Statue of Tony Cliff, by his widow Chanie Rosenberg (Concrete, 1990). Photo taken by Hossam el-Hamalawy on July 4, 2008. (CC BY 2.0).
Statue of Tony Cliff, by his widow Chanie Rosenberg (Concrete, 1990). Photo taken by Hossam el-Hamalawy on July 4, 2008. (CC BY 2.0). Source:

Tony Cliff (20. maj 1917 – 9. maj 2000). Jødisk-palæstinensisk marxist og trotskist. Yigael [Ygael] Gluckstein voksede op i Palæstina og boede med navnet Tony Cliff siden Anden Verdenskrig i England, hvor han grundlagde IS-tendensen, først med Socialist Review Group (1950-62), forløber for International Socialists (fra 1977: Socialist Workers Party, SWP) og den internationale tendens International Socialist Tendency).



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Tony Cliff (20. maj 1917 – 9. maj 2000). Jødisk-palæstinensisk marxist og trotskist.
Udviklede teorien * om de stalinistiske staters karakter som “bureaukratisk statskapitalistiske” (se: State Capitalism in Russia).

* Og teorien om samfundsomvæltningerne i lande som Cuba og Kina som “afbøjede permanente revolutioner” (se: Deflected Permanent Revolution (dansk udgave på Socialistisk Bibliotek: Den afbøjede permanente revolution).

* For det lange opsving i den vestlige efterkrigstidskapitalisme udviklede han (sammen med Michael Kidron) teorien om “den permanente våbenøkonomi”.
(se: Perspectives of the Permanent War Economy).

Yigael [Ygael] Gluckstein boede som Tony Cliff siden Anden Verdenskrig i England, hvor han grundlagde IS-tendensen, først med Socialist Review Group (1950-62), forløber for International Socialists (fra 1977: Socialist Workers Party, SWP) og den internationale tendens International Socialist Tendency).

Bibliografien er et værk Bibliography: of the writings and works of Tony Cliff: A First Approximation / by Ian Birchall, April 2002. Det danske tillæg Tony Cliff – på dansk og Errata (fejl/trykfejlssliste) er ajourført maj 2017.

En “Revised and extended” udgave er i Ian Birchalls biografi om Tony Cliff fra 2011, side 560-603, se afsnit Biografier, hvor der også er anmeldelser mv. om bogen, – og i denne online udgave er bibliografien ajourført ved senere/løbende indsamling.

Jørgen Lund. Påbegyndt 16.6.2006
Revideret udgave, maj 2017

More from on chapter: Sites


English Foreword

Tony Cliff (20 maj 1917 – 9. maj 2000). Palestinian Jewish Marxist and Trotskyist.
Developed the theory * of the character of the Stalinist states as “”bureaucratic state capitalist”, (see: State Capitalism in Russia).

* Developed the theory of the revolutions in countries such as Cuba and China ‘deflected’ permanent revolutions (see: Deflected Permanent Revolution).

* For the long boom in Western capitalism since the Second World War, he developend (with Michael Kidron) the teory of the ‘permanent arms economy. (see: Perspectives of the Permanent War Economy).

After the Second World War Tony Cliff lived in Britain, where he founded the International Socialist Tendency, first by the Socialist Review Group (1950-62), forerunner of the International Socialists (from 1977: Socialist Workers Party (SWP), as well as the International Socialist Tendency).

The included bibliography is a work by Ian Birchall Bibliography: of the writings and works of Tony Cliff: A First Approximation, April 2002, and incorporated with the bibliography in Birchall’s book on Cliff: Tony Cliff: A Marxist for His Time (Bookmarks, 2011, page 560-603).
The Danish amendment Tony Cliff – in Danish and the Errata-part has been updated May 2006.

Suggestions for contributions and changes are welcome.

Jørgen Lund,
Started 16 May 2006




Cliff, Tony (

Om forfatteren [Tony Cliff].

