Hobsbawm’s success was because of his Marxism, not in spite of it. By Matt Myers (Jacobin, May 3, 2021). “A new documentary on Eric Hobsbawm presents a sensitive portrait of a historian who achieved international acclaim despite his Communist politics. Yet Hobsbawm’s Marxism is fundamental to understanding his work, and why he undertook it in the first place.” See the documentary: Eric Hobsbawm: The Consolations of History (, 83 min.).
Uncovering the many Eric Hobsbawms. By Emile Chabal and Anne Perez (Jacobin, April 27, 2021). “Eric Hobsbawm’s work spanned everything from jazz to the history of banditry, in thousands of texts he wrote in several languages. A new project has brought together his writings in a searchable database — offering readers a goldmine of work by Britain’s greatest Marxist historian.”
Hobsbawm at the margins. By Emile Chabal (Jacobin, July 12, 2019). “Histories of Marxism frequently imagine an essentially European body of thought spreading around the world. Yet, as Eric Hobsbawm’s work shows, revolutionary breakthroughs in the ‘periphery’ could profoundly reshape Western Marxists’ own thinking.”
An uncommon historian. By Matthew Myers (Jacobin, March 25, 2019). Review of Richard Evans, Eric Hobsbawm: A Life in History (Little, Brown, 2019, 800 p.). “Eric Hobsbawm wasn’t just a historian of the twentieth-century communist movement: he was part of it.” See also review by Christian Høgsbjerg (Socialist Review, Issue 446, May 2019). “It is full of fascinating, rich and often amusing vignettes, and Hobsbawm’s life and work is in general brilliantly contextualised, as one would expect given Evans’s honed skills as a social historian of modern Europe.” + review by Pete Mason: From Stalinism to New Labour (Socialism Today, Issue 230, July-August 2019) + review by Logie Barrow: Popular Fronting, 1934-2012 (International Socialism, Issue 164, Autumn 2019) + review by Neil Davidson: The historian as historical subject (Democratic Left Scotland, 7 April 2019) + review by Bryan D. Palmer: Hobsbawn’s Century (Catalyst, Vol.4, No.1, Spring 2020).
Hobsbawm in Italy. By David Broder (Jacobin, November 18, 2018). “Eric Hobsbawm’s close engagement with the Italian Communist Party demonstrated the sharply political character of his work.”
Eric Hobsbawm’s histories. By Christian Høgsbjerg (International Socialism, Issue 157, Winter 2018, p.99-127). “Hobsbawm would have always stood out as a fine historian, but his Marxism gave him an advantage when framing and synthesising the human past. However, it will also suggest that weaknesses in Hobsbawm’s politics arising from his soft-Stalinist ‘Eurocommunism’ circumscribed his contribution to Marxist theory …” På svensk: Eric Hobsbawms historier (pdf) (, 11. maj 2018).
Hobsbawm’s Long Century. By Joseph Fronczak (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 6 September 2017). “The historian Eric Hobsbawm would have turned 100 today. During his life, he never lost faith that the future belonged to socialism.”
Obituary: Eric Hobsbawm (1917-2012) (Socialist Review, Issue 374, November 2012). “Eric Hobsbawm left behind a superb body of work explaining and criticising the development of capitalism – but his Stalinist-influenced politics nonetheless affected his history. Paul Blackledge looks back at the complex life of this important Marxist historian.”
Eric Hobsbawm: 1917-2012 (Against the Current, Issue 161, November-December 2012). “While in no sense an adequate survey of his works and ideas, Radical Socialist [India] presents a short view of his life and politics.”
Hobsbawm as a Marxist historian: an appreciation. By Neil Davidson (New Left Project, 29 October 2012). “I am confident, however, that relatively little of his serious historical output is irredeemably tainted by the political tradition to which he belonged; most of is a lasting contribution, not only to the culture of the left, but far beyond it.”
Was Hobsbawm a Marxist? By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 19 October 2012). “The fact is that Eric Hobsbawm ceased to be a Marxist many years ago, if he ever had been one.”
Obituary: Unrepentance of Eric Hobsbawm. By Harley Filben (Weekly Worker, Issue 933, October 11, 2012). “We may grant Hobsbawm his unrepentance – but that sentimental attachment to Stalinism did not, in the end, strengthen the cause to which he committed almost his whole adult life.”
