80-årsdagen for Krupskajas død / 80 years since the death of Krupskaya

Den russiske revolutionære og bolsjevik Nadezdja Krupskaja, sekretær for og enke efter Lenin, døde i Moskva 27. februar 1939. Hun blev født i Sankt Petersborg 26. februar 1869.

Links on the Russian revolutionary woman and bolshevik, Nadezhda Krupskaya. Lenin’s secretary and wife, died in Moskow February 27, 1939. She was born in Sankt Petersborg February 26, 1869.

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På dansk/svensk:

Hvem var: N.K. Krupskaja? Af Michelle Rove (Revolution, 20. oktober 2021).

Texter av Nadezjda Krupskaja (Marxistarkiv.se). 2 artikler på svensk.

N.K. Krupskaja: Erindringer om Lenin. Bd. 1 (Mondes Forlag, 1934, 220 s.; ny udgave Tidens Forlag, 1975, 220 s.). Se om denne udgave: Forfalskning. Af Børge Trolle (Minavisen, 16. september 1975, s.4)

In English:

“If you fall in love with a struggle, it is easy to fall in love with those who share that struggle and vice versa.” By Kristen Ghodsee (Verso, Blog, 15 February 2024). “In many ways, Krupskaya’s life embodied her philosophy about collaborating with men for the greater cause, and while Lenin certainly gave her important responsibilities …”

Trotsky, Krupskaya and the Bolshevik tradition. By Paul Le Blanc (Marxist Essays and Commentary, August 29, 2021). “This discussion of Trotsky’s relationship to Lenin’s Bolshevik organization will be based on reflections of Nadezhda Krupskaya, one of the founders and central figures of the Bolshevik tradition … The life and ideas of Leon Trotsky are well known, and they will be touched on in the main portion of this presentation. But before coming to that, I want to focus additional attention on Nadezhda Krupskaya.”

Women on the Left: Nadezhda Krupskaya (Counterfire, March 15, 2012). “Nadezhda Krupskaya has been described as ‘one of the of the most tragic figures in revolutionary history’. Sarah Collins examines her life and work as a Bolshevik activist.”

Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya was a committed Bolshevik activist. She was, as Trotsky wrote in her epitaph, “the loyal companion of Lenin, an irreproachable revolutionist and one of the most tragic figures in revolutionary history.” – See more at: http://internationalsocialist.org.uk/index.php/2012/03/women-on-the-left-krupskaya/#sthash.5k2SUQAw.dpuf
Described as “one of the of the most tragic figures in revolutionary history”, Sarah Collins examines the life and work of the Bolshevik activist Nadezhda Krupskaya – See more at: http://internationalsocialist.org.uk/index.php/2012/03/women-on-the-left-krupskaya/#sthash.5k2SUQAw.dpuf
Described as “one of the of the most tragic figures in revolutionary history”, Sarah Collins examines the life and work of the Bolshevik activist Nadezhda Krupskaya. – See more at: http://internationalsocialist.org.uk/index.php/2012/03/women-on-the-left-krupskaya/#sthash.5k2SUQAw.dpuf

Nadezhda Krupskaya, a revolutionary fighter, feminist and pioneer of socialist education. By Graham Milner (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, March 7, 2010). “Following the 1917 October Revolution, Krupskaya played an important role in developing public education and cultural life in the Soviet state.”

Krupsjaya’s death. By Leon Trotsky (New International, Vol.5 No.4, April 1939, p.117; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “In addition to being Lenin’s wife which – by the way, was not accidental – Krupskaya was an outstanding personality in her devotion to the cause, her energy and her purity of character.”