Forord til norske pjece: Trotskisme etter Trotski : Internasjonale Sosialisters røtter

Se også:

Socialist Workers Party (SWP). (


Tony Cliff (

Cliff, Tony (1917-2000) (MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of People).

Cronology, in Tony Cliff: A World to Win (Marxist Internet Archive; Marxist Writers).


Always facing the harsh truth of reality (Socialist Worker, Issue 2021, 7 October 2006). “In the first part of our new series Gareth Jenkins looks at the life and theories of Tony Cliff, the founder of the Socialist Workers Party.”

How were Third World revolutions deflected? (Socialist Worker, Issue 2022, 14 October 2006). “In the second column of our series on the life and theory of the SWP founder Tony Cliff, Gareth Jenkins looks at struggles in the 1950s and 1960s.”

Arming the party for future struggles (Socialist Worker, Issue 2023, 21 October 2006). “In the final column of our series on the life and theory of the SWP founder, Gareth Jenkins looks at the rank and file movement and the party.”



Tony Cliff Internet Archive

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA); Marxist Writers: Tony Cliff
Biography – Works – Further Reading.
16 books & pamplets online + Articles.
[On the MIA Webpage: In cronological order & books in bold, scroll down the page]:
The Nature of Stalinist Russia (book), 1948
On the Class Nature of the ‘People’s Democracies’, 1950
Stalin’s Satellites in Europe (book), 1952
State Capitalism in Russia (book), 1955
Rosa Luxemburg (book), 1959
Russia: a Marxist analysis (book), 1964
Incomes policy, legislation and shop stewards (with Colin Barker) (pamphlet), 1966
France – the struggle goes on (with Ian Birchall) (pamphlet), 1968
Rosa Luxemburg (book), 1969 (revised edition) [note on editions] Lenin (Vol.1): Building the party (book), 1975
Portugal at the Crossroads (pamphlet), 1975
Portugal: The lessons of the 25th November, 1975
Lenin (Vol.2): All Power to the Soviets (Book), 1976
Class struggle and women’s liberation (book), 1984
Trotskyism after Trotsky (book), 1999
Marxism at the millennium (book), 2000
A World to Win: Life of a Revolutionary (autobiography) (Bookmarks, 2000, 247 p.; online with first 4 chapters at Marxists Internet Archive, February 2022). With introduction by Paul Foot (page XI-XVI).
Review by Jim Higgins (Revolutionary History, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2000).
“This is a book that only Cliff could have written. It is clever but naive … his thinking was abstract, the secret recipe for the revolutionary cocktail could be found in Lenin, not in the working class. He did not generalise from working-class experience, but from Lenin’s tactics.”
With addendum by Sheila Lahr (on Cliffs “attitude to women and feminism”).
Comment to Jim Higgins review. By Ian Birchall (Revolutionary History, Vol. 8, No.1, 2001).
Tony Cliff (2002). By Jim Higgins (Revolutionary History, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2002). Answers to the comment by Birchall.

Tony Cliff: A World to Win

Tony Cliff: A World to Win: Life of a Revolutionary (
“A blog devoted to recording the enormous contribution made by Tony Cliff, founder of the Socialist Workers Party (UK) and its forerunners, to the revolutionary socialist tradition. This blog collates a selection of Cliff’s works, with some commentary from me on their relevance to the challenges faced by revolutionaries today.”

Socialism and Democracy – Is the Left on the rise?: The Future for The Left (53:20 min.) – Marxism 1997. With Tony Benn (Socialism and Democracy, 3:20-9:25), Paul Foot (Marxism and Democracy, 9:3829:40), Lindsey German (29:55-36:20), Right to strike? (36:20-46:30 film introduction & contribution), contributions incl. Jeremy Hardy, Paul Foot, Tony Benn, Tony Cliff (49:20-50:09)

Interview with Tony Cliff 1996. “… speaks about building the party after the end of the second world war, fascism, revolution and elections” (Independent Media Society, 32:52 min.)

