2013 Savar building collapse, Bangladesh. On Wednesday, 24 April 2013 in the Savar Upazila of Dhaka, Bangladesh where an eight-story commercial building named Rana Plaza, collapsed. The search for the dead ended on 13 May 2013 with a death toll of 1,129. 13 May 2013. Source: Flickr: Dhaka Savar Building Collapse. Foto: rijans. (CC BY-SA 2.0) Se mere 24 april 2013 nedenfor.
2013 Savar building collapse, Bangladesh. On Wednesday, 24 April 2013 in the Savar Upazila of Dhaka, Bangladesh where an eight-story commercial building named Rana Plaza, collapsed. The search for the dead ended on 13 May 2013 with a death toll of 1,129. 13 May 2013. Source: Flickr: Dhaka Savar Building Collapse. Foto: rijans. (CC BY-SA 2.0) Se mere 24 april 2013 nedenfor.

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 2013.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.


2. januar 2013

Den amerikanske marxistiske økonom Stephen Resnick dør i Massachusetts (født 24. oktober 1938). Medgrundlægger af tidsskriftet Rethinking Marxism i 1989 (sammen med Richard D. Wolff, som han ofte var medforfatter med).



Stephen Resnick (Wikipedia.org). With bibliography.

Stephen A Resnick + Richard D. Wolff (site) (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Professor Richard D. Wolff (site). With articles, books, audio and video by Richard D. Wolff and Steve Resnick.

Steve Resnick (1938-2013): A Eulogy (site). Incl. A Memorial [videos], A Tribute [by Richard D. Wolff], About & Pictures.

Stephen Resnick: Marxist og økonom. Af Andreas Albertsen (Modkraft.dk/Blog, 21. september 2013)

Thought and devotion: a tribute to Stephen A. Resnick. By Richard Wolff (Dollars and Sense, March/April 2013)

The economic crisis: a Marxian interpretation. By Stephen Resnick & Richard Wolff (Rethinking Marxism, Vol.22, No.2, 2010; online at Rdwolff.com)

‘Surplus theory’ versus Marxian theory (Socialist Standard, No.1304, April 2013)

Overdetermination and Marxian theory: a socialist view of the work of Richard Wolff and Stephen Resnick (The Socialist Party of Great Britain, 2013)

A matter of state. By Dave Renton (Socialist Review, Issue 273, 9 April 2003). Review of Stephen A Resnick and Richard D Wolff, Class Theory and History: Capitalism and Communism in the USSR (Routledge, 2002)

Se også:

Rethinhing Marxism (site)

Professor Richard D. Wolff (Rdwollf.com)

Presenting Mr. Wolff: Marxist og økonom. Af Andreas Albertsen (Modkraft.dk/Blog, 28. maj 2012)

Understanding socialism (Michael Roberts Blog, December 6, 2019). Review of Richard D. Wolff: Understanding Marxism (Lulu, 2019, 100 p.) + Understanding Socialism (Lulu, 2919, 150 p.).

Richard Wolff and the deepening crisis (Michael Roberts Blog, June 2, 2016). Review of Richard D Wolff, Capitalism’s crisis deepens: Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown (Haymarket Books, 2016, 223 p.)


11. januar 2013 2013malikort.jpg

Frankrig indleder interventionskrig i den afrikanske stat Mali, Operation SERVAL, med dansk bidrag i form af transportfly.
Oprørerne i Mali er Tuareg-nationalister og islamistiske grupper med baggrund i bl.a. nabostaten Algeriet.

Leksika mv.:

Opération Serval (Wikipedia.org)

Mali: a guide to the conflict. By Mark Tran (The Guardian, 16 January 2013)

Northern Mali conflict (2012-present) (Wikipedia.org)

Mali militants: who’s who among Islamist rebels. By Ian Black (The Guardian, 16 January 2013)

National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad [MNLA] (Wikipedia.org)

Ansar Dine (Wikipedia.org)

Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb [AQIM/AQMI] (Wikipedia.org)

Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa [MUJWA] / Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) (Wikipedia.org)

Artikler på dansk:

Fransk angreb på Mali er et imperialistisk projekt. Af Ken Olende (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr. 325, 16. januar 2013) + links til artikler.

Militærintervention i Mali torpederer afrikansk konfliktløsning (Autonom Infoservice, 16. januar 2013)

Ø: Nej til dansk krigsdeltagelse i Mali. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (Modkraft.dk, 15. januar 2013)

Europas venstrefløj advarer mod krig i Mali: Folketinget støtter Frankrigs militære aktion (Arbejderen.dk, opdateret 15. januar 2013)

Værd at vide om konflikten i Mali. Af Matias Jensen (Modkraft.dk/Blog,
15. januar 2013)
2013franskavis.jpg “The military attack in Mali has been condemned by groups on the political left in France, including the Nouveau parti anticapitaliste (New Anti-Capitalist Party [its newspaper pictured above]) ….”. Source: the articles from “Links” below.

Artikler/Video på engelsk:

The Malian crisis (New Left Review, Issue 84, November-December 2013). Interview with the legal scholar Ousmane Sidibe about his country’s trajectory since independence in 1960.

Mali: A neo-colonial operation disguised as an anti-terrorist intervention. By Jean Batou (New Politics, No.55, Summer 2013)

What will bring justice in Mali? (SocialistWorker.org, April 1, 2013). “Roger Annis looks at an important, if incomplete, analysis of France’s military intervention in Mali, written by two leading French leftists.”

Resisting intervention: imperialism and protest in Mali. By Leo Zeilig (Socialist Review, Issue 378, March 2013)

What France wants in Mali (SocialistWorker.org, February 25, 2013). “Roger Annis untangles the web of lies and deceptions that obscure the French and U.S. strategy for Mali.”

Who are the Tuareg? (SocialistWorker.org, February 13, 2013). “Sarah Knopp provides background to the forces involved in the conflict in Mali.”

The French plan for Mali. By David Whitehouse (SocialistWorker.org, February 7, 2013)

France launches war in Mali to secure resources, stamp out national rights struggles. By Roger Annis (Links, January 18, 2013)

We oppose the French intervention. By Christine Poupin, Olivier Besancenot, Philippe Potou (International Viewpoint, Issue 456, January 2013)

Mali: the west’s addiction to war is spreading terrorism, not reducing it (Counterfire, 15 january 2013, 4:07 min.). Video interview with John Rees on Russia Today.

The West chooses war in Mali (SocialistWorker.org, January 15, 2013).
“David Whitehouse explains the backdrop to France´s intervention in a
former colony.”

France launches war in northern Mali. By Ernst Wolff and Alex Lantier
(World Socialist Web Site, 14 January 2013)

How Washington helped foster the Islamist uprising in Mali. By Jeremy H. Keenan (New Internationalist, December 2012)

Se også:

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linksamlingen: Politisk islam – et reaktionært oprør


22. januar 2013

Politiet sigter forpagter Amin Skov for ildpåsættelsen på restaurant Vejlegården, som han siden november har brugt i en politisk højt profileret krig om fagbevægelsens overenskomstsystem.


Vejlegården-konflikten (Wikipedia.dk)

Brandsigtelse udløser viral latterbølge. Af Ole Wugge Christiansen (Modkraft.dk, 22. januar 2013)

Forstå sagen om Vejlegården på to minutter (Avisen.dk, 22. januar 2013)

Arbejdsrettens dom af 29. november 2012 (Elov.dk)

Liberale bagmænd dirigerede Vejlegårdssagen. Af Jonas Sahl (Avisen.dk, 28. september 2012)

Se også:

Blokade (Leksikon.org)


9. februar 2013

Den israelse anti-zionist Akiva/Aki Orr dør (født i Berlin, Tyskland, 19. juni 1931). Brød med det kommunistiske parti i 1962 og var medstifter af den israelske (venstre)socialistiske organisation, Matzpen. Tilhænger af et-stats-løsning, et forenet Israel/Palæstina.


In memoriam: Akiva ‘Aki’ Orr. By Moshé Machover (International Socialist Review, Issue 88, March 2013). “Akiva ‘Aki’ Orr was a revolutionary activist and writer, founding member of the Israeli Socialist Organization (Matzpen), an enchanting raconteur, and a unique, larger-than-life character.”

A working-class hero. By Tikva Honig-Parnass (International Socialist Review, Issue 88, March 2013). “In his daily political activity and writings, Aki remained loyal to Matzpen’s main principles—fighting against Israel’s political apartheid and economic neoliberalism and enthusiastically supporting the Palestinian struggle for freedom and the liberation of the Arab world from the yoke of US imperialism.”

Saying goodbye to Akiva Orr. By Leehee Rothschild (+972, February 10, 2013). “We have very few role models in the Israeli Left – few that we can follow their footsteps, few torches to light a dark and lonely path, few lights to pave the way. Aki was one of those, and now with him gone, the road seems a little darker.”

Video: Aki Orr, always with the oppressed (Alternative Information Center/YouTube.com,  2008, 3:14 min.)

Video: Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (YouTube.com, 2009, 7:15 min.)

The class character of Israel. By Akiva Orr and Moshe Machover (International Socialist Review, Issue 23, May-June 2002). Tidligere trykt i New Left Review (No.65, January-February 1971). I dansk udgave: Det israelske klassesamfund (Falastin, nr.9, oktober 1971, 20 sider). Se også Ghassan Kanafani: Om den israelske socialistiske organisation (Falastin, nr.10, december 1970, s.18-21)


Se også:

Matzpen (Wikipedia.org)

Revolutionær anti-zionisme: En diskussion med Moshe Machover. Af Vashti Fox (Socialistisk Information, 14. april 2024). “Moshe Machover er det eneste overlevende fra den gruppe, der dannede den revolutionære antizionistiske organisation Matzpen i Israel. Matzpen påvirkede en generation af både israelske og palæstinensiske modstandere af Israel, og efterlader en vigtig teoretisk arv til socialister i dag.”
In English: Revolutionary anti-Zionism: a discussion with Moshe Machover (Red Flag, 2 April 2024).

Enlightenment and pure joy (Weekly Worker, Issue 1398, 9 June 2022). Judy Carousian reviews ‘Compass [Matzpen] and Moshé Machover’ by Helena Aksentijevic (YouTube, 2022, 38 min.). “Moshé considers that his work in Matzpen is the most important thing he has done in his entire political life.”

The last first Israeli anti-Zionist. By Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine, 24 November 2022). “Sixty years after co-founding the radical leftist group Matzpen, Moshé Machover reflects on the organization’s enduring legacy, the internal splits that led to its demise, and its lessons for today’s anti-Zionist left.”

What’s the matter with the Israeli working class? By Daphna Thier (International Socialist Review, Issue 110, Fall 2018). “A seminal socialist analysis of the class nature of Israel grappled with this question almost fifty years ago.”

Matzpen: Revolutionary anti-Zionism in Israel (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, December 23, 2014). “Doug Enaa Greene’s article below was based on his lecture on the history and perspectives of the Israeli Socialist Oranization (Matzpen).” With video (54:40 min.).

Matzpen: The Socialist Organisation in Israel (site). With Articles, Documents, Journal (Khamsin). 14 issues, 1975-1985, History + the book: The Other Israel: The Radical Case of Zionism. Edited by Arie Bober (Anchor Books, 1972, 264 p.; also online at Marxists Internet Archive)

Video: Matzpen (YouTube.com, 2003, 54:23 min.). Med engelske undertekster.

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Emneoversigten: Palæstina / Israel


28. februar 2013

Den katolske kirkes pave Benedikt 16. abdicerer (2005-2013), og afløses af pave Frans.

Se om pave Frans (Jorge Mario Bergoglio):

Pope Francis (Wikipedia.org)

Pave anklages for medansvar for kidnapninger. Af Lotte Knold (Modkraft.dk, 14. marts 2013). “Den nyudnævnte pave Frans beskyldes for at have ophævet beskyttelsen for to jesuitiske præster og dermed have medansvar for deres kidnapning under det argentinske militærstyre 1976-83.”

