Painting of the Sharpeville massacre, which took place 21 March 1960, Sharpeville, Gauteng province, South Africa, currently located in the South African Consulate in London. Made by Godfrey Rubens (painter and photographer). (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Painting of the Sharpeville massacre, which took place 21 March 1960, Sharpeville, Gauteng province, South Africa, currently located in the South African Consulate in London. Made by Godfrey Rubens (painter and photographer). (CC BY-SA 3.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons. See march 21, 1960 below.

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1960.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.


Learning from the 1960s: From the archives of revolutionary socialism. By Mike Parker (Tempest, January 23, 2022). “… a lightly edited piece from the recently departed Mike Parker on the lessons of the 1960s. The piece was originally published in the Canadian magazine New Socialist (1998).”

The year 1960. By Mike Davis (New Left Review, Issue 108, November-December 2017, p.87-116). “Prelude to the explosive struggles of the sixties in California, as the social actors, left and right, gather in the wings.”


Januar 1960

New Left Review # 1

Første nummer af det britiske socialistiske tidsskrift New Left Review, redigeret af Stuart Hall, afløst i 1962 af Perry Anderson.


Illustration: New Left Review (No.1, January-February 1960)

New Left Review: The search for theory. By Ian Birchall (International Socialism, Issue 115, Summer 2007, p.202-205). Review of Duncan Thompson, Pessimism of the Intellect? A History of New Left Review (Merlin Press, 2007). “Written from a point of view of general support for the left, it makes some sharp and fundamental criticisms of NLR, but never in a hostile or sectarian manner.”

The suicide of New Left Review. By Boris Kagarlitsky (International Socialism, Issue 88, Autumn 2000, p.127-133). “From January 2000 NLR changed its editor, design and numbering. Before us we have number one, a little exercise book formatted in postmodernist style.”

An open letter to New Left Review. By Alex Callinicos, Paul Foot, Mike Gonzalez, Chris Harman, John Molyneux (International Socialism, Issue 50, Spring 1991, p.101–103). “… we have been horrified by your most recent issue (184) … the major article on the Gulf is by Fred Halliday, a supporter of American military action in the Gulf.”

The autonomy of theory: A short history of New Left Review. By Ian Birchall (International Socialism, Issue 10, Autumn 1980, p.51–91). “A history of New Left Review is more than an account of the evolution of one small group of intellectuals. It offers the possibility of examining the development of the British Left over the last two decades.”

Se også:

Trotsky and the New Stalinism. By Chris Harman (International Socialism, Issue 160, Autumn 2018, p.145-151). Introduction by AC [Alex Callinicos] (p.143-145). “In 1967 New Left Review (NLR) published an article called ‘Trotsky’s Marxism’ by Nicolas Krassó … revealed a degree of ambivalence about both Trotsky and Stalinism on the part of the NLR editorial team … Harman’s article was never published … defending Trotsky against Krassó’s largely misconceived polemic.” See also John Rudge introduction: Trotsky and the New Stalinism (International Socialism, 18 October 2018).


4. januar 1960

Den franske forfatter Albert Camus dør ved bilulykke i Villeblevin, i amet Yonne i Frankrig. (Født 7. november 1913 i Algeriet).


  • Albert Camus (
  • Albert Camus ( Engelsk tekst med link til dansk og stor fransk artikel.
  • Camus, Albert (Foreningen Sorte Fane). Oversigt over tekster på dansk + links.

Albert Camus and the fantasies of Empire (Jacobin, December 26, 2020). Danie Finn interviews Oliver Gloag: “The novelist Albert Camus is omnipresent in French cultural life, from TV shows to comic books, magazine covers and one-man shows. Camus-mania isn’t just a literary phenomenon: it draws on a deep well of political revisionism and colonial nostalgia.”

The colonial contradictions of Albert Camus. By Oliver Gloag (Jacobin, October 10, 2020). “French writer Albert Camus has become an iconic figure, celebrated by everyone from Emmanuel Macron to George W. Bush. But the idealized public image of Camus as a liberal humanist does not reckon honestly with the impact of French colonialism on his work.”