Bringing history to life (, October 11, 2012). “Paul Heideman pays tribute to a leading figure in 20th century Marxism.”
Eric Hobsbawm (1917–2012) (Socialist Worker, Issue 2323, 6 October 2012). “Ian Birchall looks back on the life of Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm, who has died aged 95.”
Remembering Eric Hobsbawm. By Wade Matthews (Socialist Studies, Vol.8, No.2, Autumn 2012, p.31-41). “His productivity was extraordinary, stretching from the 1940s to the 2010s, and his intellectual range was immense, moving effortlessly from the Swing Riots and the Industrial Revolution to popular rebellion and global terrorism. In these terms, comparisons don’t come easily to mind.”
The other side of the coin: Eric Hobsbawm as Eurocommunist. By Stuart King (Permanent Revolution, October 5, 2012; online at Internet Archive). “Eric Hobsbawm was more than a Marxist historian, he was a political actor; a rare thing in Britain, an influential ‘public intellectual’. Therefore we need to judge his life and influence not only as Hobsbawm the historian, but also by his politics.”
Eric Hobsbawm, 1917–2012. By Donald Sassoon (New Left Review, Issue 77, September-October 2012). “Since even the mainstream media agreed that Hobsbawm was a great historian—some even said, ‘the greatest living historian’, which he found unconvincing and a little embarrassing—the question was unavoidable: how could an impenitent Communist be a great historian?”
Eric Hobsbawm and the tragedy of the left. By James Heartfield (Spiked, 2 October 2012). “Where Hobsbawm’s histories of the 19th century were enlivened by his Marxism, his histories of the 20th century were corrupted by his Stalinism.”
A passionate voice for those who history forgot, Eric Hobsbawm, 1917-2012. By Ishan Cader (Anticapitalist Initiave, October 2, 2012; online at Internet Archive). “Hobsbawm’s almost ubiquitous position on contemporary university syllabuses means that the kernel of his Marxist intellect survives somewhere in the minds of thousands who were influenced by his writing.”
Eric Hobsbawm (1917-2012) (Counterfire, 1 October 2012). “Renowned historian Eric Hobsbawm died this morning aged 95. Lindsey German pays tribute to the man who, despite his later political revisions, wrote definitive Marxist history for our time.”
Eric Hobsbawm: 1917–2012. By David Jamieson (International Socialist Group, 1 October 2012). “He was undoubtedly one of the world’s greatest historians – and he left behind a written legacy that no person who wants to understand and change the world today can afford to ignore.”
Eric Hobsbawm (1917–2012) (Jacobin, 10 January 2012). “Marc Mulholland on the death of the twentieth century’s greatest historian.”
Remembering Eric Hobsbawm, historian for social justice. By Eric Foner (The Nation, October 1, 2012). “Hobsbawm’s life and writings will long serve as an inspiration to those who believe that a knowledge of history is essential to working for a better world.”
The history man: Eric Hobsbawm (1917-2012). By Keith Flett (Histomat, October 1, 2012; online at Internet Archive). “Yet for all his limitations, ever since Hobsbawm joined the Communist movement in the early 1930s … his voluminous intellectual work over the course of his life represent a colossal, immense contribution to not only historical scholarship … but also a resource of hope that future generations can draw upon in the struggle for a socially just and equal world.” With many links.
Om Hobsbawms bøger:
1900-talets självbiografi (pdf). Av Göran Therborn (Arkiv, nr.66, 1996; online på “Om britiske historikern Eric Hobsbawms “Ytterligheternas tidsålder”.