Pavelige kardinalsynder. Af George Monbiot (Information.dk, 23. marts 2013). “Pave Frans påstår at stå på de fattiges side, men i sin tid var han med til at gøre det af med Latinamerikas befrielsesteologi, der netop ville organisere de fattige i modstand mod deres undertrykkere.”

The Jesuit Pope: Who is Francis and who he pretends to be. By Esquerda Marxista (In Defence of Marxism, 15 May 2013). “Far from moving to the left, Francis is trying to entrench the Church in defence of the present system and shield it from revolution and the class struggle.”

New pope: the contradictions of Catholicism laid bare. By Simon Basketter (Socialist Worker, Issue 2345, 23 March 2013; online at Internet Archive). “So the latest representative of god, Pope Francis, said, “I would like a poor church for the poor … The church’s priceless art, land and investments make it one of the wealthiest institutions on the planet. At the same time the church argues that the ‘excessive accumulation of wealth by a few’ is a mortal sin. These are the contradictions at the heart of all religion.”

Pope Francis: silence equals complicity. By Eddie Ford (Weekly Worker, Issue 954, March 21, 2013). “Far from being a new broom or reformer, the new pope is a reactionary to his marrow.”

Can God forgive Jorge Mario Bergoglio? By Nancy Scheper-Hughes (CounterPunch, March 20, 2013). “Thus, even the most heinous crimes against humanity committed by the generals and their henchmen during the Argentine Dirty War (1973-1982) could technically be forgiven and erased.”

The ‘Dirty War’ Pope. By Bill Van Auken (World Socialist Web Site, 16 March 2013). “Placed on the papal throne is not only another hard-line opponent of Marxism, the Enlightenment and all manner of human progress, but a man who is deeply and directly implicated in one of the greatest crimes of the post-World War II era—Argentina’s ‘Dirty War’.”

New pope elected as Catholic Church tries to stem crisis. By Patrick O’Connor (World Socialist Web Site, 14 March 2013). “The US and international media conglomerates have largely ignored the serious questions that have been raised in Argentina about Bergoglio’s role within the Church during the military’s rule between 1976 and 1983.”

Vatican elections: keeping up with modern world (Weekly Worker. Issue 950, February 21, 2013). “Whoever gets the top job in the Vatican, Eddie Ford strongly suspects that he will not be in any way progressive.”

Se også:

Jesuit (Leksikon.org)


(Kilde: Thepoliticalpixie)

Se om pave Benedict 16. (Joseph Alois Ratzinger):

Pope Benedict XVI (Wikipedia.org)

Pavens glemte korstog. Av Maurice Lemoine (Le Monde Diplomatique, nr.3, mars 2013). “Mot slutten av den kalde krigen inngikk Vatikanet og Ronald Reagans USA et uformelt partnerskap for å bekjempe «kommunistfaren» i Sør-Amerika. For kardinal Joseph Ratzinger innebar det en kamp mot frigjøringsteologenes arbeid mot fattigdom.”

The sins of the father (Weekly Worker, Issue 1425, 5 January 2023). “He presided over the destruction of liberation theology, backed the US rollback of communism and provided ideological cover for contra death squads. Paul Demarty examines the legacy of Benedict XVI.”

The resignation of Benedict XVI: truths and lies (In Defence of Marxism, 12 March 2013). “In this article Luiz Bicalho analyses the political implications of the Pope’s resignation. Benedict XVI was not detached from today’s world. On the contrary he pursued throughout his pontificate a reactionary agenda …”

Pope ends reign amid rising scandals. By Bill Van Auken (World Socialist Web Site, 28 February 2013). “Relegated to the background in all but a few reports is the geyser of scandal spewing from Vatican City, signaling that an institution that for centuries has served as a bulwark of reaction and oppression internationally is in deep crisis.”

The Pope’s abdication highlights the crisis of Roman Catholicism. By Mauro Vanetti (In Defence of Marxism, 28 February 2013). “In a period of crisis and decline of capitalism, to many people religion is the one certainty to cling on to. But if the Pope himself is no longer convinced he can keep his position until his death, this illusion of solidity begins to break down.”

Christian fundamentalism: the theology and vision of Josef Ratzinger. By Josef Falkinger (In Defence of Marxism, 5 December 2007). “The aim of Joseph Alois Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, is for an all out conservative redirection of Catholic Church policy.”

From ’grand inquisitor’ to pope: Benedict XVI to head crusade vs. secularism, democracy, By Peter Schwarz (World Socialist Web Site, 21 April 2005). “With the selection of Josef Ratzinger as the new pope, the Roman Catholic hierarchy has placed at its head a hard-line enforcer of Church dogma, and one of the Vatican’s fiercest opponents of not only Marxism, but liberalism, secularism, science and virtually all things modern.”

Se om den katolske kirke:

Pave (Denstoredanske.dk)

The Correctio: or how the West was won by the Catholic Church (In Defence of Marxism, 20 March 2013). “Cain O’Mahoney looks at the origins of Catholicism in the Dark Ages, and how the ‘Universal’ Church – unconsciously – acted as the ‘subjective factor’ in the transition from the slave based society of the Roman Empire to feudalism in Western Europe.”

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


26.-30. marts 2013

Verdens Sociale Forum afholdes i Tunis i Tunesien.


Forum Social Mondial (Fsm2013. org)

World Social Forum (Wikipedia.org)

World Social Forum: Tunisia takes the spirit of revolution to the world. By Simon Assaf (Socialist Worker, 5 April 2013)

‘The Social Forum, upon contact with a reality at boiling point, has produced a positive chemical reaction’. By Eric Toussant and Sergio Ferrari (International Viewpoint, Issue 459, April 2013)

Report: Revolution and counter-revolution in Tunisia. By Florian Kelle (In Defence of Marxism, 23 April 2013)

From the World Social Forum to the Arab Revolts. By Esther Vivas (The Bullet, No.793, March 31, 2013)

Tunis: A tale of two World Social Forums. By Nick Dearden (Red Pepper, March 2013)

World Social Forum opens in Tunisia. By Jordan Flaherty (MRZine.org, 27.03.13)

Se også:

At an impasse? Anti-capitalism and the social forums today. By Alex Callinicos and Chris Nineham (International Socialism, Issue 115, Summer 2007)

The World Social Forum and the emergence of global grassroots politics. By John L. Hammond (New Politics, No.42, Winter 2007)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linboxen: Verdens Sociale Forum 2006



8. april 2013 2013tidslinjethatcher.jpg

Den tidligere britiske premierminister Margaret Thatchers død udløser jubelscener i britiske arbejderbyer.

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linksamlingen: Bye Bye Thatcher : Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013, med nekrologer (dansk og engelske) og links om Thatchers regeringsperiode, hendes værste svinere og hendes idol, Ronald Reagan.


24. april 2013

Verdens tredje største industrikatastrofe, da en otte etagers industribygning, Rana Plaza, i Savar Upazila (i Dhaka i Bangladesh) styrter sammen og kræver over 1100 døde.
Ulykken fører til, at fagforeningen Uni Global Union får aftaler med især internationale tøjkæder om større arbejdsmiljøsikkerhed i Bangladesh.

2013 Savar building collapse (Wikipedia.org). Med links til danske Wikipedia-artikel.

Ulykke eller mord. Af Margit Kjeldgaard (Modkraft.dk/Blog, 7. januar 2017). “… Rana Plaza var aldrig en ulykke, [men] en konsekvens af den måde vi accepterer, at vores tøj bliver produceret på.”

Hvad har vi lært af Rana Plaza? Af Tanja Kjeldgaard (Globalnyt, 24. april 2016). “… her på 3 årsdagen for katastrofen, er det tid til at gøre status over, hvad Rana Plaza har ændret i tekstilsektoren.”

Hun får først erstatning, når hun finder sin døde datter. Af Peter Rasmussen (Information.dk, 24. april 2014). “I dag er det ét år siden, 1.134 arbejdere mistede livet på Rana Plaza i Bangladesh.”

Tøjfirmaer går nu med til at forbedre forhold i Bangladesh. Af Claus Blok Thomsen (Politiken.dk, 22. juni 2013)

The world has learned the wrong lessons from the Rana Plaza disaster. By Sauray Sarkar (Jacobin, April 26, 2023). “Ten years ago this week, over 1,130 workers died when the Bangladeshi garment factory Rana Plaza collapsed. A decade after the worst tragedy in garment work history, the reforms needed to prevent another similar tragedy haven’t materialized.”

Rana Plaza: It is not consumers who have blood on their hands. By Tansy Hoskins (Counterfire, 20 April 2014)

Bangladeshi police attack protesting garment workers. By Sarath Kumara (World Socialist Web Site, 12 June 2013)

Fighting to stop these tragedies (SocialistWorker.org, May 6, 2013). An activist in Bangladesh’s garment industry spoke to Tithi Bhattacharya.

Bangladesh: Savar tragedy shows the real face of growth under capitalism. By Adam Pal (In Defence of Marxism, 3 May 2013)

A horror that shouldn’t have happened. By Nicole Colson (SocialistWorker.org, April 29, 2013)
Se også:

Our workers in Bangladesh: toiling for $50 per month. By Vasja Badalič (New Politics. No.55, Summer 2013)

The left and social movement struggles in Bangladesh. By Danielle Sabai (International Viewpoint, Issue 442, November 2011)

The birth of Bangladesh. By Khalid Bhatti (Socialism Today, Issue 154, December 2011-January 2012)

April 5, 2016. Balmi Chisim: Four years after the tortured, lifeless body of Bangladesh garment worker organizer Aminul Islam was discovered in a ditch, his killers have yet to be arrested. Yesterday the Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers Federation (BGIWF) and Bangladesh Center for Workers Solidarity (BCWS) demanded that authorities find and bring Aminul’s killers to trial. https://www.solidaritycenter.org/garment-workers-unions-demand-justice-on-fourth-anniversary-of-activists-murder/
April 5, 2016. Balmi Chisim: Four years after the tortured, lifeless body of Bangladesh garment worker organizer Aminul Islam was discovered in a ditch, his killers have yet to be arrested. Yesterday the Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers Federation (BGIWF) and Bangladesh Center for Workers Solidarity (BCWS) demanded that authorities find and bring Aminul’s killers to trial. https://www.solidaritycenter.org/garment-workers-unions-demand-justice-on-fourth-anniversary-of-activists-murder/


1. maj 2013

På 1. maj-møder bliver den socialdemokratiske statsminister Helle Thorning Schmidt mødt med pibekoncerter, sure smilies, vandpistol, bar røv m.m., og læreres planlagte “Vend ryggen til regeringsindgrebet”. Statsministerens arrogante kommentar var, at det gjorde ondt i ørene.

Frank Jensens tale i Fælledparken 1. maj 2013 – 1/5 2013 (YouTube, 10:57 min.)

Hendes partifælle/overborgmesteren i København bliver også afbrudt i sin tale af råbekor, piften m.m.; med volumenknappen gennemfører både han og SFs formand Anette Vilhelmsen deres taler. Men der er tumult foran scenen, som bagefter gir anledning til en del debat.


Hvidbogen – Revolutionær 1. maj 2013 (site; online på Internet Archive). “Et samarbejde mellem Antifascistisk Aktion og Libertære Socialister i København.” Målet er at dokumentere hændelsesforløbet ved aktionen foran hovedscenen i Fælledparke med bl.a. en række aktionsdeltageres beretning.

EL afviser klapjagt på 1. maj-ballademagere. Af Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (Modkraft.dk, 15. maj 2013).

Venstreradikale afviser politikeroverfald. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (Modkraft.dk, 3. maj 2013)

Vredesudbrud: Statsministeren buh’et af scenen 1. maj. Af Hamid Alizadeh (Socialistisk Standpunkt, 3. maj 2013)

Derfor blev regeringen angrebet i Fælledparken. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (Modkraft.dk, 1. maj 2013). Med tekst fra løbeseddel + links til referater på andre medier.