Albert Camus – The master of the absurd turns 100 (Philosophy Now, Apr/May 2015). “Ray Cavanaugh gives us a brief introduction to the life of Albert Camus.”

Moscou sous Lénine. Préface par Alfred Rosmer (1953). Forord side 3-4 af Albert Camus (online på fransk på blog La Bataille socialiste). Forordet er ikke i den engelske udgave af Rosmers klassiker.

Camus: Portrait of a ‘Rebel’ (Socialist Standard, No. 831, November 1973). “Probably the most important remark to be made about Camus is that he is a great novelist. Nevertheless, he also chose to be a political critic, and it is this aspect of’ his work that is of greatest interest to Socialists.”

Albert Camus som moralist. Af Eric Danielsen (Kristeligt Dagblad, 5. juli 2004). “Skønt Camus afviste etiketten »eksistentialist«, har forfatteren Stephen Eric Bronner nok ret i alligevel at placere ham inden for denne løseligt definerede filosofiske tradition. For Camus er det Guds fravær, der gør universet absurd.”

Camus, Albert and the anarchists (, October 30, 2007). “Organise! magazine looks at the life and work of the great thinker and writer, Albert Camus, and his close relationship with the French and Spanish anarchist movements.”

Se også/See also:

George Novack’s Understanding History: Marxism Versus Existentialism (Marxists Internet Archive)

Sartre, Camus and a Marxism for the 21st Century. By David Schweickart (, July 8, 2010; online at Internet Archive)


1. februar 1960

Borgerrettighedsbevægelsen i USAs sydstater starter en ikke-voldelig kampagne mod raceadskillelsen med sit-ins og boycot mod butikker osv. – med en 4-personers sit-in imod stormagasinet Wolworths cafe-disk i Greensboro, North Carolina.

Newspaper clipping on Woolworth sit-ins


When the walls of segregation toppled: Fiftieth anniversary of the civil rights sit-ins. By Brian Jones (International Socialist Review, Issue 69, January-February 2010). “They challenged each other to take action. Before the night was over, they agreed that the next day they would go to the local Woolworth’s and sit in the ‘white’s only’ section of the lunch counter and that they would refuse to leave until they were served.”

The 1960 Sit-ins in context. By Marty Oppenheimer (Against the Current, No.147, July/August 2010). “We think of the Sit-In Movement as beginning on February 1, 1960, fifty years ago. In the minds of many this was the initiating event that led to many subsequent developments in the broader civil rights movement, indeed as a turning point in Black, and more generally, U.S. history. But the sit-ins, and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s had their origins in vast social changes that began long before.”

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


5. marts 1960

Den cubanske fotograf Alberto Korda tager et billede af Ernesto Che Guevara ved højtidelighed i Havanna, der 7 år senere bliver gjort til ikon-billedet af den italienske forlægger Feltrinelli, som forside på Ches dagbog.

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Emnelisten: Historien om et foto, om Alberto Kordas fotografi af Che


21. marts 1960

Sharpeville-massakren i Sydafrika dræber 69 under fredelig demonstration mod apartheids paslove. ANC og PAC forbydes. Og opstarten af dansk anti-apartheid bevægelsen.

Sharpville Massacre. On 21 March 1960, 69 black Africans were killed and hundreds more were injured when police opened fire on peaceful protestors in the South African township of Sharpeville, south of Johannesburg. Around 5,000 people had gathered at Sharpeville police station to protest against pass laws. Image Credit : (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).
Sharpville Massacre. On 21 March 1960, 69 black Africans were killed and hundreds more were injured when police opened fire on peaceful protestors in the South African township of Sharpeville, south of Johannesburg. Around 5,000 people had gathered at Sharpeville police station to protest against pass laws. Image Credit : (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Source:


Sharpeville og frygten. Af Gorm Gunnarsen (, 21. marts 2010). “Sharpeville-massakren fulgte mønsteret fra undertrykkelsen af tidligere strejker og masseprotester – og især den efterfølgende undertrykkelse af befolkningens organiserede sorg viser et meget gustent overlæg.”