Retur til Marx (, 24. marts 2011). Tristram Hunt interviewer Eric Hobsbawm om hans bog, How to Change the World: Tales of Marx and Marxism (Little Brown, 2011)
Hobsbawm’s unanswered question. By Neil Davidson (International Socialist Review, Issue 86, November 2012). Review of Eric Hobsbawm, How to Change the World: Tales of Marx and Marxism (Yale University Press, 2012)
The age of Hobsbawm. By Siobhan Brown (International Socialism, Issue 137, Winter 2013). Review of Gregory Elliott, Hobsbawm: History and Politics (Pluto Press, 2010)
Salvaging the socialist cause. By Richard Seymour (Red Pepper, May 2011). Review of Gregory Elliott, Hobsbawm: History and Politics (Pluto Press, 2010) + Eric Hobsbawm, How to Change the World: Tales of Marx and Marxism (Little Brown, 2011)
Revolutionary ideas (Socialism Today, Issue 147, April 2011). Peter Taaffe reviews Eric Hobsbawm’s mis-titled book, How to Change the World (Little Brown, 2011)
Eric Hobsbawm: half Marx. By Patrick Ward (Socialist Review, No.356, March 2011). Review of Eric Hobsbawm’s How to Change the World: Tales of Marx and Marxism (Little Brown, 2011)
All about Eric: A cautionary tale. By Chris Harman (Socialist Review, No.267, October 2002). Review of Eric Hobsbawm, Interesting Times: A Twentieth Century Life (Allen Lane, 2002)
The age of EJH. By Perry Anderson (London Review of Books, Vol. 24, No.19, 3 October 2002). Review of Eric Hobsbawm, Interesting Times: A 20th-Century Life (Allen Lane, 2002) + Confronting defeat (Vol.24, No.20, 17 October 2002). “Perry Anderson reflects on Eric Hobsbawm’s account of the making of the contemporary world.”
Eric, or little by little (pdf). By Michael Barratt Brown (The Spokesman, Issue 77, 2002, p.88-99). Review of Eric Hobsbawm, Interesting Times: A Twentieth Century Life (Allen Lane, 2002). Scroll ned.
Eric Hobsbawm: ”’Communist’ historian, companion of honour and socialism’s ghosts. By James D Young (New Interventions, Vol.10, No.3, Spring 2001 + Vol.10, No.4, Autumn 2001; online at Marxists Internet Archive)
Hobsbawm’s history. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Review, No.104, December 1987). Review of Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Empire 1875–1914 (Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1987)
Kinnock’s favourite Marxist: Eric Hobsbawm and the working class. By Norah Carlin & Ian Birchall (International Socialism, Issue 21, Autumn 1983, p.88-116)
Is the class contracting? By Duncan Hallas (Socialist Review, No.48, November 1982, p.25-27). “Both The Guardian and Marxism Today have recently carried an article by the well-known CP historian Eric Hobsbawm, arguing that to see the working class as the agency of socialism is no longer ‘plausible’.”
Af Hobsbawm:
Ekstremernes århundrede: Verdens historie 1914-94 (Samleren, 1997, 703 sider). Oversat fra: Age of Extremes: The Shorth Twentieth Century 1914-1991 (Michael Joseph, 1994).
Banditter: om ædle røvere, hævnere, gangaceiros og haiduk’er (Politisk Revy, 1978, 167 sider + 40 sider billeder)
I enhver arbejder er der en syndikalist, der forsøger at kæmpe sig ud (pdf). Af E.J. Hobsbawm (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr.9, 1979, s.207-214). ” … betragter den kalssiske syndikalisme og stiller spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt den seneste tids arbejdskampe svarer til definitionen.”
Forside på Ekstremernes århundrede
Anmeldelser af Hobsbawm-bøger mv.:
The light and the dark. By John Rees (International Socialism, Issue 66, Spring 1995, p.109-117)
Eric J. Hobsbawm ( Fire historiske artikler på engelsk af Hobsbawm + den historiske bogserie The Age of … [1789-1991] online!!
Eric Hobsbawm: In the LRB Archive (London Review of Books)
Eric Hobsbawm (Past & Present). 11 articles online (1952-2011)
Marx reebooted: en samtale med Eric Hobsbawm (Autonom Infoservice, 5. oktober 2012)
Det frie markeds dødskrampe. Af Eric Hobsbawm (, 22. oktober 1998). “Med udgangspunkt i den globale økonomiske krise genrejser forfatteren kapitalismekritikken …”
Eric Hobsbawm’s Introduction to the 2012 Edition of Marx & Engels ‘The Communist Manifesto’ (Verso, 3 October 2012). Originally published in 1998.