Arbejdsløse: Derfor er Helle T. ikke velkommen i Århus. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (Modkraft.dk, 1. maj 2013)

1. maj demonstrationer i billeder (Autonomt Info, 2. maj 2013)

Fotoreportage: 1. maj i modvind (Bt.dk, 1. maj 2013)

"Helle er blå"-banneret med blå mænd foran scenen i Fælledparken. (Foto Mette Kramer Kristensen/Monsun)
“Helle er blå”-banneret med blå mænd foran scenen i Fælledparken. (Foto Mette Kramer Kristensen/Monsun)


Den efterfølgende debat på (især) Modkraft.dk; Blogs:

Tilbageblik på 1. Maj. Af Winnie Christiansen (Blog, 6. maj 2013)

For uanstændig til demokrati – eller tre måder at navngive de uegnede. Af Eskild Andreas Halberg (Blog, 6. maj 2013)

Tudekiks og 1. majsucces. Af Jakob Lindblom (Blog, 5. maj 2013). Med kommentar af bl.a. Pelle Dragsted.

1. maj i andedammen set fra Bruxelles. Af Peter Hegner Bonfils (Blog, 4. maj 2013)

En ubehagelig 1. maj. Af Leif Donbæk Thomsen (Blog, 2. maj 203). Med mange kommentarer af bl.a. Ole Donbæk Thomsen + Fælles udtalelse fra Socialdemokratiet København og SF-København.

Kom ned på jorden. Af Jørgen Pedersen (Arbejderen.dk, 2. maj 2013)

Enhedslistens neurose. Af Eskild Andreas Halberg (Blog, 2. maj 2013). Med kommentarer.

Læren af 1. maj. Af Curt Sørensen (Blog, 2. maj 2013.). Med kommentarer af bl.a. Klaus Krogsbæk og Pelle Dragsted.

Logik for burhøns: Vold er udemokratisk!. Af Line Hultengren (Blog, 2. maj 2013). Med korte kommentarer af bl.a. Kim Ingemann og Ole Sandberg.

Regeringen har valgt side, den forkerte side. Af Ole Sandberg (Blog, 1. maj 2013)

Eriks årlige 1. maj-smagsdommeri. Af Erik Storrud (Blog, 1. maj 2013). Med kommentarer og beretninger.

SFs minister Pia Olsen Dyhrs opførsel blev genstand for debat. Her er hun ifølge SFere igang med at forsvare sig imod fysiske overfald!! (Foto: Anders Pedersen/Monsun)
SFs minister Pia Olsen Dyhrs opførsel blev genstand for debat. Her er hun ifølge SFere igang med at forsvare sig imod fysiske overfald!! Foto: Anders Pedersen/Monsun

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen: Den 1. maj: Historie og tradition
Tidslinjen: 5. maj 1872, om Slaget på Fælleden


28. maj 2013

Protester mod lukning af Geziparken ved Taksim i Istanbul (for at bygge et nyt butikscenter) breder sig til omfattende demonstrationer vendt mod den konservative premierminister Erdoğan og regeringspartiet AKP.

På dansk:

Taksim Gezi Park-urolighederne 2013 (Wikipedia.dk)

Modstanden på Taksim. Af Masis Kürkçügil (Socialistisk Information, 23.08.13)

Erdogans hævn: repressionsbølge i Tyrkiet (Autonom Infoservice, 25. juli 2013)

Optøjer og politivold i Tyrkiet. Af Masis Kürkçügil (Socialistisk Information, 16.06.13)

Tyrkisk forår – revolte og håb. Interview med Cemal Weli (Autonom Infoservice, 11. juni 2013)

Det tyrkiske sultanat slår sprækker. Af Morten Bønke (Information.dk, 7. juni 2013; debat, side 19)

Parkprotester varsler politisk forår i Tyrkiet. Af Mathias Findalen (Modkraft.dk, 5. juni 2013)

Tyrkiet: To demonstranter dræbt – uroligheder fortsætter. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (Modkraft.dk, 2. juni 2013). Med links.

Folkelige protester mod Tyrkiets regering spreder sig. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (Modkraft.dk, 1. juni 2013). Med links.


In English:

2013 protests in Turkey (Wikipedia.org)

Class and politics in Turkey’s Gezi protests. By Erdem Yörük and Murat Yüksel (New Left Review, Issue 89, September-October 2014, p.103-123)

Smells like Gezi spirit: Democratic sensibilities and carnivalesque politics in Turkey. By Meyda Yeğenoğlu (Radical Pholosophy, Issue 182, November-December 2013).

Tracing the Çapulco: historical, ethnographic, and global perspectives on mass politics in Turkey today. By Jeremy F. Walton (Logos, Vol.12, No.3, Fall 2013; online at Internet Archive)

Turkey: Between Islamic neoliberalism and Kemalist nationalism. By Ron Margulies (International Socialism, Issue 139, Summer 2013)

Organized Labour in the Gezi process: reflections on a popular uprising and weakened organized Labour. By Baris Karaagac and Gaye Yilmaz (The Bullet, No.846, July 3, 2013)

Learning from Taksim Square. By Neil Faulkner (Counterfire, 18 June 2013)

Another Turkey is possible. By Said Akgul. (Counterfire, 18 June 2013) “The use of force against mass protests in Turkey has created an even stronger opposition than Erdogan could have imagined.”

Turkey: In revolt against AKP dictat. By Esen Uslu (Weekly Worker, Issue 966, June 13, 2013)

Turkey: Battle for secularism. By Eddie Ford (Weekly Worker, Issue 966, June 13, 2013)

Occupy Gezi: eruption of a mass movement. By Volkan Aran (Counterfire, 12 June 2013)

In search of the building blocks of opposition in Turkey. By Joseph Logan (Middle East Report Online, June 10, 2013). With links to other MERIP articles about Turkey.

The bitterness has been brewing (SocialistWorker.org, June 6, 2013). A professor and activist in Istanbul talked to Brian Bean.

Turkey: significant strike action against the background of government attempts to defuse the movement. By Jorge Martín (In Defence of Marxism, 6 June 2013)

Turkish clashes continue as Erdogan brands protesters ‘extremists’. By Bill Van Auken (World Socialist Web Site, 4 June 2013)

The roots of Turkey’s rebellion. By Richard Seymour (SocialistWorker.org, June 3, 2013)

Spring comes to Turkey. By Tom Gagné (International Viewpoint, Issue 461, June 2013)

Turkey: can’t see the trees for the woods (Michael Roberts Blog, June 3, 2013). About Turkish capitalism.

Turkey: ‘Occupy Gezi’ – Istanbul’s red-green uprising; Right to the City movement and the Turkish summer. By I. Zekeriya Ayman (Links, June 2, 2013)

The Right to the City movement and the Turkish summer. By Joe Cassano (Jadaliyya.com, June 1, 2013)

Report from Turkey: A taste of Tahrir at Taksim. By Sungur Savran (The Bullet, No.831, June 1, 2013)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

  • Tidslinjen: 15. juli 2016, om fejlslagent militærkup i Tyrkiet.
  • Tidslinjen: 29. oktober 1923, hvor Tyrkiet bliver republik og Kemal Atatürk præsident.


1. juni 2013

Omfattende demonstrationer og folkeligt oprør i Brasilien begynder som protest mod højere transportpriser.

People protesting in the streets of Rio de Janeiro. The sign reads "Se a passagem não baixar, o Rio vai parar!", which translates to "If the fare doesn't drop, Rio is going to stop!" (Kilde: Wikipedia)
People protesting in the streets of Rio de Janeiro. The sign reads “Se a passagem não baixar, o Rio vai parar!”, which translates to “If the fare doesn’t drop, Rio is going to stop!” (Kilde: Wikipedia)

På dansk:

2013 protests in Brazil (Wikipedia.org), også svensk artikel på Wikipedia.

Brasilianske byer opgiver prisstigninger efter masseprotester. Af Mikkel Flohr (Modkraft.dk, 20. juni 2013)

Op mod 200.000 på gaden i Brasilien. Af Mikkel Flohr (Modkraft.dk, 18. juni 2013)

Brasilien: ‘Dette er ikke vandalisme – dette er en revolte!’ (Autonom Infoservice, 28. juni 2013). Bl.a. interview med Debora Dornelas Sobral.

Den folkelige opstand er retfærdig! Stop undertrykkelsen! (Socialistisk Information, 30. juni  2013). Erklæring fra PPSOL (Partiet for Socialisme og Frihed).

Juni-vinden blæser stadig (Socialistisk Information, 2.11.2013). Erklæring fra Insurgencia (revolutionær tendens i partiet PSOL)
In English:

Brazil in revolt. By Henrique Sanchez and Sean Purdy (Socialist Review, Issue 382, July-August 2013)

The mass protests in Brazil in June-July 2013. By Alfredo Saad Filho (The Bullet, No.851, July 15, 2013). Norsk udgave: Masseprotestane i Brasil i juni og juli 2013 (Rødt! nr.4, 2013, 36-43)

Ructions in Rio. By Sue Branford and Hilary Wainwright (Red Pepper, July 2013)

Brazil: Half riot, half carnival. By Eddie Ford (Weekly Worker, Issue 968, June 27, 2013)

The road to revolt in Brazil. By Sean Purdy (SocialistWorker.org, June 26, 2013). Sean Purdy is a member of the Party of Socialism and Freedom.

Brazilian Spring: a general panorama and some perspectives. By Rodrigo Santaella (New Politics, June 26, 2013)

Brazil: millions take to the streets against ‘everything’. By Socrates Fabiano (Counterfire, 24 June 2013)

Brazil: Report and balance sheet of the first big rally in Joinville. By Johannes Halter (In Defence of Marxism, 23 June 2013)

A Brazilian Autumn? By Miguel Borba de Sa (Jacobin, 21.06.2013)

Mass World Cup protests rock Brazil. By Dave Zirin (The Nation, June 18, 2013)

Se også:

Crisis in Brazil. By Perry Anderson (London Review of Books, Vol.38, No.8, 21 April 2016). “Dilma Rousseff’s … Workers’ Party, which had long enjoyed by far the highest level of approval in Brazil, became the most unpopular party in the country.”

Brazil: The debacle of the PT. By Alfredo Saad-Filho (MRZine, March 30, 2015)

Brazil: Lula, Rousseff, and the Workers Party establishment in power. By Dan La Botz (New Politics, No.58, Winter 2015)

Two transitions in Brazil: dilemmas of a Neoliberal democracy. By Alfredo Saad Filho (The Bullet, No.927, January 2014)

Topics: Brazil (World Socialist Web Site)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Tidslinjen: 7. oktober 1945, om Lula (præsident 2003-2010) og Brasilien.
Tidslinjen: 12. juni 2014, med baggrund om VM i fodbold i Brasilien.


9. juni 2013

Den amerikanske efterretningsanalytiker Edward Snowden (født 21. juni 1983) træder frem som kilde til afsløringern af det amerikanske National Security Agency’s spionprogram for overvågning af internetaktiviteter, PRISM.

Fra 23. juni tilbringer han 1 mdr. i Moskvas internationale lufthavn, indtil han får  asyl i Rusland. Og i september 2022 får han russisk statsborgerskab.