Det begyndte i Sharpeville. Af Morten Møller og Simon Ankjærgaard (, 20. marts 2010). “I morgen er det 50 år siden, sydafrikansk politi skød og dræbte mænd, kvinder og børn under en demonstration i forstaden Sharpeville. Med massakren begyndte den internationale kritik, som i sidste ende bidrog til apartheidregimets fald.”

Fortidens synder VIII: Mandela, Jyllands-Posten og alle de primitive negre. Af Ulrik Dahlin (Information, 20. september 2008). “Sharpeville-massakren fulgte mønsteret fra undertrykkelsen af tidligere strejker og masseprotester – og især den efterfølgende undertrykkelse af befolkningens organiserede sorg viser et meget gustent overlæg.”

Massacre that exposed apartheid—60 years after Sharpeville (Socialist Worker, Issue 2697, 20 March 2020). “Sixty years ago this week the small township of Sharpeville in South Africa hit the headlines around the world. In 1985 Socialist Worker’s Alan Gibson looked at what happened.”

Fifty years since the Sharpeville Massacre: The nature of post-Apartheid South Africa. By Brian Smith (World Socialist Web Site, 29 March 2010). “The incident escalated the opposition to Apartheid, which maintained rigid racial segregation and disenfranchised the non-white majority, bringing international focus onto the Pretoria regime.”

The Sharpeville Massacre: Its historic significance in the struggle against apartheid. By David M. Sibeko (African National Congress; Notes and Documents, No.8, March 1976). “The savage massacre of African patriots at Sharpeville and other places in South Africa on March 21, 1960, is of paramount significance in the struggle against apartheid and needs to be understood in its historical scope.”

Den dansk anti-apartheid bevægelse:

Sydafrika-solidaritet i ABA. Af Jesper Jørgensen (Arbejdermuseet)

Landskomitéen Sydafrika Aktion (LSA) (

Anti-apartheid-arbejdet 1960-1966. I Karen Steller Bjerregaard: ”Et undertrykt folk har altid ret”: Solidaritet med den 3. verden i 1960’ernes og 1970’ernes Danmark (pdf-fil) (Ph.d.-afhandling ved Institut for kultur og identitet, RUC 2010, 499 sider). Scroll ned til side 142-161.

PET samarbejdede med apartheid-styret indtil 1985. Af Ulrik Dahlin og Lasse Wamsler (, 14. december 2013)

Shell i flammer. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 14. december 2013). “For 26 år siden antændte ukendte gerningsmænd en Shell-tank i Nærum med molotovcocktails.”

Antiapartheid- og befrielsesbevægelser (pdf) (PET-Kommissionens beretning (Justitsministeriet, 2009, bind 9, afsnit 23, side 382-384; online på Internet Archive). Scroll ned.

PET-Kommissionen, kampen for et frit Sydafrika og civil ulydighed. Af Patrick Mac Manus (, 1. oktober 2009)

Hvorfor var vi mod apartheid… Af Gorm Gunnarsen mfl. (, 29. april 2004)

Park bench in Joubert Park, Johannesburg, taken during the Apartheid era in about 1972. The text, "Europeans only" appears in English and Afrikaans. Date: (digitised) 2013-11-14. Author: Martinvl. (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Park bench in Joubert Park, Johannesburg, taken during the Apartheid era in about 1972. The text, “Europeans only” appears in English and Afrikaans. Date: (digitised) 2013-11-14. Author: Martinvl. (CC BY-SA 3.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.