Tony Cliff: Lenin & the party (Edited Version). Tony Cliff at Marxism 1996. Speach illustrated with comic movie clips, comic pictures, etc.

Part 1 (7:38 min.) – Part 2 (5:25) – Part 3 (8:53)

Tony Cliff on Lenin. “Meeting in 1970 organised by the International Socialists, the forerunners of the SWP, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Lenin’s birth..” Speach on tape with picture.

Part 1 (10:01 min.) – Part 2 (10:00) – Part 3 (10:05) – Part 4 (9:25) – Part 5 (10:40) – Part 6 (9:50) – Part 7 (9:55)


Nekrologer / Obituaries etc.

Birchall, Ian: Talkin’ ’bout a revolutionary (International Socialism, Issue 131, Summer 2011, page 207-214). Joseph Choonara spoke to Ian Birchall, author of Tony Cliff: A Marxist for his Time (Bookmarks, 2011).

Reviews of Birchall’s book:

Cliff Reviews. By Ian Birchall (Grim and Dim). “The biography (see above) received a large number of reviews from the standpoint of various political currents.”
Review by Sheila Cohen. Part 1 (LSHG Newsletter, Issue 52, Summer 2014) + Part 2 (Issue 53, Autumn 2014).
Tony Cliff as a socialist leader. By Samuel Farber (Against the Current, Issue 166, September-October 2013).
The anti-political party. By James Heartfield (Playtypus Review, Issue 55, April 2013) + What is Cliffism worth? A response to James Heartfield. By David Renton (Ibid., Issue 65, April 2014).
Too early to say. By Mike Macnair (Weekly Worker, Issue 894, December 15, 2011).
Review by Dominic Alexander (Counterfire, 15 December 2011).
Tony Cliff rediscovered. By Nigel Harris + Christian Høgsbjerg (International Socialism, Issue 132, Autumn 2011, p. 175-186).
A revolutionary without a revolution. By John Palmer (Red Pepper, October 2011).
Tony Cliff: ‘Si monumentum requiris, circumspice’. By Paul Hampton (Solidarity, Issue 215, 7 September 2011).
Review by Ian Taylor (Socialist Review, Issue 260, July-August 2011).

Birchall, Ian: Tony Cliff: a life in the struggle (Socialist Worker, Issue 2257, 25 June 2011). “Tony Cliff, founder of what became the Socialist Workers Party, was a tireless fighter for socialism – here Ian Birchall, author of a new biography of Cliff, tells his story.”

Birchall, Ian: Tony Cliff remembered (Socialist Review, Issue 346, April 2010). “Ten years ago this month Tony Cliff died. Cliff was a founder of the Socialist Workers Party, and, Ian Birchall explains, made a huge contribution to the left in Britain and around the world.”

Birchall, Ian: Seizing the time: Tony Cliff and 1968 (International Socialism, Issue 118, Spring 2008). “At a time when the momentous events of 1968 are being commemorated, it is interesting to look at how a revolutionary socialist, Tony Cliff, the founder of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) and its predecessors, responded to them.”

Choonara, Joseph: Tony Cliff’s revolutionary analysis (Socialist Worker, Issue 2860, 19 June 2023). “Tony Cliff produced The Nature of Stalinist Russia 75 years ago this month. Joseph Choonara argues it defended the Marxist tradition of working class self-emancipation from Stalinist distortions.”

Foot, Paul: Tony Cliff (The Guardian, 11 April 2000; online at REDS – Die Roten). “Revolutionary political theorist and organiser who fired the Socialist Workers Party with his charisma, charm and vision.”

Hallas, Duncan: Tony Cliff (Socialist Review, Issue 241, May 2000). “He sensed before anyone else the need for change.”

Hallas, Duncan, Chris Harman et al.: Above all, he was a revolutionary: Tony Cliff 1917-2000. In this special issue, three long standing comrades pay tribute to Cliff (Socialist Review, No. 241, May 2000, p. 16-20; online at Internet Archive):
Optimism of the will, by Duncan Hallas, Eddie Prevost, Ian Mitchell; Interview with Tony Cliff: Nothing so romantic; Movie with an open ending, by Chris Harman. “… how Tony Cliff made sense of the contradictions and crises of the 1990s.”