Nettets frihedskæmper. Af Ole Nyeng (Weekendavisen, nr.38, 20. september 2019). Anmeldelse af Edward Snowden: I offentlighedens tjeneste  (Informations Forlag, 2019, 350 s.). “Han viste os allesammen, hvor høj en pris vi må betale for at opnå sikkerhed. Og må selv leve et liv i usikkerhed og ufrihed.” See also review Kevin Reed: Edward Snowden: The man who exposed the electronic surveillance of everyone by US intelligence (World Socialist Web Site, 12 October 2019)

Stater vil overvåge kritikere. Af Glenn Greenwald (Information.dk, 17. maj 2014). Uddrag fra Glenn Greenwald: Overvåget: en insiderberetning om Edward Snowden, NSA og den amerikanske overvågningsstat (Informations Forlag, 2014, 296 sider). Anmeldelse af Peter Kofod: Bogen, du ikke må lukke øjnene for (Arbejderen.dk, 6. juni 2014) + af Mikkel Schou: Overvågningen er værre end man tror (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 13. juni 2014)

Dansk interview med whistlebloweren Edward Snowden. Af Peter Kofod (Denfri.dk, februar 2014)

Den dag, spionen besluttede at blive til whistleblower (Information.dk, 8. februar 2014). Uddrag fra Luke Harding: The Snowden Files: The Inside Story Of The World’s Most Wanted Man (Guardian Faber, 2014)

Enhedslisten indstiller Edward Snowden til Nobels fredspris (Information.dk, 13. august 2013)

Oliver Stone’s Snowden (2016):

Snowden (film) (Wikipedia.org)

Oliver Stone hollywoodiserer Snowden. Af Lars Ploug (Modkraft.dk, 30. september 2016). “Med filmen om Edward Snowden trivialiserer Oliver Stone whistlebloweren med sløve Hollywood-klicheer, der ikke kan opveje, at filmens politik er præk for de allerede frelste.”

Snowden afslørede den amerikanske elites paranoia. Af Lotte Folke Frederiksen (Information.dk, 29. september 2016). Interview med Oliver Stone i anledning af dansk premiere på hans film Snowden.

Oliver Stone’s Snowden: The NSA is “running a dragnet on the whole world”. By Joanne Laurier and David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 20 September 2016). “Stone’s film is a serious effort and done with integrity.”

Citizenfour. Documentary by Laura Poitras (2014):

Citizenfour (Wikipeidia.org)

Citizenfour documentary on Edward Snowden premieres in UK and US. By Robert Stevens (World Socialist Web Site, 20 October 2014)

Unmasking Big Brother (SocialistWorker.org, June 17, 2014). Greenwald spoke with Nicole Colson and Eric Ruder.

Glenn Greenwald versus the Big Brother state. By Nicole Colson (SocialistWorker.org, June 3, 2014). With many links.

Edward Snowden: Planet without a visa. By Bill van Auken (World Socialist Web Site, 3 July 2013)

Se også:

Secrets & Lies (State of Nature, Spring 2014). “Whistleblowers and the law, NGOs and ‘democracy funding’, global spy networks, a history of government lies, control of media communication …”

The politics of hacktivism. By George Martin Fell Brown (Socialism Today, Issue 171, September 2013). Review of Parmy Olson, We Are Anonymous (William Heineman, 2013) + Andy Greenberg, This Machine Kills Secrets (Dutton Adult, 2012)

Electronic Frontier Foundation (Wikipedia.org)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

  • Tidslinjen: 26. maj 2010, om Bradley / Chelsea Manning:
  • Linkboxen: Whistleblowers. Med links til danske, svenske, amerikanske og andre sager.


3. juli 2013

Østre Landsret fradømmer det kurdiske ROJ TV sendetilladelsen og idømmer dem en bod på 10 mio. kr.


Roj TV fratages sendetilladelse. Af Mikkel Flohr (Modkraft.dk, 4. juli 2013)

Se også:

Kom tættere på forståelse af ROJ TV-sagen. Af Lillian Simonsen (Modkraft.dk/Blog, 2. juli 2013). Om bloggerens to e-bøger.

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

  • Linkboxen: Kurdistan, om Kurdistan, ROJ-TV og den kurdiske kamp for selvstændighed (mest danske links).
  • Tidslinjen: 15. februar 1999, om PKK og tilfangetagelsen af PKKs leder Abdullah Öcalan
  • Tidslinjen: 27. november 1978, om PKK


3. juli 2013

Efter massedemonstationer siden 28. juni, tvinger det egyptiske militær den folkevalgte præsident Mursi til at gå af, sætter forfatningen ud af kraft (til revision) og lover nyvalg.

På dansk:

Brev til egyptiske revolutionære. Af Revolutionære Socialister (Socialistisk Information, 08.09.13)

Tilbagerulning af magten i Egypten. Af Jan Helbak (Kritisk Debat, 26. august 2013). P.t. ikke online.

Revolution og militærkup i Egypten. Af Mikkel Flohr (Modkraft.dk, 4. juli 2013)

Den anden egyptiske revolution. Af Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 5. juli 2013)

In English:

2013 Egyptian coup d’état (Wikipedia.org)

Egypt: Revolution contained? By Philip Marfleet (Socialist Review, Issue 383, September 2013)

Socialists need to rethink the military takeover. By John Riddell (Links, August 20, 2013). With debates and links.

Letter to Egyptian revolutionaries (Links, August 19, 2013). Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt).

The rise and fall of the Muslim Brotherhood. By Sean Ledwith (Counterfire, 29 July 2013)

The military’s new massacres in Egypt (SocialistWorker.org, July 29, 2013). Three statements by the Revolutionary Socialists of Egypt.

Whither Egypt’s democracy? By Ahmad Shokr (Middle East Report Online, July 12, 2013)

Egypt: Two reactionary forces. By Yassamine Mather (Weekly Worker, Issue 970, July 11, 2013)

Egypt in year three. By the editors (Middle East Report Online, July 10, 2013)

Army ousts Morsi from power in face of popular protests (International Viewpoint, Issue 462, July 2013). Transcript of a Real News Network interview with Gilbert Achcar. With link to video, part 1-2.

Egypt: The people still want end to regime. By Tony Iltis (Green Left Weekly, July 7, 2013)

If they come for Muslim Brotherhood in the morning”¦. By Phil Hearse (Socialist Resistance, July 6, 2013)

Egypt: A victory for revolution or counterrevolution? Views from the Egyptian left (Links, July 5, 2013)

All of Egypt is Tahrir (SocialistWorker.org, July 5, 2013). Ahmed Shawki talked to Eric Ruder about the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Four days that shook the world (SocialistWorker.org, July 5, 2013). Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt).

Egypt: Four days that shook the world. By Sameh Naguib (Socialist Worker, Issue 2366, 5 July 2013)

Bonapartist coup in Egypt! By Sungur Savran (The Bullet, No.848, July 4, 2013)

Egypt: Not the next stage of the revolution. By Yassamine Mather (Weekly Worker, Issue 969, July 4, 2013)

The Egyptian army acted to limit the revolution, not to lead it. By John Rees (Counterfire, 3 July 2013)

Hanah Elsisi: Interview of the fall of Morsi – live from Cairo (IS Network, 3 July 2013)

Foto: Tahrirpladsen i Cairo under foråret 2011 (Charlotte Lund)
Foto: Tahrirpladsen i Cairo under foråret 2011 (Charlotte Lund/Monsun)

Se også / See also

Egypten (Leksikon.org), med statistik + historik.

Egypt: The workers advance. By Philip Marfleet (International Socialism, Issue 139, Summer 2013)

Link collections:

Revolution in Egypt (SocialistWorker.org)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


21. august 2013

Den østlige udkant af Damaskus i Syrien – i området Ghouta – bliver ramt af angreb med giftgas. Der rapporteres om op til ca. 1500 dræbte. Den danske regering bakker umiddelbart op bag USA-initiativ for samling af villig koalition til militær aktion mod Assad-regimet.


Foto: Mette Kramer Kristensen/Monsun (Arkivfoto). Kilde: Arbejderen.dk (28. august 2013).
Foto: Mette Kramer Kristensen/Monsun (Arkivfoto). Kilde: Arbejderen.dk (28. august 2013).


Se danske links:

Forskere afslører kemi-match: Giftgas brugt mod Syriens borgere kommer fra regimet (Dr.dk, 30. januar 2018). “Det oplyser nyhedsbureauet Reuter, der har talt med anonyme forskere og diplomater.” Se her: Exclusive: Tests link Syrian government stockpile to largest sarin attack – sources (Reuters.com, January 30, 2018).

Serie: Vor tids værste krigsforbrydelser (Information.dk, 31. juli 2017- ). “Information har set nærmere på fire konkrete anklager [mod det syriske regime].”

På Modkraft Nyheder: se emneordet Syrien

Vis din modstand mod krig i Syrien! (Arbejderen.dk, 28. september 2013), med links til temaside, emneord + fredsinitiativer.

Vished frem for viden: Informations og Politikens dækning af giftgasangrebet i Ghouta. Af Uffe Kaels Auring (Kritisk Debat, 15. oktober 2014)

Krigen fortsætter ufortrødent. Af Tobias Havemand (Information.dk, 14. juni 2014). “Sandheden om, hvem der sendte kemiske våben over byen Ghouta, er … gået hårdt ud over den journalistiske legende Seymour Hersh.”

Syrien: Vi støtter det syriske folks revolution – nej til fremmed intervention. Af Revolutionære i Mellemøsten (Socialistisk Information, 07.09.13)

Syrien – hvad nu? Af Alfred Lang (Autonom Infoservice, 2. september 2013)

Danmark bakker USA op – pinlig følgagtighed. Af Klaus Krogsbæk (Kritisk Debat, 2. september 2013). P.t. ikke online.

Usigelig alliance for Assad-regimet. Af Germano Monti (Autonom Infoservice, 24. marts 2014)

Links in English:

What happened in Douma? Searching for facts in the fog of Syria’s propaganda war. By James Harkin (The Intercept, February 9, 2019). “Beyond the war in Syria, the cloud of misinformation that enveloped the attack in Douma stands as a cautionary tale.”

Was the Douma chlorine gas attack a ‘false flag’? By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, June 1, 2019). “The ‘false flag’ brigades are still at it, with the latest flare-up occurring over a leaked OPCW document that tries to make the case that the death of dozens of men, women and children in Douma on April 7, 2018 was not a result of a helicopter dropping weaponized chlorine tanks on a tenement but being placed there by jihadists …”

Exclusive: Tests link Syrian government stockpile to largest sarin attack – sources (Reuters.com, January 30, 2018). “The Syrian government’s chemical weapons stockpile has been linked for the first time by laboratory tests to the largest sarin nerve agent attack of the civil war, diplomats and scientists told Reuters …”

United Nations mission to investigate allegations of the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic, Final report (pdf) (United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, 12 December 2013, 84 p.)

Report on allegations of the use of chemical weapons in the Ghouta areas of Damascus on 21 August 2013 (pdf) (United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, September 17, 2013, 41 p.). See also Factsheet (pdf) (1 p.) + Eksperter: Indicier peger på Syriens hær (Information.dk, 17. september 2013)

Syria: Government likely culprit in chemical attack (Human Rights Watch, September 10, 2013)

A dangerous method: Syria, Sy Hersh, and the art of mass-crime revisionism. By Muhammad Idrees Ahmad (Los Angeles Review of Books, June 1, 2014). “By now even the most dogmatic among Hersh’s publishers must have realized that they were hoaxed.”

Raging with the Machine: Robert Fisk, Seymour Hersh and Syria (Pulse, April 25, 2014). “Yassin al-Haj Saleh … discusses the distorted lens through which most people are viewing the conflict.”

Seymour Hersh as Dorian Gray. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, April 8, 2014). “Seymour Hersh … is no longer a trenchant and truthful investigative reporter.”

Whose sarin? By Seymour M. Hersh (London Review of Books, Vol.35, No.24, 19 December 2013). “Barack Obama did not tell the whole story when he tried to make the case [against] Bashar al-Assad …”

On Monsterphilia and Assad. By Muhammad Idrees Ahmad (Guernica Magazine, October 24, 2013). “The problems with the ‘anti-imperialist’ position on Syria.”

The New Truthers: Americans who deny Syria used chemical weapons. By Muhammad Idrees Ahmad (New Republic, September 12, 2013). “… countless Americans, including public figures from across the political spectrum who … eagerly believe and spread misinformation.”