Aktivister mod apartheid: dansk solidaritet med Sydafrika. Red. Morten Nielsen, Patrick Mac Manus, Kathrine Toftkær Larney og Gunnar Gunnarsen (Sydafrika Kontakt, 2004, 139 sider). Se alle kapitler online på Tema: Kampen mod apartheid i Danmark (i menu tv.; online på Internet Archive).
Også online på (pdf).
Se anmeldelse af Stig Hegn & Sune Hundebøll: Solidaritet med Sydafrika (Solidaritet, nr.3, november 2004; online på Internet Archive)

Se også Tidslinjen på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


16. april 1960

Med Pekings artikel Længe leve Leninismen kritiserer KKP SUPK for “revisionisme”. “Den store splittelse” i den kommunistiske verdensbevægelse begynder.


Long Live Leninism!: In Commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of
the Birth of Lenin. By the Editorial Department of “Honqi” (From Marx to Mao)

Om SUKPs indsats for den internationale kommunistiske bevægelses sammenhold: Tale af M. A. Suslov på SUKPs centralkomités møde den 14. februar 1964 (

Kilde 31: Sovjetunionens fejltagelser: Folkets Dablad, 1963 (pdf-fil) (His2rie)


28. april 1960

Den hollandske rådskommunistiske teoretiker Anton Pannekoek dør. (Født 2. januar 1873, se denne)


11. maj 1960

Koordinatoren af den nazistiske “endelige løsning på jødespørgsmålet” (folkemordet på jøderne) Adolf Eichmann kidnappes af israelske agenter i Argentina, og selve Eichmann-processen i Jerusalem varer 11. april -15. december 1961. Han dødsdømmes og bliver henrettet ved hængning 1. juni 1962.


Hvordan kunne det ske? Af Peter Tudvad (Ekko, nr.27, marts-april 2005). “I anledning af Hitler-filmen Der Untergang, som kan ses i biografen, reflekterer filosoffen Peter Tudvad over ondskaben i Det Tredje Rige, der gennemførte et folkedrab af uhyrlige dimensioner.”

Folkemord som funktionærjob. Af John Gray (Information, 27. august 2004). “Hovedarkitekten bag folkemordet på Europas jøder under Anden Verdenskrig, Adolf Eichmann, var langt fra en utilpasset vred type, der blev nazist. Han var tværtimod en ambitiøs borgerlig, der var typisk for sin samtid. Nyt portræt af Eichmann holder liv i debatten om filosoffen Hannah Arendts analyse af af ondskaben og folkemordet.”

The grossly misunderstood ‘Banality of Evil’ theory (Haaretz, 12 October 2016). “Anyone who reads Hannah Arendt’s writings – which offer numerous insights about the banality of evil, even when she doesn’t use the term directly – cannot take seriously the propositions ascribed to her by sociologist Eva Illouz.”

Legacy of Eichmann’s trial. By Rob Ferguson (Socialist Review, January 2015). “To mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the BBC is showing a dramatisation of the trial of Adolf Eichmann.”

Arendt & Eichmann: the new truth. By Mark Lilla (The New York Review of Books, Vol.60, No.18, November 21, 2013; online at Internet Archive). Review of Hannah Arendt, a film by Margarethe von Trotta.

Misreading ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem’. By Roger Berkowitz (The New York Times, July 7, 2013). “The insight of ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem’ is not that Eichmann was just following orders, but that Eichmann was a ‘joiner’.”

Postwar German government and CIA shielded Adolf Eichmann. By Dietmar Henning (World Socialist Web Site, 3 July 2006). “The documents published by the CIA make clear that both the German and American governments had shielded Eichmann for a long time in order to protect the Nazi elements whom they were deploying against the Soviet Union in the ‘Cold War’.”

Hannah Arendt against the facts. By Gertrude Ezorsky (New Politics, Vol.2, No.4, 1963). “Miss Arendt’s tale that Eichmann was without fanatical hatred of Jews seemed initially implausible and turns out to be plainly false.”