World distempers: Interview with Eric Hobsbawm (New Left Review, Issue 61, January-February 2010, p.133-150)
Revelations: Eric Hobsbawm, Berlin, 1931-33: I was working for the revolution (The Independent, 19 August 1998). Interview by Andrew G Marshall.
Efterladte essays fra vor tids største historiker. Af Richard J. Evans (Information, 30.-31. marts 2013). Bred anmeldelse af “Fractured Times: Culture and Society in the Twentieth Century” (Little & Brown, 2013)
Marxism today – Eric Hobsbawm (Bepe Grillo’s Blog, 1 October 2011; online at Internet Archive). The interview took place on his 94th birthday for the launch of his latest book … How to Change the World – Why rediscover the inheritance of Marxism. Hobsbawm looks at the possibility of a shift towards the Right in the next few years in Europe for reasons that are connected to the economic depression and the search for safety and a stagnation of the EU … But, above all, Hobsbawm who is keen to point out that he is a historian and not a futurologist, tells us what Marxism has become today and what its effects are.
Se også:
Stuck on the flypaper (London Review of Books, Vol.37, No.7, 9 April 2015). Frances Stonor Saunders on MI5 and the Hobsbawm File.
2. august 1917 starter en flerdages opstand, med bl.a. sabotage – den såkaldte Green Corn Rebellion – i Oklohoma, USA. En protestbevægelse mod militærtjeneste efter lodtrækning – “a rich man’s war” but “a poor man’s fight.” – og der blev planlagt en march til Washington. Der opstod allerede inden starten væbnet sammenstød med ordensmagten.
Opstanden blev efterfulgt af masse-anholdelser og kampagne og retssager mod syndikalisterne, IWW, og Socialistpartiet, som begge var meget aktive imod værnepligt, militærtjeneste og USAs deltagelse i første verdenskrig.
When Oklahoma was the heartland of American socialism. By Meagan Day (Jacobin, 15 August 2021). “The Green Corn Rebellion in 1917 is a testament to the success of a regional socialist movement, the strongest the United States had ever seen at that time.” (Foto-billedtekst til artiklen). “…. poor farmers in Oklahoma chose to fight back against a government that would send them to die abroad after neglecting them at home, they may not have done so strategically. But they did so under the red flag of socialism.”
When the socialist revolution came to Oklahoma—and was crushed. By Richard Grant, photographs by Trevor Paulhus (Smithsononian Magazine, October 2019). “Inside the little-known story of … the center of the last armed and organized insurrection against the U.S. government. This dramatic, quixotic uprising of impoverished tenant farmers—mostly white, but including African-Americans and Native Americans—made front-page news across the nation in the summer of 1917.”
August-september 1917
Lenin skriver det teoretiske hovedværk Staten og revolutionen.
Staten og Revolutionen: Marxismens lære om statens og proletariatets opgaver under revolutionen (Marxisme Online) + Staten og Revolutionen (Marxistisk Internet Arkiv; Dansk afdeling)
Lenin, state and revolution: an introduction. By Dragan Plavšić (Counterfire, August 3, 2017). “Lenin’s classic pamphlet on the role of the state in capitalist society has lost none of its relevance.”
Lenin’s misreading of Marx (Weekly Worker, Issue 1262, 2 August 2019). “In the first of a two-part article, Nick Rogers claims that Lenin’s ‘The state and revolution’ introduced the concept of socialism and communism as two different forms of post-capitalist society.” Part 2: Marx’s vison (ibid., Issue 1263, 9 August 2919). “Nick Rogers concludes that there is no basis in the writing of Marx for Lenin’s schema of socialism and communism. Marx wrote no blueprints for how the future society should be organised.”
How to learn from Lenin (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, October 23, 2014). “Barnaby Raine examines the relevance of one of Lenin’s key works The State and Revolution.”
State and Revolution: Why we need to smash the state (Socialist Worker, Issue 2227, 13 November 2010). “The Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin wrote this book in the midst of the extreme violence of the First World War, and the revolutionary upheaval taking place in Russia in 1917.”
State and revolution. Chapter 17 in Tony Cliff: Lenin, Vol. 2 (Pluto Press, 1976, p.315-327). “It is clear from this, firstly, that the work was practically ready even before the February Revolution, and secondly that Lenin thought it to be of paramount importance.”