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:



30. august 2013

Den irske digter Seamus Heaney dør i Dublin (født i Nordirland 13. april 1939). Nobelprisen i litteratur 1995.

Skrev om Danmark digtet: “Tollund Man”

Something of his sad freedom
As he rode the tumbril
Should come to me, driving
Saying the names

See: Seamus Heaney – The Tollund Man
This is a photo montage set to Seamus Heaney’s reading of “The Tollund Man”. (YouTube, 1:46 min.).


Seamus Heaney (Wikipedia.org). Længere engelsk artikel + External links. Kortere introduktion på norsk.

Seamus Heaney (1939-2013). By Paul O’Brien (Socialist Review, Issue 384, October 2013)

A poet of labor and the laborer. By Mark Dickman (SocialistWorker.org,
September 11, 2013). “From his very first published poem “Diggers,” the subject of workers and their tools has been central …”

Seamus Heaney: a poet who wasn’t part of the herd. By Simon Basketter (Socialist Worker, Issue 2370, 10 September 2013)


18. september 2013

Det såkaldte Rangvid-udvalg, der med professor Jesper Rangvid i spidsen har kulegravet, hvorfor Danmark blev så hårdt ramt af finanskrisen, afleverer sin rapport. Udvalget blev nedsat af daværende erhvervs- og vækstminister Ole Sohn (SF) 24. januar 2012.


Kilde: Finanskrisen 2007-10: Wikipedia.dk
Kilde: Finanskrisen 2007-10: Wikipedia.dk

Den finansielle krise i Danmark – årsager, konsekvenser og læring (Erhvervs- og Vækstministeriet, september 2013, 488 sider). Rangvid-udvalgets rapport. Se mindretalsudtalelser side 25, 39-41, 44, 49 + udvalgets sammensætning mv. side 55.

Drøje hug til finanskrisens sandhedsvidne. Af Peter Nyholm og Mads Sixhøj (Business.dk, 5. december 2013). “Professor Tom Engsted fra Aarhus Universitet giver sammen med lektor Johannes Raaballe Rangvid-rapporten skarp kritik i en artikel i forskningstidsskriftet Finans/Invest + Rangvid giver svar på tiltale (5. december 2013).

Finanskrisen behandles med dansk provinsialisme. Af Kristian Weise (Magasinet Politik, 3. oktober 2013; online på Internet Archive WayBackMachine). “Fem år efter at krisen brød ud kom det danske udvalg om finanskrisen med sin rapport om årsagerne og konsekvenserne af krisen. Selvom anbefalingerne i sig selv er fornuftige, er den danske debat håbløst bagud og mangler det perspektiv, som krisen eksempelvis er blevet behandlet med i USA.”

Den danske banksektor var for stor til ikke at fejle. Af Karen Helveg Petersen (Arbejderen.dk, 27. september 2013). “Rangvid-rapportens styrke er dens gennemgang af mange tilsyneladende ligegyldige detaljer og menneskelige svagheder, der fik korthuset til at vælte.”

Finanskritik: Rangvid-rapporten mangler bid (pdf). Af Christen Sørensen (Politiken, 22. september 2013; online med titlen Udfordring til Rangvid-udvalget på En-vis-mand.dk). “Udfordring nr. 1 til Rangvid-udvalget: hvorfor blev det ikke anført, at der blev ført en historisk uansvarlig finanspolitik i årene forud for finanskrisens udbrud, når dette er rigtigt?”

Banker – en samfundsnødvendig forretning – og/eller et kapitalistisk kasino? Af Erik Christensen (Modkraft.dk/Blog, 20. september 2013). “Rapporten er så til pas bred i sin analyse og peger på mange årsager til krisen, hvilket betyder at alle etablerede aktører kan vælge at udpegede skurke, der passer, dem bedst.”

Se også:

En finanssektor, som tjener flertallet: Enhedslistens forslag til strukturreformer i den danske finanssektor. Udarbejdet af Enhedslistens økonomiske sekretariat ved Pelle Dragsted, Nicolai Bentsen og Poya Pakzad (18. december 2018; online på Internet Archive). “I dette udspil præsenterer Enhedslisten en lang række reformer til at skabe en finanssektor, som ikke udgør en trussel, men derimod tjener samfundet og økonomien.” Med link til rapporten (pdf) (76 sider).

Krisens skygger trækker stadig spor: 10 år efter krisen (AE – Arbejderbevægelsens Erhvervsråd, oktober 2018, 36 s.). “I denne publikation ser vi nærmere på konsekvenserne af krisen, hvad krisen kostede Danmark og hvordan er det gået med krisens ofre? Krisen for 10 år siden er desværre ikke den sidste økonomiske krise, vi kommer til at opleve. Derfor er læren af finanskrisen utrolig vigtig.”

Krakas Finanskrisekommission (Kraka.org). “Efter 1½ års arbejde offentliggjorde Krakas finanskrisekommission i november 2014 sin hovedrapport, ”Den danske finanskrise – kan det ske igen?” (Finanskrisekommissionen/Kraka, 30. oktober 2014, 181 sider). Online på sitet Finanskrisekommissionen (Internet Archive).

Hvad var årsagen til finanskrisen? (Information, 18. september 2013). “Information har bedt en række aktører, som for alvor havde noget på spil under krisen, om at give deres besyv med.” P.t. under betalingsmur.

Tema: Bobler og finanskrise: danske konjunkturudsving 1999-2010 (pdf) (Statistisk Tiårsoversigt 2010, Danmarks Statistik, 2010, s.5-21). Scroll ned.

Finanskrisen i Danmark. Af Anders Hadberg (Socialistisk Information, 31. oktober 2008). “Mens det brænder i USA og store europæiske lande, ser vi nu også at finanskrisen for alvor rammer Danmark. I denne artikel gennemgås hvordan finanskrisen indtil videre har udviklet sig i Danmark og hvordan myndighederne har reageret på krisen.”



Eurokrisen: Europa mellem pengestyre og folkestyre. Af Anders Lundkvist (Hovedeland, 2013). Se uddrag fra bogens kapitel 5 (Anderslundkvist.net, 17. juli 2013).

Gode penge: et kontant svar på gældskrisen. Af Ole Bjerg (Informations Forlag, 2013, 100 sider). Se anmeldelse af Karen Helveg Petersen (Modkraft.dk, 15. oktober 2013).

Finanskrisen: kleptokratiets konsekvenser. Af Christen Sørensen (Tiderne Skifter, 2013, 227 sider). Se Christen Sørensens site, faneblad Finansbog.

Krisens navn: bekæmper regeringen den forkerte økonomiske krise? Af
Jørgen Goul Andersen (Frydenlund Academic, 2013, 134 sider). Se uddrag fra bogens indledning (Magasinet Politik, 3. oktober 2013) + Jørgen Goul Andersen: Danmarks selvskabte økonomiske krise (Videnskab.dk, 28. juli 2013).

Sidste udvej: Finansiel Stabilitet og Danmarks bankkrise. Af Martin Jes Iversen (Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2013, 234 sider – læs de først 18 sider her)

Andre folks penge: historien om den danske finanskrise. Af Niels Sandøe og Thomas G. Svaneborg (Jyllands-Postens Forlag, 2013, 463 sider). Se anmeldelse af Andreas Albertsen (Magasinet Politik, 3. oktober 2013; online på Internet Archive WayBackMachine).

Krisen og den udeblevne systemkritik: et essay. Af Preben Wilhjelm (Politisk Revy, 2012, 62 sider). Se pjecen online på Modkraft.dk.

Finansernes fald: hvordan den perfekte storm væltede de finansielle markeder. Af Jesper Berg og Morten L. Bech (Gyldendal, 2009, 319 sider). Se Jesper Berg: Finansernes fald – den korte version (pdf) (Samfundsøkonomen, nr. 1, marts 2010; online på Internet Archive).

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


27. september 2013

1. delrapport (om det klimavidenskabelige grundlag) fra FNs klimapanels (ICPP) i 5. hovedrapport om klimaændringer bliver offentliggjort. 2. delrapport udgives 31. marts 2014 og 3. delrapport 13. april 2014. Afsluttende rapport offentliggjort 2. november 2014 i København.


FN’s Klimapanel (DMI). Med artikler om IPCC’s 5. hovedrapport + særrapporter.

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (Wikipedia.org), også norsk Wiki-artikel: IPCCs femte hovedrapport

Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) (IPCC) + about Sixth Assessment Report (2022)

Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of climate change (IPCC)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). IPCC is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.

The new IPCC climate report (RealClimate.org, 27 September 2013)

Impacts of climate change: Part 2 of the new IPCC Report has been approved (RealClimate.org, 4 April 2014)

Climate change and capitalism (Michael Roberts Blog, September 28, 2013). På norsk: Klimaendringar og kapitalisme (Gnist/Rødt! nr.4, 2013, s.44-49)

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Wikipedia.org). Med links til den danske og længere norske artikler om FN’s klimapanel.

Trods udsving fra år til år fortsætter Jordens overfladetemperatur med at stige. Figur: SkepticalScience.com
Trods udsving fra år til år fortsætter Jordens overfladetemperatur med at stige. Figur: SkepticalScience.com


Se også:

Notes from the editors (Monthly Review, Vol.70, No.7, February 2019). “Climatologist James Hansen’s Climate Change in a Nutshell: The Gathering Storm, written in December 2018 and known as the Nutshell document, is, in our opinion, the single most important analysis currently available for general readers seeking to stay abreast of the science and politics of global warming.” See the document (pdf, 55 p.).

Alarmråb fra klimapanel kalder på antikapitalistisk alternativ. Af Daniel Tanuro (Modkraft.dk, 5. november 2014). “Klimapanelets advarsler er stærkere end nogensinde, men regeringerne styrer mod en aftale, der er økologisk utilstrækkelig, socialt uretfærdig og teknologisk farlig.”

Klimabenægtere på krigsstien. Af Finn Kjeller (Modkraft.dk, 27. september 2013). “FN’s nye klimarapport forsøges miskrediteret af velfinansierede »skeptikere«. Olieselskaber spytter i kassen for at skabe tvivl og udskyde klimatiltag.” Med links.

Termostaten står på klimakaos. Af Finn Kjeller (Modkraft.dk, 26. februar 2013). “Forskningsrapporter på stribe slår fast: De seneste års hedebølger og tørke, uvejrskatastrofer og oversvømmelser er kun en forsmag på den fremtid, der varmes op til.”

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


4. oktober 2013

Den vietnamesiske krigshelt fra kolonikrigen general Giap dør i Hanoi. (Født 25. august 1911, se denne).

Yahya Hassan, på Bogforum oktober 2013. Foto Mogens Engelund. Kilde: https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahya_Hassan#/media/Fil:Yahya_Hassan.jpg

17. oktober 2013

Udgivelsesdagen for 1. udgave, 1. oplag af Yahya Hassans (født 19. maj 1995 i Århus) debut-digtsamling Yahya Hassan: Digte (Gyldendal, 169 sider).
Digtsamlingen medførte trusler og overfald rettet mod den unge lyriker, samtidig med, at den blev bedst sælgende debut-samling med 120.000 ekspl.  Yahya Hassan dør den 29. april 2020 i Århus, efter nogle turbulente år med politibeskyttelse, voldsdom, psykiatrisk behandling m.m.


Yahya Hassan (Wikipedia.dk)
Yahya Hassan (Denstoredanske.dk)
Yahya Hassan (Bibliografi.dk). Udgivelser på dansk.


Yahya Hassan: Skrevet med stort. Af Morten Ranum (Solidaritet.dk, 16. februar 2020). “Yahya Hassan har skrevet nye digte [2019]. De er igen sat med versaler, som om han er bange for ikke at blive hørt. Også Gyldendals redaktør Simon Pastinak synes at have været i tvivl. Han har været i blækhuset og skrevet to siders argumentation for bogens relevans og aktualitet.”