Eichmann i Jerusalem: en rapport om ondskabens banalitet. Af Hannah Arendt (Gyldendal, 2008, 384 sider). Med efterskrift af Therkel Stræde: “En helt almindelig mand? Hana Arendts Eichmann” (s.349-377)

Ondskabens banalitet. Om Hannah Arendts ‘Eichmann i Jerusalem’. Red. Carsten Bagge Laustsen og Jacob Dahl Rendtorff (Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2002, 320 sider). Online på (pdf)

Eichmann – liv og forbrydelse. Af David Cesarani (Schønberg, 2005, 528 sider). Se anmeldelse af Palle Andersen (

Se også:

Reflections on Arendt. By Philip Green (Logos, Vol.13, No.1-2, Spring 2014; online at Internet Archive)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen: Auschwitz og holocaust


18. maj 1960

Olie på lærred malet af Frants Henningsen (1850–1908): Forladt Dog ej af venner i nøden. ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum. Guldaldersalen. Købt af AROS i 1888. Public Domain.
Olie på lærred malet af Frants Henningsen (1850–1908): Forladt Dog ej af venner i nøden. ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum. Guldaldersalen. Købt af AROS i 1888. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Med lov nr. 200 af 18. maj om om børns retsstilling ophæves særreglerne for børn født uden for ægteskab. Hidtil havde de “uægte børn” været væsentligt dårligere stillet end andre, bl.a. i forbindelse med arv, langt større dødelighed osv.


Uægte børn og deres mødre og fædre ( Video m. historiker Nina Javette Koefoed, Med links til artikler og video del 1-4 om seksualitet, børn mv. 1683-1888 og til tema, artikler og kilder.

Uægte børn og ugifte mødre: foredrag, bøger, udstillinger og forskning. Af Agnete Birger Madsen (

Illustration: Maleri af Frans Hennningsen (1888). “Forladt, dog ej af venner i nøden” (ARoS, Århus). Om billeden se links ovenfor og på bloggen En sommerfugls selvmord


10. juni 1960

Syndikalisten Chr. Christensen dør (født 12. januar 1882)

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Personlisten: Chr. Christensen (1882-1960)


30. juni 1960

Congos selvstændighed fra Belgien under Patrice Lumumba. Imperialismens lakaj Tsombe udråber Katanga-provinsens selvstændighed – borgerkrig til januar 1961.

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Tidslinjen: 17. januar 1961


14. september 1960

Den sociale satiriske tegner Anton Hansen dør. (født 27. juni 1891)


Anton Hansen: stemninger fra besættelsen (Arbejdermuseet). Udstilling juni 2020 – januar 2021:  “Mørklægning, varetomme butikker og drab på åben gade. Kom helt tæt på hverdagen under besættelsen på vores balkonudstilling i anledning 75-året for Danmarks befrielse.” Se anmeldelse af John Poulsen: Besættelsesårene i Anton Hansens streg (, 8. juni 2020).

Kunstneren der blev væk – og kom tilbage (pdf). Af Olav Harsløf (Arbejderhistorie, nr.3, 2001, s.65-73). Et essay om Hanne Abildgaards Anton Hansen-biografi og udstilling på Arbejdermuseet foråret 2001.
Se også Hanne Abildgaard: Mellemkrigstidens sorte satiriker: om tegneren Anton Hansen  (Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2001).


Anton Hansen: mellemkrigstidens sorte satiriker. Af Hanne Abildgaard (Arbejdermuseet, 2001, 484 sider). “Om den danske kunstner, bladtegner og illustrator Anton Hansen (1891-1960), der som en af de første skildrede livet og samfundet set fra proletariatets synsvinkel. Bl.a. om hans tilknytning til arbejderbevægelsen og hans samspil med kulturpersonligheder som Tom Kristensen og Martin Andersen Nexø.”

Se også:

Clarte (1926-27) (Det Kongelige Bibliotek). Clarte blev i starten redigeret af Anton Hansen, som også var en flittig bidragsyder.

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Arbejderhistorisk Bladliste, Afsnit 1921-1930


27. september 1960

Den britiske socialist og kvinderetsforkæmper Sylvia Pankhurst dør i Addis Ababa, Etiopien. Født 5. maj 1882 Manchester. Suffraget og senere venstrekommunist.