The genesis of State and Revolution. By Marian Sawer (Socialist Register, 1977, p.209-227). “It represents the meeting of the aspirations of a Western socialist tradition with the halfsubmerged aspirations of a people in motion.”
Lenin’s The State and Revolution. By Ralph Miliband (Socialist Register, 1970, p.309-319). “The State and Revolution is rightly regarded as one of Lenin’s most important works. It addresses itself to questions of the utmost importance for socialist theory and practice …” Also online at Jacobin (14 August 2018).
See also:
Lenin’s verdict on Kautsky in State and Revolution: It’s time for a closer look. By Lars T. Lih (Marxist Essays and Commentary, August 5, 2019). “One of the most instructive illustrations of Lenin’s conflicted attitude toward his former mentor is the section in State and Revolution devoted to Kautsky-when-he-was-a-Marxist.”
De senere leder af DKP og ‘chefideolog’ Ib Nørlund fødes i København. Dør 14. juni 1989, se denne dato på Tidslinjen.
2. november 1917
England udsender Balfour-deklarationen, som bøjer af for zionistiske krav om et jødisk hjemland.
Den britiske udenrigsminister Arthur James Balfour, og brevet hvor britisk imperialisme lover den zionistiske leder Lord Rothschild, at jøderne kan få et hjemland i palæstinensernes land.
Balfour-erklæringen 100 år (pdf). Af Morten Thing (Kritisk Debat, 15. december 2017; online på DBC Webarkiv). “Balfour-deklarationen, holocaust og Israel har totalt ændret det jødiske samfund i verden.”
Zionismen og Palæstina: Balfour-erklæringen 100 år. Af Irene Clausen (, 2. november 2017). “Balfour-erklæringen … lagde grunden til Israels kolonisering af Palæstina, der fortsætter den dag i dag.”
The Balfour Declaration. By Shaun Doherty (Socialist Review, Issue 434, April 2018). Review of Bernard Regan, The Balfour Declaration: Empire, the Mandate and Resistance in Palestine (Verso, 2017, 288 p.). “Bernard Regan has produced a timely and well researched analysis of the Balfour Declaration of November 1917.”
A century of refusal: Palestinian opposition to the Balfour Declaration. By Lori Allen (Middle East Report Online, November 17, 2017). “At almost every meeting with British Mandate officials, Palestinian representatives challenged the justice and legality of the Balfour Declaration.”
No straight line from Balfour to today (Solidarity & Workers’ Liberty, Issue 453, 8 November 2017). “Paul Hampton argues there was never an inexorable, linear development from the Balfour declaration to the creation of Israel, or indeed, to the current injustice towards the Palestinians.”
100 years since the Balfour Declaration. Part one + Part two. By Jean Shaoul (World Socialist Web Site, 7-8 November 2017). “The Declaration was a sordid deal made over the heads of the inhabitants of Palestine, launching a nakedly colonial project that was to have a profound impact on the development of conflicts and divisions within the region.”
One hundred years of the Balfour Declaration. By Rabab Abdulhadi (Against the Current, Issue 191, November-December 2017). “The Balfour Declaration not only legitimized the Zionist project in Palestine and transformed it into a contender in international relations. It in effect precipitated the spread of Zionism among British Jews.”
Centrepiece of imperial strategy (Weekly Worker, Issue 1177, 2 November 2017). “On the centenary of the Balfour declaration, Tony Greenstein looks at the reasons underlying British support for Zionism.”
After Balfour. By Rashid Khalidi (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 2 November 2017). “100 years ago today, a 67-word statement from the British cabinet shaped the future of Palestine.”
Palestine, the Great War and British Imperialism (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, November 2, 2017). “Neil Rogall look at how Britain’s strong relationship with Israel goes back to the Balfour Declaration which paved the way for the Zionist state.”
The Balfour Declaration and its consequences (Verso, Blog, 1 November 2017). “Here we present an essay by Avi Shlaim that examines the declaration and its historiography; extract from his book, Israel and Palestine: Reappraisals, Revisions, Refutations (Verso, 2010, 416 p.)