Himlen over os: Yahya Hassan (YouTube, 8 min). Tv-portræt, februar 2013, altså før digter-debut.

Radio: Yahya – det blev sagt. Red. Diana Bach, Rikke Stokholm og Mette Willumsen (DR, 8. maj 2020, 27:08 min.). “Her kan du møde Yahya Hassans mange facetter gennem hans egne ord og det, som andre har sagt om ham gennem årene …”

Modkraft/Blogs mv.:

Værdien af et vidnesbyrd. Af Lene Myong (5. februar 2014). “Hvilket ansvar har kunstneren for kunstens effekter?”

Vold mod Yahya Hassan. Af Steen Gottlieb (24. november 2013). “Hvert ord i hans digte er også et råb om frigørelse. Hvert ord i Lars Hedegaards tale om islam er nedgørelse.”

Fædre vrøvler islam og Aljazeera – Mig jeg uskyldig. Af Steen Gottlieb (11. november 2013). Anmeldelse. “Det er ætsende kritik af en del af underklassens livsform, den har lukket sig selv inde i et normsystem, som den kalder islam. Men den har ikke noget tilfælles med den hånende, kultur-agressive kritik mod islam.”

På kanten (erindringer om omsorgssvigt). Af Anna Rytter (6. oktober 2013). “Jeg (kan) genkende mange af de ting, som Yahya Hassan skriver om i sin skildring af sin barndom . Han beskriver vold, …”

Selvkritik er et “hvidt” privilegium. Af Karen M. Larsen (Karens Tanker, 6. februar 2014). “Men der er også et mere grundlæggende problem med Athena Farrokhzads og Lene Myongs kritik.”

Yahya Hassan: Jag är ­ansvarig för mina ord, inte för hur andra läser dem (Dagens Nyheter, 9. marts 2014)

Hans raseri hyllas av danska rasister. Av Athena Farrokhzad (Aftenbladet.se, 22. januar 2014). “Det finns erfarenheter jag inte kan skriva om här. Sådana som kretsar kring patriarkalt våld i en intim sfär.”

Et håb er tændt: Yahya Hassan. Af Henning  Prins (Kritisk Portal, 2014). “Jeg tror ikke, man kan overdrive den symbolske betydning, denne digtsamling har og nok også vil få …”

Yahya Hassan. Af Sam (Arbejderen/Ugen der gik, 30. november 2013). “Hassans digte bliver forstærket og har fået tilføjet ekstra dimensioner via medierne og har krænket nogle i de muslimske miljøer.”

Beboere i Vollsmose: Hvorfor skal Yahya Hassans pubertetsvrede gå ud over os? (Information.dk, 26. november 2013). Indlæg af bl.a. Inaam Nabil, der deltog i DRs Deadline-debat 1. december 2013, hvor Yahya Hassan udvandrede.

Grafitti-'nekrolog' fra Århus på Facebook, maj 2020: 'Rest in poetry, YAHYA' Credit: #aarhusgraff
Grafitti-‘nekrolog’ fra Århus på Facebook, maj 2020: ‘Rest in poetry, YAHYA’ Credit: #aarhusgraff Kilde: copenhagenvandals.

Se om Hassans død: Tidslinjen 29. april 2020

Se også:

Download/streaming på bibliotekernes Netlydbog: Yahya Hassan: Digte (2:10:29 time).

Bibliotekerne har også cd-udgave af oplæsning og bogen trykte udgave!

Se hele Yahya Hassans digtoplæsning og debatten med publikum (Tv2Fyn; 1:53:35 time). Transmission fra et meget omtalt (ikke mindst pga. politiopbuddet, flyveforbud, m.m.) arrangement i Vollsmose 26. november 2013.


18. oktober 2013

Den britiske marxistiske teoretiker Norman Geras dør. (Født 25. august 1943 i daværende Sydrhodesia). Tidligere med i redaktionerne af New Left Review og Socialist Register indtil Irak-krigen 2003, hvor han bakkede op bag krigen.


Norman Geras 1943-2013. By Paul Blackledge (Socialist Review, Issue 385, November 2013). “The author of the seminal and groundbreaking work, Marx and Human Nature, was not without his faults.”

Norman Geras: an obituary. By Rjurik Davidson (Overland Literary Journal, 22 October 2013). “In the late 1980s, Geras defended Marxism against the theories of the ‘Post-Marxists’ Laclau and Mouffe in a pair of devastating articles that became standard reading of the time.”

Norman Geras obituary. By Eve Garrard (The Guardian, 20 October 2013). “Leftwing theorist and pioneer blogger with a mission to take on political orthodoxy.”

Af / By Norman Geras:

Norman Geras 1943 – 2013 (Marxist Internet Archive, svensk avdelning)

Minimum Utopia: ten theses (Socialist Register 2000, p.41-52; online at Marxists Internet Archive)

Socialist hope in an age of catastrophe (Socialist Register 1996, p.239-61)

Richard Rorty and the righteous among the nations (Socialist Register 1994, p.32-59)

Seven types of obloquy: travesties of Marxism (Socialist Register 1990, p.1-34)

Our morals: the ethics of Revolution (Socialist Register 1989, p.185-211)

Ex-Marxism without substance: being a real reply to Laclau and Mouffe (New Left Review I/169, May-June 1988, p.34-61). Only abstract online.

Post-Marxism? (New Left Review, Issue 163, May-June 1987, p.40-82). Only abstract online. See extract at Histomat.

The controversy about Marx and justice (New Left Review, Issue 150, March-April 1985, p.47-85; online at Marxists Internet Archive)

Classical Marxism and proletarian representation (New Left Review, Issue 125, January-February 1981, p.75-89). Only abstract online.

Rosa Luxemburg: a re-assessment. By Michael Löwy (New Left Review, Issue 101-102, February-April 1977, p.138-142). Review of Norman Geras, The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg (NLB, 1976). Only abstract online. See Verso-edition 1983.

Rosa Luxemburg after 1905 (New Left Review, Issue 89, January-February 1975, p.3-46). Only abstract online.

Rosa Luxemburg: barbarism and the collapse of Capitalism (New Left Review, Issue 82, November-December 1973, p.17-37)

Louis Althussers marxism: Varufetischism och klassmedvetande (pdf) (Röda Bokförlaget, 1972, 63 s.)

Se også:

In the name of decency: the contortions of the pro-war left. By Richard Seymour (International Socialism, Issue 113, Winter 2007, p.9-32)


27. oktober 2013

Den amerikanske rockmusiker Lou Reed dør i Southampton, New York (født 2.3.1942 i Brooklyn). Forsanger i gruppen Velvet Underground, 1963-1970.

2013Lou_reed.jpg Lou Reed, January 2004 (Source: Wikipedia.org)


Lou Reed (Wikipedia.org)

Lou Reed 1942-2013. By Noel Halifax (Socialist Review, November 2013)

Lou Reed and that junkie life: the spike in our veins. By Kim Nicolini (CounterPunch, November 1-3, 2013)

Some kind of love. By Scott McLemee (SocialistWorker.org, October 31, 2013)

Lou Reed – transgressive troubadour. By Andy Richards (Socialist Resistance, October 30, 2013)

American musician, performer Lou Reed dead at 71. By Hiram Lee (World Socialist Web Site, 29 October 2013)

An obituary of Lou Reed from a critical, Marxist perspective (Socialism/blog, 29 October 2013). A debate with the obituary above.

Lou Reed: a flash in the dark. A rock and roll animal. By Manuel Garcia, Jr. (CounterPunch, October 28, 2013)

How Lou Reed inspired anti-communist revolutionaries and the rest of us. By Matt Welch (Reason.com, October 27, 2013). The con-lib site writes the story of Reed and Vaclav Havel.


17. november 2013

Den britiske forfatter Doris Lessing dør i London. Født i Kermanshah, østlige Iran 22.10.1919. Bosiddende i Sydrhodesia (nu Zimbabwe) 1925-1949. Kommunistisk/venstreorientret frem til sidst i 1950’erne. Hovedværker The Grass Is Singing (1950) (dansk: Græsset synger, 1952) og gennembruddet fra 1962 The Golden Notebook (dansk: Den gyldne bog, 1975). Nobelpris i litteratur 2007. Selvbiografi: Under My Skin, and Walking in the Shade (1997).

På dansk:

Lidenskabens pris – om Doris Lessing. Af Elisabeth Møller Jensen (Kvinfos Webmagasin, 10. oktober 2007; online på Internet Archive). “Årets Nobelprismodtager i litteratur 2007, Doris Lessing har med sit
forfatterskab indskrevet kvinders livtag med samfund, politik og
privatliv i verdenslitteraturens kanon.”

In English:

Novelist Doris Lessing (1919-2013) and the long retreat. By Sandy English (World Socialist Web Site, 9 December 2013). “Lessing, at one time a member of the British Communist Party, produced significant material over the decades, but she is best remembered as a writer affected by the crimes of Stalinism and the shakeup of the official Communist parties in the period after Stalin’s death in 1953. Along with many others, she eventually moved sharply and disgracefully to the right.”

A golden writer (SocialistWorker.org, December 5, 2013). “Megan Behrent looks at the life and legacy of groundbreaking novelist Doris Lessing.”

Remembering Doris Lessing. By Norman Birnbaum (The Nation, November 25, 2013). “Doris Lessing responded to the contradictions of our time by facing them with unmatched courage.”

The Doris Lessing I knew. By Clancy Sigal (CounterPunch, November 20, 2013). “From her obituaries, and the serious critical assessments of her work, I hardly recognize the Doris Lessing I knew.”

Doris Lessing dies aged 94. By Maev Kennedy (The Guardian, 17 November 2013). “Tributes pour in for Nobel prize-winning author of over 50 novels including The Golden Notebook.”

The Lessing legend. By Paul Foot (Socialist Review, Issue 216, February 1998; online at Marxists Internet Archive). Review of Doris Lessing: Walking In The Shade, Volume two of my autobiography 1949-1962 (Harper Collins, 1997).

By Doris Lessing:

Doris Lessing’s letter to The Reasoner (November 1956) (New Historical Express, November 18, 2013). “Lessing resigned from the CPGB shortly after this letter was published, but was still involved in progressive politics, such as the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Anti-Apartheid Movement, in the 1960s.”

Doris Lessing: Being Prohibited (New Statesman, 18 November 2013). “In this article written on 21 April 1956 Doris Lessing describes her experiences with immigration officers in South Africa in her youth and in 1956 when she was banned entry into the country.”

From the archive: Doris Lessing’s London diary. By Doris Lessing (New Statesman, 28 November 2013, orignal published 22 March 1958). “The girl at the laundry is getting married next week. She says she found him at the marriage bureau.”

Unexamined mental attitudes: Left behind by Communism. By Doris Lessing (Dorislessing.org). Talk delivered in April 1992 at the Rutgers University conference in Newark on intellectuals and social change in Eastern Europe: “While we have seen the apparent death of Communism, ways of thinking that were born under Communism or strengthened by Communism still govern our lives.”

Se også:

The personal and the political: Literature and feminism. By Megan Behrent (International Socialist Review, Issue 92, Spring 2014, p.39-64). “Doris Lessing is one of the most important writers of the twentieth century, whose novel The Golden Notebook was incredibly influential in the women’s movement.”


19. november 2013

Den britiske biokemiker Fredrick Sanger og dobbelte Nobelprismodtager dør (født 1918). Åben anti-fascist siden 1930’erne.


Frederick Sanger (Wikipedia.org), også link til bl.a. kortere norsk artikel.

Fred Sanger 1918-2013. By John Parrington (Socialist Worker, Issue 2380, 21 November 2013)

Se også:

The Human Genome Project: Brave new world of scientific understanding or false dawn? by John Parrington. (International Socialism Journal, Issue 139, Summer, 5 July, 2013, p.99-122)

Letters: Fascist threat. By Fred Sanger, et al. (New Scientist, 11 June 199; preview of the full article!)