Angrebet i Lenins Venstrekommunismen – en børnesygdom (1920), Kap. 9: “Venstre”-kommunismen i England.


Suffragette Sylvia Pankhurst protesting the English policy in India. Trafalgar Square, London, England, [1907-1914]. Photo: Spaarnestad Photo, via Nationaal Archief. no known copyright restrictions.
Suffragette Sylvia Pankhurst protesting the English policy in India. Trafalgar Square, London, England, [1907-1914]. Photo: Spaarnestad Photo, via Nationaal Archief. no known copyright restrictions. Source: Wikimedia Commons.


The political creativity of Sylvia Pankhurst. By Martha Sonnenberg (New Politics/Blog, October 2, 2021). Review of Barbara Winslow, Sylvia Pankhurst: Sexual Politics and Political Activism (Verso Press, 2021, 272 p.;  first edition 1996). “Winslow’s book is important in its revelation of Pankhurst’s significant contributions to the integration of socialism and feminism using tactics that encouraged the self-activity of working women.”

Sylvia Pankhurst: Natural Born Rebel. By Kathrine Connelly (Counterfire, September 17, 2020). “Rachel Holmes’ monumental biography of Sylvia Pankhurst [Bloomsbury, 2020, 976 p.] succeeds in capturing her energy and brilliance, and the relevance of her causes for today.”
See also Isabel Ringrose: Sylvia Pankhurst – a rebel in the fight for votes (Socialist Worker, Issue 2723, 21 September 2020) + Dana Mills: Sylvia Pankhurst fought to “Make the future a place we want to visit” (Jacobin, January 9, 2020) + review by Danny Schultz (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, 19 March 2021) + Tore Linné Eriksen: Kunnskap, kamp og kritikk (Gnist: marxistisk tidsskrift, nr.2, 2021)

A Suffragette in America. By Lindsay German (Counterfire, June 6, 2019). Review of E.  Sylvia Pankhurst, A Suffragette in America: Reflections on Prisoners, Pickets and Political Change, ed. and introduction by Katherine Connelly (Pluto Press, 2019, 224 p.). “Katherine Connelly’s edition of previously unpublished writing by Sylvia Pankhurst shows her deepening socialist politics.”

Sylvia Pankhurst and the working class suffragettes (Counterfire, March 8, 2018). “Jacqueline Mulhallen reflects on the radicals who helped reshape global democracy.”

Suffragette who opposed World War One (Socialist Review, Issue 395, October 2014). “When the First World War broke out leaders of the suffragette movement, Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst, supported the slaughter. But as Laura Miles and Sheila Hemingway show, Sylvia Pankhurst not only opposed the war but supported strikes and became a revolutionary socialist.”

Sylvia Pankhurst: Suffragette, Socialist and Scourge of Empire. By Jacqueline Mulhallen (Counterfire, 24 October 2013). Review of Katherine Connelly’s book (Pluto, 2013, 178 p.). “The importance and coherence of Sylvia Pankhurst’s lifelong activism is revealed by Katherine Connelly’s grasp of her political commitments, making this book an important new account her life.”

Sylvia Pankhurst. Film review by Sheila McGregor (Socialist Review, Issue 360, July-August 2011). “Worldwrite, an education charity based in London, have produced a truly exceptional documentary about Sylvia’s life.”

Sylvia Pankhurst: demanding liberation (Socialist Worker, Issue 2025, 4 November 2006). “Lindsey German looks at how Sylvia Pankhurst saw the fight for women’s liberation as a struggle for the whole working class.”

Sylvia Pankhurst and democracy. By Susan Carlyle and Sean Matgamna (Workers Liberty, 2/1, September 2001). “Sylvia’s political concern remained centrally, though not exclusively, focused on problems of democracy. Her first words at the outbreak of war had commented on the practical emptiness of the democracy of the parliamentary system.”