Bloody Balfours’ century of oppression in Palestine (Socialist Worker, Issue 2578, 28 October 2017). “One hundred years ago Tory foreign secretary Arthur Balfour’s declaration laid the basis for Palestinian oppression. Nick Clark looks at its legacy today.”
Balfour 100 years on – nothing to celebrate (Counterfire, October 25, 2017). “The Balfour Declaration was the prelude to violent settler colonialism in Palestine argues Alex Snowdon and explains why thousands will be protesting not celebrating.”
From Balfour to Boris: Britain’s broken promises in Palestine. By Ben Clarke (The New Arab, 16 October 2017). “In its centenary year, Professor Avi Shlaim examines the impact of the Balfour Declaration and Britain’s ‘deviousness, duplicity and double-standards’ in Palestine.”
What we owe to Balfour (Jewish Socialists’ Group, Winter 2007). “How much does Israel owe to ‘the Lord’, and how much to Lord Balfour? On the 90th anniversary of the famous Declaration, Charlie Pottins looked at .some of the history of interests and motivations behind it.”
Martin Andersen Nexø udgiver 1. bind af romanen Ditte Menneskebarn (‘Barndom’) på Aschehougs forlag. Se personlisten Martin Andersen Nexø (1869-1954), afsnit ‘Ditte Menneskebarn’ (bog og film)
10. december 1917
Danske forfatter Henrik Pontoppidan (født 24.7.1857, se denne fat for links) får Nobelprisen i litteratur (delt med Karl Gjellerup)
Med Lov nr. 625 af 13. december 1917 om værnepligtiges anvendelse til civilt arbejde får Danmark verdens første mlitærnægterlov. (Nægterlejren i Grib Skov oprettes i 1918).
Artikuleret militærnægtelse 1901-1917: Militærnægtelsen flytter til byen (Peter Mikael Hansen: Militærvægring 1849-1917: en geografisk og historisk undersøgelse af artikuleret militærnægtelse og ulovlig sessionsudeblivelse i Danmark 1849-1917. Kap. 7). Integreret speciale, Institut for Historie/Institut for Geografi, Roskilde Universitetscenter, 2001.
Krudt uden Kugler: en fortælling om engagement og fredsbevægelse. Af Henning Sørensen. (Hovedland, 2002)
14. december 1917
Tove Ditlevsen fødes i Hedebygade, baghuset, nr. 30 A, 4. sal, tv. (Hun dør 7.3.1976).
Skrev digte, noveller og romanerne Man gjorde et barn fortræd (1941), Barndommens Gade (1943).
Tove Ditlevsen glemte ikke Karin Michaëlis (pdf). Af Hardy Bach (Troldspejlet, nr. 33, oktober 2018, s.2-5). Med brev fra Tove Ditlevsen [bl.a. om sit eget forfatterskab] til Karin Michaëlis 23. november 1945 + ‘svarbrev’ 8. november 1947.
Tove Ditlevsen er ny i klassen, fordi … Af Tine Maria Winther (, 1. marts 2015). “Hun er aktuel i et teaterstykke, i en kommende bogudgivelse og som nyligt medlem i kanonen. Men hvad er det, Tove Ditlevsen kan bidrage med i dag?”
Store danskere – Tove Ditlevsen (Tv-udsendelse, DR, 2005; genudsendt DRK, 20. juli 2015;, 38:17 min.). Medvirkende bla. Anne Linnet og Klaus Rifbjerg, bl.a. 21:55 min. henne.
Tove Ditlevsen: myte og liv. Af Karen Syberg (Tiderne Skifter, 1997, 389 sider). Se for uddrag fra bogen.
Til døden os skiller: et portræt af Tove Ditlevsen. Af Jens Andersen (Gyldendal, 1997, 283 sider). Se anmeldelse af Michelle Mølgaard Andersen (Forfatterweb, 2015)
Husmor og skribøse. En brevveksling med Tove Ditlevsen. Af Ester Nagel. (Rosinante, 1986, 83 sider). “Med barsk humor og megen selvironi, tegner brevene nærportrætter af tiden og menneskene i kredsen …” Breve mellem de to kvinder og forfattere fra 1940 til 1970.
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