21. november 2013

I Ukraines hovedstad starter opstanden “Euromaidan” som protest på Uafhængighedspladsen mod regeringens og præsident Janukovitjs aftale med Rusland. Siden udviklede det sig til borgerkrigslignende tilstande med nedslagtninger, massedemonstrationer og gentagne besættelser af regeringsbygninger med krav om præsidenten Janukovitjs afgang som centralt krav.
“Euromaidan” er sammensat af Euro- og af Maidan (plads).
Se Tidslinjen 27. februar 2014 for links om Ruslands besættelse af Krim-halvøen, krigen i Ukraine og venstrefløjens debat om begivenhederne + Tidslinjen 24. februar 2022 om Ruslands militære angreb på Ukraine.

På dansk:

Om situationen i Ukraine (Socialistisk Information, 8. marts 2014). Udtalelsen fra Fjerde Internationales Internationale Komite den 25. februar: “Den politiske krise i Ukraine begyndte i november 2013, hvor præsident Janukovitj under kraftigt russisk pres besluttede ikke at underskrive associeringsaftalen med EU.”

Reportage fra Ukraine: Nationalistisk præget oprør mod et korrupt regime: Nationalistisk præget oprør mod et korrupt regime (Autonom Infoservice, 2. marts 2014). Østrigske venstrefløjsfolk beretter fra Ukraine.

Ukraine – ikke en sejr for demokratiet (Arbejderen.dk, 28. februar 2014). “Reaktionære politiske kræfter, som er ideologiske efterkommere efter nazister, er dukket op til den politiske ‘overflade’ i Ukraine med hjælp fra EU og USA, advarer en række kommunistiske partier i en fælles udtalelse.”

Hvor er Ukraine på vej hen? Af Alan Woods (Revolution, 26. februar 2014). ”
De sidste tyve år i Ukraine viser, at Sovjetunionens opløsning og etableringen af ‘national uafhængighed’ på kapitalistisk grundlag intet har løst for det ukrainske folk.”

Ukraine: EU’s kamp mod demokrati. Af Anders Lundkvist (Modkraft.dk, 24. februar 2014). “Glem alt om EU som garant for demokrati. Statskup er heltemodigt, hvis det går ud over dem, vi ikke kan lide.”

Hvem er Ukraines opposition? Af Alfred Lang (Modkraft.dk, 21. februar 2014). “Den organiserede nationalistiske højrefløj har væsentlig indflydelse i oppositionen mod landets magthavere.”

Et kritisk blik på oppositionen i Ukraine (Socialistisk Information, 26.01.2014). “Vi bringer her tre kommentarer til konflikten (Catherine Samary, Benny Åsman mfl.), som ser kritisk på såvel regeringen som de toneangivende kredse i oppositionen.”

In English:

What happened in Ukraine in 2013– 2014?: Maidan and after. By Sam Friedman (New Politics, May 13, 2023). “The Maidan in Ukraine through the eyes of participants.”

Explaining Ukraine’s second Maidan. By Maciej Bancarzewski (International Socialism, Issue 158, Spring 2018). Review of Chris Kaspar de Ploeg, Ukraine in the Crossfire (Clarity Press, 2017, 353 p.): “The book is a critical left wing antidote to the media bias and blackout on Ukrainian current affairs.”

Ukraine: the truth about Maidan (pdf). By Dale Street (Workers’ Liberty, Vol.3, No.47, December 2014, 8 p.). “The Maidan in Ukraine needs to be defended against the lies and calumnies of the Stalin-nostalgics …”

Ukraine: No siding with nationalists (Weekly Worker, Issue 1025, 11 September 2014). “Eddie Ford argues that working class political independence cannot be built by backing the pawns of imperialism.”

An analytical time-line for Ukraine: October 1 to December 31, 2013. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, March 16, 2014). “This is a time-line based analysis of events in the Ukraine between October and December 2013, before I began paying closer attention to Euromaidan.”

A contradictory revolt in Ukraine. By Tomas Tengely-Evans (Socialist Review, Issue 389, March 2014). “The situation in Ukraine is fast moving and complex and it is easy to misunderstand what’s at play.”

Ukraine – what would you like to know about it? By Jan Øberg (TFF, February 28, 2014). “Why do I have so many questions still after weeks of coverage? And how much will fellow-citizens who have just a few minutes per day to acquaint themselves with issues such as this understand (except that Putin is a bad guy)?”

Ukraine: Great power tug of war. By Eddie Ford (Weekly Worker, Issue 996, 6 February 2014). “The US and the EU are on one side, Russia is on the other; the human victims are the Ukrainian population.”

Ukraine: Hobson’s choice (Michael Roberts Blog, February 27, 2014). “The people of Ukraine are left with Hobson’s choice: either go with KGB-led crony capitalism from Russia or go with equally corrupt pro-European ‘democrats’.”

Yanukovych falls. Back the left! (Solidarity, Issue 314, 26 February 2014). “The left and the elements of an independent workers’ movement are, however, weak in Ukraine.”

As Ukraine’s president flees, who has won? (Socialist Worker, Issue 2392, 25 February 2014). “After the government falls and rebels claim victory, Simon Basketter looks at the situation in Ukraine.”

‘A mass revolt for democracy’ (International Viewpoint, Issue 469, 25 February 2014). Interview with Zakhar Popovych, member of the “Left Opposition”, a Ukrainian political group.

Ukraine: a people’s revolution? By Alastair Stephens (Counterfire, 25 February 2014). “A power vacuum has been created and some very frightening forces could fill it.”

A political earthquake strikes Ukraine (SocialistWorker.org, February 24, 2014). “Sean Larson and Alan Maass report on the days of violence and unrest that led to the fall of Ukraine’s president–and analyze the forces vying to impose their authority.”

Ukrainians fighting for a better society (International Viewpoint, Issue 469, February 2014). “A participant in the January protests, socialist activist Ilya Budraitskis, argues that the left needs to be a stronger and more visible force in the movement.”

People took to the streets to defend their rights and freedoms (New Politics, February 23, 2014). Statement of Confederation of the Free Trade Unions of Ukraine.

The contradictions of the Euromaidan uprising (ROAR Magazine, February 21, 2014). “As Ukraine descends into civil war, a revolutionary syndicalist argues that the left should build a second front against both the government and the far-right.”

Statement about the situation in Ukraine from AWU (Autonomous Workers Union) (Avtonomia.net, February 19, 2014). Scroll down.

Ukraine protests: Fascists at core of huge new paramilitary force. By Tash Shifrin (Dream Deferred, 17 February 2014). “The paramilitaries have sprung from Ukraine’s Euromaidan’  protests. Most of those supporting Euromaidan are not in any way fascists. But the acceptance of the fascists’ leading role has been a distinctive and disturbing feature of the movement.”

Ukraine: The protest movement and the fascists. By Tash Shifrin (Dream Deferred, 3 February 2014). “This does not mean that all or most of the protestors are fascists. But it was clear from pictures coming out of Ukraine that the fascists had an open and sizeable presence in the protest, and this was accepted by the mass of the movement.”

Ukraine: A harsh antifascist confrontation awaits us. By Julian Leeser and Pavel Nikulin (Tahrir ICN, 21.02.2014). Oversat fra “Russisk Planet”, 29/1-2014: “Why the leftist forces in Ukraine do not show their presence on the Maidan.”

Ukraine’s protest movement: Is a ‘Left Sector’ possible? By Ilya Budraitskis (International Viewpoint, Issue 469, February 2014). “Ukraine’s radical leftists embraced the nascent protests only skeptically, resigning themselves to strictly passive or peripheral roles.”

Ukraine: Great power tug of war. By Eddie Ford (Weekly Worker, Issue 996, 6 February 2014). “The US and the EU are on one side, Russia is on the other; the human victims are the Ukrainian population.”

What’s at stake in Ukraine? (SocialistWorker.org, February 5, 2014). “Sean Larson analyzes the latest developments in the anti-government protests–and the politics of the different forces involved in the Maidan movement.”

Ukraine and the pro-EU movement: the need for a working class alternative. By Ivan Veselov and Roberto Sarti (In Defence of Marxism, 3 February 2014). “Barricades, bonfires, Molotov cocktails and clashes with the special police forces (Berkut) over the past few days in Kiev have revealed a deeply divided country on the brink of civil war.”

Pro-Russian network behind the anti-Ukrainian defamation campaign (Anton Shekhovtsov’ blog, 3 February 2014). “The current campaign to defame the Euromaidan protests is so far the strongest attack on the Ukrainian civil society and democratic politics.”

‘A quadrille of monsters’ and ‘Smashing the feed trough (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, March 2, 2014). These two commentaries by Boris Kagarlitsky were written in January and February 2014: “The events unfolding in Kiev present many people on both sides of the Russian-Ukrainian border with a very unpleasant dilemma.”

Manifesto: 10 Theses of the Leftist Opposition in Ukraine (LeftEast, 14 January 2014). “This manifesto, while representing a minoritarian position within the Ukrainian left, is a very serious and considered document that deserves a wide audience.”

Maidan 2013: A multi-dimensional dialectic of resistance (a view from the Left). By Aleksander Buzgalin (International Viewpoint, Issue 468, January 2014). “Ukraine is shot through with contradictions. For the second time in ten years Kiev has become the scene of mass protest actions and of clashes with the authorities. But the events of late autumn 2013 are only superficially similar to those of 2004. The situation has grown far more complex.”

Which way are the Ukraine protests headed? (SocialistWorker.org, December 17, 2013). “Alan Maass and Lee Sustar look at the background to the mass anti-government demonstrations in Ukraine – and what the U.S. and its European allies hope to gain.”

Ukraine: What’s going on, and what does it mean? By Peter Storm (Tahrir-ICN, December 3, 2013). “Some thoughts on the protests happening in Ukraine. Things are not completely what they may seem.”

See also:

Ukrainian Marxists and Russian imperialism 1918-1923: Prelude to the present in Eastern Europe’s Ireland. By Stephen Velychenko (Irish Left Review, May 23, 2014; online at Internet Archive). “This article draws attention to the fact that although there is a Ukrainian Marxist revolutionary tradition behind the current anti-Russian struggle, there is no influential Ukrainian socialist party to speak of.”

Ukraine’s taste of freedom. By Ken Olende (Socialist Worker, Issue 2394, 11 March 2014). “Ukraine has been a pawn in the imperial games of more powerful nations for centuries—but the 1917 Russian revolution offered a glimpse of hope.”

The Ukrainian Revolution 1917-1921: Deciding the fate of European socialist revolution. By Chris Ford (Solidarity, Issue 122, 22 November 2007). “To mark the anniversary of the proclamation of the Ukrainian Peoples Republic ninety years ago on November 22, 1917 this article examines the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-21, which was pivotal in deciding the fate not only of the Russian Revolution but the entire European socialist Revolution.”

Manufactured revolutions? By Dragan Plavsic (International Socialism, Issue 107, Summer 2005). “After Slobodan Milosevic’s overthrow in Serbia in 2000 came the downfall of Edward Shevardnadze in Georgia in 2003, then Viktor Yushchenko’s successful defeat of his presidential rival in Ukraine in 2004, and earlier this year the sudden fall from power of Kyrgyzstan’s Askar Akayev.”

Social partnership and class independence in the Post-Soviet labour movement. By David Mandel (International Viewpoint, Issue 368, June 2005). “This article briefly examines the role of ø’social partnership’ in the defeats suffered by the labour movements after the demise of the Communist regimes in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the three predominantly Slavic and the most industrialized countries of the former Soviet Union.”

Marxists and the conflict in the Ukraine: Both sides are reactionary! Fight for workers’ alternative. By Fred Weston (In Defence of Marxism, 24 November 2004). “The conflict in the Ukraine is being presented by the Western media as one of democracy versus authoritarianism. In reality it is a struggle between two capitalist camps, one that favours closer links to Russia, the other that wants closer links with Western imperialism.”