Sylvia Pankhurst: An organiser for working class women. By Jill Mountford (Workers Liberty, Issue 58, October 1998). “Unlike her mother and sister, Sylvia had not deserted her socialist roots. Instead, her beliefs had become firmer, more developed and more determined over the years.”

Sylvia Pankhurst. Chapter in Tony Cliff: Class Struggle and Women’s Liberation (Bookmarks, 1984, p.125-132). “The only Pankhurst who remained active in the Labour movement was Sylvia, who made a significant contribution to working-class struggles in the East End of London.”

Sylvia Pankhurst: Suffragette and class fighter. By Jen Pickard (In Defence of Marxism, May 1982). “The life of Sylvia Pankhurst is rich in experience for all activists in the labour movement. The names of the Pankhurst family are synonymous with the struggle to win the vote for women, but what distinguished Sylvia Pankhurst’s approach from that of her mother Emmeline and her sister Christabel were class issues.”

Sylvia Pankhurst: Pioneer of working class feminism. By David Widgery (Radical America, Vol.13, No.3, May-June 1979, p.23-38). “Sylvia Pankhurst’s political progress took her from the drawing rooms of 19th century Manchester radicalism to the cramped streets of East London in the First World War, from suffrage to revolutionary socialism, from the circle of William Morris and Keir Hardie to polemics with Lenin and Gramsci.”

Se også/see also:

Emmeline Pankhurst – en livslang kamp for kvinnelig stemmerett. Av Tonje Lysfjord Sommerli (Gnist: marxistisk tidsskrift, nr.1, 2021). “Emmeline Pankhurst var en av verdens fremste pionerer i kampen for kvinnelig stemmerett – en kamp som krevde hele hennes liv.”

The War? The Suffragettes? How did women win the right to vote? (Counterfire, March 7, 2018). “On the centenary of women winning the right to vote, Katherine Connelly explores how they fought for their rights and resisted war.”

Suffragette – the revolt that won the vote. By Judith Orr (Socialist Worker, Issue 2475, 13 October 2015). “… it was more than a movement led by the middle classes seen in the new film Suffragette. It involved a mass movement …”

Building a mass movement: lessons from the suffragettes. By Katherine Connely (Counterfire, 7 March 2012). “In 1912 two very different policies fought for dominance in the suffragette movement. Sylvia Pankhurst’s defence of mass protest is still relevant today.”

Socialistisk Bibliotek:

  • Linkboxen: Kvindernes valgret
  • Tidslinjen: 13. oktober 1905, om de engelske suffragetter.———————————————————————————————–
  • 6. oktober 1960

    I New York er premiere i DeMille Theatre på filmen Spartacus.


21. oktober 1960

Første atommarch Holbæk – København (21-23.) arrangeres af det nystartede (juli) Kampagnen mod Atomvåben, med ca. 800 deltagere og afsluttende 5.000 på Rådhuspladsen fredag 21. oktober: “Nej til kernevåben på dansk område”. (“slog hul i tavshedens mur”).


Podcast: Steen Bille Larsen om Kampagnen mod Atomvåben (, 6. februar 2022, 53:48 min.) (Vand under broen, 24). “Bliv klogere på en af de første græsrodsbevægelser i Danmark.”


PET-Komissionens beretning: PET’S overvågning af protestbevægelser 1945-1989: fra atomkampagne til BZ-Brigaden. Bind 10 (Justitsministeriet, 2009). Se kap. 2: Kampagnen mod Atomvåben 1960-1967 … (side 23-47). Scroll ned.

Kampagnen mod Atomvåben og andre protestbevægelser i 1960’ernes første halvdel. Af Søren Hein Rasmussen (Den Jyske Historiker, nr.101, juli 2003, side 34-49).

Kampagnen mod Atomvåben og Vietnam bevægelsen 1960-1972. Af Johs. Nordentoft og Søren H. Rasmussen (Odense Universitetsforlag, 1991, side 7-73).