For the independence of Soviet Ukraine. By Zbigniew Kowalewski (International Marxist Review, Autumn 1989; online at Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist, April 20, 2014). “Thanks to Andrew Pollack, we were able to scan in and reproduce an article … that details the tragic failure of the Bolsheviks to understand the need for Ukrainian self-determination.”

Problem of the Ukraine. By Leon Trotsky (Socialist Appeal, May 9, 1939; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “…  his analysis in this article has withstood the test of the years and the turbulent events they encompassed. Today, more than a decade later the struggle of Yugoslavia against the oppressive Great Russian chauvinism of the Kremlin confirms what Trotsky wrote in 1939.”

Orange Revolution (Wikipedia.org). “A series of protests and political events that took place in Ukraine from late November 2004 to January 2005.”


26. november 2013

Den skotske regering udgiver en hvidbog på 670 sider, Scotland’s Future, som grundlag for folkeafstemning 18. september 2014 om Skotland som selvstændig stat.


Stem ”ja” og sig nej til nedskæringer (Socialistisk Information, 7. september 2014). “Her forklarer Colin Fox, hvorfor skotsk uafhængighed vil være et slag mod nedskæringer og en sejr for det arbejdende folk. Fox er talsperson for Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) og tidligere medlem af det skotske parlament og sidder i ledelsen af kampagnen ‘Yes Scotland’.”

The case for an independent socialist Scotland (pdf). By Colin Fox (Scottish Socialist Party, September 2013, 40 p.). “This pamphlet is written for SSP activists to take our proud record and case for independence to the people of Scotland, via the Yes Scotland movement and the Radical Independence Campaign.”

Marxism and the national question in Scotland. By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 10 April 2015). “The idea that an independent capitalist Scotland would be somehow fairer, more just and equal than at present is an attractive one, but does not stand up to close analysis.”

Scotland: the social movement for independence and the crisis of the British state (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21th Century, November 23, 2014, 26 p.). “This analysis of these events was written by Scottish historian and activist Neil Davidson in the two weeks after the vote.”

Scotland: the genie is out of the bottle. By Keir McKechnie (International Socialism, Issue 144, Autumn 2014, p.3-15). “The British ruling class wheezed a huge collective sigh of relief at the Scottish independence referendum result. The No camp secured victory with 55 percent of the vote and the Yes side polled 45 percent.”

A Scottish watershed. By Neil Davidson (New Left Review, Issue 89, September-October 2014, p.5-26). “Analysis of Scotland’s independence referendum and the hollowing of Labour’s electoral hegemony north of the border, after its lead role in the Unionist establishment’s Project Fear.”

Scotland: yes or no? (Michael Roberts Blog, September 4, 2014). “In this post, I want to try to analyse … whether an independent capitalist Scotland would be better for the Scottish working class in economic terms …”

Determination of revolution (Weekly Worker, Issue 1024, 4 September 2014). “Jack Conrad contrasts the Scottish left-nationalist demand for separation with the communist demand for self-determination.”

Is a yes vote for an independent Scotland a revolutionary tactic? By Barry Biddulph (The Commune, 20 July 2014; online at Internet Archive WayBackMachine). “The views of Neil Davidson and Alex Callinicos have been taken from left nationalism.”

For a Yes vote without illusions: On the Scottish Independence Referendum. By Neil Davidson (The Project: A Socialist Journal, July 3, 2014; online at Internet Archive). “Scottish secession would at the very least make it more difficult for the UK to play its traditional role as imperial servitor, if only by reducing its practical importance for the USA.”

Towards the break-up of Britain? By Alex Callinicos (International Socialism, Issue 143, Summer 2014). “So why is the Union now in danger and what stance should revolutionary socialists take on the question of independence?”

Independence without borders (Red Pepper, August 2014). “Hilary Wainwright outlines the radical case for independence.”

Yes’: A non-nationalist argument for Scottish independence (pdf). By Neil Davidson (Radical Philosophy, Issue 185, May-June 2014; online at RS21). Also online at Jacobin: Why Scotland should vote Yes (12 September 2014). “A non-nationalist argument for Scottish independence.”

Dismantling the British state – an interview with Tariq Ali (Counterfire, 14 March 2014). “The internationally renowned author Tariq Ali is giving two lectures on Scottish independence in Edinburgh and Glasgow on Friday 14 March. James Foley interviewed him before the big events.”

Five reasons why English radicals should support Scottish independence. By Chris Bambery (Counterfire, 11 March 2014). “Helping Scotland achieve independence is an important step for English radicals.”

Scotland’s vote: a question of class. By Angela McCormick (Socialist Review, March 2014). “The battle over Scottish independence is heating up especially with signs the polls may be narrowing.”

Scottish Socialist Party. Source: http://socialistpartyscotland.org.uk/2014/09/12/defeat-project-terror-socialist-policies/

Common Weal: Nothing in common. By Chris Newlove (Socialist Review, Issue 389, March 2014). “Calls for a new social democracy in Scotland where workers and bosses cooperate ignores the reality of a class society.”

Debate: Should the left vote Yes in the Scottish independence referendum? (Socialist Worker, Issue 2393, 4 March 2014). “Is Socialist Worker right to argue for a Yes vote? Two Labour Party members in Scotland, Vince Mills and Bob Thomson, debate how the left should vote in September’s poll.”

‘The politics of Scotland would be turned upside down’ (Counterfire, 21 February 2014). “As the referendum campaign begins to heat up James Foley speaks to Jim Sillars about the prospects for a Yes vote and his hopes for an independent Scotland.”

Scotland’s referendum: is a vote for independence the way forward? By Rob Sewell (In Defence of Marxism, 18 February 2014). “Rather than Scottish independence, we must fight for a socialist federation of Britain with the fullest autonomy for its peoples as part of a socialist united states of Europe.”

Supple minds. By James Meadway (Counterfire, 17 February 2014). “The independence referendum is beginning to reveal the real lines of power and authority inside the UK.”

Scotland: Yes to independence, No to nationalism. By Keir McKechnie (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.2, No.8, 2013, p.37-47). “Can an independent Scotland act as a beacon to the rest of Europe by creating a society based on equality and social justice? Or will it just be a low wage, pro-free market economy that panders to multinational businesses?”

A better Scotland is possible … and a better Left (Frontline, Vol.2, No.21, 2013). “This issue of Frontline focuses on a crucial question. Can the left in Scotland unite? Frontline recently hosted a meeting on this topic which brought together participants from several groups.”

Revolutionary independence – now that’s worth fighting for (A World to Win,
November 2013). “The independence referendum provides us with an opportunity to draft a truly revolutionary constitution that challenges the existing state political system.”

Yes or No? A Marxist view on Scottish independence. By Rachel Gibbs and Michael Allan (In Defence of Marxism, 20 September 2013). “… we encourage a ‘no’ vote …”

Down with the union: support Scottish independence  (Socialist Worker, Issue 2371, 17 September 2013). “Dave Sherry says a yes vote in the referendum is a chance to put forward a socialist vision that can expose the limitations of nationalism.”

Scottish independence: Those wanting a break-up will be disappointed, whatever outcome (Weekly Worker, Issue 956, April 4, 2013). “What position should communists take on next year’s referendum? Sarah McDonald urges a boycott.”

Scottish Independence: why socialists should call for a No vote in the coming referendum (Socialist Action, 5 February 2013). “This article argues that Scottish independence is not currently in the interests of the working class and therefore socialists should call for a No vote in the forthcoming referendum.”

Scottish referendum: vote no to independence (Workers’ Liberty, 3 September 2012)

The National Question in Scotland, Part One. By Socialist Appeal (In Defence of Marxism, 28 August 2012) + Part 2 (29 August 2012). “While actively opposing any manifestation of national or racial oppression, Marxists are by no means under any obligation to act as evangelists of national separation.”

Scottish independence: Breaking up is good to do (Red Pepper, May 2012). “John McAllion makes the socialist case for an independent Scotland.”

The politics of the Scottish independence referendum. By Neil Davidson (International Socialism, Issue 134, Spring 2012). “Unless we put forward an argument for class politics within the referendum campaign, the alternatives will simply be between nationalist and unionist positions.”

Socialists and Scottish independence. By Neil Davidson (International Socialism, Issue 114, Spring 2007). “Above all, we need to understand that the Scottish national question is essentially a tactical question. Secession by itself will not miraculously remove the problems of state power and socialist construction that will continue to haunt us.”

Scottish independence and the struggle for socialism. By Alan McCombes (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, Issue 14, January-February 2000). “In this new political period, the demand for an independent socialist Scotland will act as the cutting edge of socialist propaganda in Scotland.”

Se også/See also:

Texter om den nationella frågan (Marxistarkiv.se)

Marxismen och den nationella frågan (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 6. marts 2023, 16 s.). “En del av marxismens kritiker hävdar att dess syn på nationalismen är ett misslyckande. Dessa artiklar ur Jacobin argumenterar mot det. Även synen på Ukraina som nation diskuteras.”

Did Lenin create Ukraine? On the right of nations to self‑determination and Marxism (Anti capitalist Restistance, 12 September 2022). “Why do Marxists defend the right of nations to self-determination? What does the struggle for national liberation have to do with the workers’ struggle? Social researcher Grusha Gilaeva analyzes the positions of Marx and Lenin on the national question and explains why the left movement must support the anti-colonial struggle of Ukraine.”

Marx and the national question. By Chris Bambery (Counterfire, April 20, 2018). “Marx’s understanding of the fight for self-determination at national level as a step on the road to socialism is useful for us today.”

Yes campaign: In false colours. By Jack Conrad (Weekly Worker, Issue 1025, 11 September 2014). “There are unmistakable parallels between ‘Scottish socialism’ and ‘proletarian nationalism’.”

Nationalist myths are not Marxism (Weekly Worker, Issue 1021, 31 July 2014). “Jack Conrad argues against the left-nationalist claim that Scotland is an oppressed nation.”

The myth of the English yoke (Weekly Worker, Issue 1022, 7 August 2014). “Jack Conrad questions the myths and assumptions of Scottish nationalism.”

More than a union of two crowns (Weekly Worker, Issue 2023, 15 August 2014). “Jack Conrad shows that Scottish national consciousness is complex. Historically there is an unmistakable British dimension.”

The National Question – some basic principles. By John Molyneux (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.2, No.8, 2013, p.4-13)

Marxism, nationalism and the national question after Stalinism (pdf). By Hillel Ticktin (Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, Issue 36-37, June 2005, p.15-48)

Revolutionary internationalism and the national question. By Paul Le Blanc (International Viewpoint, Issue 344, October 2002). Review of Michael Löwy, Fatherland or Mother Earth? Essays on the national question (Pluto Press/IIRE, 1998, 108 p.)

Marxism and Nationalism. By Tom Lewis (International Socialist Review, Issue 13, August-September 2000) + Part 2 (Issue 14, October-November, 2000)

Marxism and the National Question. By Alan Woods and Ted Grant (In Defence of Marxism, 25 February 2000). A four-part document.

Marxism and the National Question. By Alex Callinicos (From Chris Bambery (ed.), Scotland: Class and Nation (Bookmarks, 1999, p.37-49; online at Reds – Die Roten)

The return of the national question. By Chris Harman (International Socialism, Issue 56, Autumn 1992, p.3-61)

Marxismen og det nationale spørgsmål. Af Alex Callinicos (Fra Marxismen og det nationale spørgsmål, Internationale Socialister, 1991; online på Marxisme.dk)

Marxists and the National Question (pdf). By Michael Löwy (New Left Review, Issue 96, March-April 1976, p.81-100; online at Solidarity)


27. november 2013

Partiet Alternativet lanceres på pressekonference på Chistiansborg, af bl.a. partiets stifter tidl. radikale kulturminister Uffe Elbæk.



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