Se også:

I venstrefløjens øje: mit liv som fuldtidsaktivist i 60’erne. Af Steen Bille Larsen (Politisk Revy, 2018, 307 sider). Se omtale på + anmeldelser: Helge Rørtoft-Madsen: En personlig beretning fra 60’erne (, 7. april 2019) + Preben Etwil: En duft af tresseroprør (, den 22. januar 2019) + + Jesper Jørgensen: “Jeg var dengang fuld af vrede …” (Nyt om Arbejdermuseet, nr.3, 2019, s.14-15) + Torkil Sørensen: Huskebog om 1960’ernes og 1970’ernes venstrefløj (pdf) (Arbejderhistorie, nr.1, 2020, s.135-136).

Steen Bille Larsen: Politiske aktiviteter i 1960’erne – en insiders beretning (Samfundsøkonomen, nr.2, 2018, side 4-8; online på + Steen Bille Larsens foredrag (5. oktober 2019): 1960’er oprøret i Danmark set indefra (SFAH, 2020, 31:26 min.).

På Socialistisk Bibliotek:


22. oktober 1960

Pædagogen, skoleinspektør og tidligere kommunistiske MF Inger Merete Nordentoft dør (født 18. august 1903). (Blev især kendt for “Nordentoft-sagen”, 1946).
Inger Merete Nordentofts datter, Kirsten Axelsen, født i marts 1946, dør 31. august 2018.


Niels Rosendal Jensen: Inger Merete Nordentoft – demokrat, kvinde og politiker (pdf)  (Arbejderhistorie, nr. 40, april 1993, side 15-32). “Hendes indsats i partiet, som er mindre kendt end »skandalen« analyseres her i forbindelse med det kulturradikale miljø, hvor hun spillede en aktiv rolle, og ud fra en ikke ukontroversiel opfattelse af DKPs politik og rolle.” Scroll ned.


Paul Hammerich: En danmarkskrønike 1945-72. Bind 1 (Gyldendal, 1983, side 159-82).

Adda Hilden: At sætte sig spor: En biografi om Inger Merete Nordentoft (Lindhardt & Ringhof, 2009, 304 sider). Se anmeldelse af Agnete Birger Madsen (

Se også:

Danmarks kendeste horeunge. Af Niels Henrik Sigsgaard (Sigsgaards blog, 26. april 2010)

30. oktober 1960

Fodboldstjernen Diego Maradona fødes i Argentina, Buenos Aires. (Dør 25. november 2020, se denne)



15. november 1960

Ved folketingsvalget (Socialdemokratiets valgparole: “Gør gode tider bedre” gav 42,1%) ryger DKP ud af Folketinget, og det nye SF kommer ind med 6,2% = 11 mandater.


28. november 1960

Den amerikanske forfatter Richard Wright dør. (Søn af de Sorte, 1940. På dansk ved Tom Kristensen, 1942). (født 4. september 1908, se denne)


20. december 1960

FNL (Front National de Libération du Vietnam du sud), den nationale befrielsesfront i Sydvietnam dannes. Opløst august 1975 efter Vietnams forening.


50 years ago: National Liberation Front founded in South Vietnam (World Socialist Web Site, December 20, 2010)

Front National de Liberté (Vietnam) ( Norsk artikel, med link til kortere danske og lidt længere engelske. Den svenske har programpunkter.

FNL – Sydvietnams befrielsesfront (Dansk Vietnamesisk Forening). Links til historie, sange, frimærker, mm.

Dokument: Bildandet av Sydvietnams Nationella Befrielsefront (FNL) (pdf) ( FNL bildades 1960. Dessa viktiga dokument rör detta bildande, bl a finns här FNL:s 10-punktersprogram.

Dokument: Politiskt program för Sydvietnams Nationella Befrielsefront (pdf) ( Antaget vid FNL:s extra kongress i augusti 1967.

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Tidslinjen: 30. april 1975, for flere links til Vietnamkrigen m.v.


22. december 1960

Den belgiske succesrige generalstrejke starter mod regeringens kriselove (1. europæiske velfærdssstatsstrejke, før 1968-69).

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Tidslinjen: 21. januar 1961