Hearse, Phil: Tony Cliff – a life for revolution (Green Left Weekly, Issue 402, 19 April 2000). “Cliff built what is today the largest revolutionary socialist party in the English-speaking world.”

Higgins, Jim: Tony Cliff: a man of his time (Weekly Worker, Issue 332, April 20, 2000). “There are very few people left who came to revolutionary socialism in the 1930s and remained dedicated to that uncomfortable commitment into the 21st century. Tony Cliff was one of those and certainly one of the more significant figures from the Trotskyist tradition.”

Matgamma, Sean: The Great Gadsby: The paradoxes of Tony Cliff, 1917-2000 (Workers’ Liberty, 64/5, 2000). “He taught a certain politics, and, more to the point, a certain conception of what revolutionary politics is, to generations of socialists.”

Perrin, Dave: Another leader called Tony (Socialist Party/Socialist Standard, No. 1149, May 2000). “Cliff was 82 and had spent a lifetime advancing his own particular brand of the politics of the Russian Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky.”

Rees, John: Tony Cliff: theory and practice (International Socialism, Issue 87, Summer 2000, p 131-136). “Tony Cliff’s death leaves this journal short of a loyal friend. International Socialism … remains the theoretical journal of the Socialist Workers Party and, as such, Cliff maintained a close interest in its development across many years.”

Sarneh, Ygal: A revolutionary life (International Socialism, Issue 87, Summer 2000, p 137-149). “The article  is the view of an outsider, an Israeli journalist who met Cliff in 1991.”

Renton, David: No more heroes anymore (The Voice of the Turtle, 2000; online at Internet Archive). “I never really knew him personally, but as a member of the SWP from the age of seventeen, Tony Cliff was part of my political upbringing, part of my teens and my early twenties.”

Shaw, Martin: Tony Cliff (Ygael Gluckstein) 1917-2000 (, april 2000). “… he epitomized the classic Marxist tradition of proletarian revolution that – although rooted in the nineteenth century and ramifying to the end of the twentieth – achieved its greatest success in October 1917.”

See also:

State Capitalism in Russia—a theory that has stood the test of facts (Socialist Worker, Issue 2818, 16 August 2022). “Tony Cliff’s book State Capitalism in Russia is set to be republished. Sarah Bates examines the theory and explains why it remains a vital work—despite the passing of the Stalinist regimes.”

John Rees: Tony Cliff: revolutionary theory and practice (Counterfire, April 8, 2020). “Here are some of the things that I remember from working with Cliff that made him such an effective revolutionary.”

John Rose: Tony Cliff’s Lenin and the Russian Revolution (International Socialism, Issue 129, Winter 2011, p.183-200). “In Tony Cliff’s original four-volume series on Lenin published in the 1970s, the second volume was entitled All Power to the Soviets and the third Revolution Besieged.

Neil Davidson: From deflected permanent revolution to the law of uneven and combined development (International Socialism, Issue 128, Autumn 2010, p.167-202). “Cliff saw deflected permanent revolution as the process which ensues when the working class does not carry through that strategy and another social force takes on the role of leadership …”

Leo Zeilig: Tony Cliff: Deflected permanent revolution in Africa (International Socialism, Issue 126, Spring 2010, p.159-185). “The case studies, drawn from Africa, are intentionally chosen, as Cliff wrote, as ‘deviations from the norm’. I argue that the theory of deflected permanent revolution remains a vital tool for analysing historical and contemporary developments in the ‘third world’.”

The Darker the Night the Brighter the Star (YouTube, 7:06 min.). “Song as a tribute to Tony Cliff and Geroge Petersen … As it turns out, this song may as well have be called ‘Ballard of the twentith century!'”

Se også:

Trotskyology. By Christian Høgsbjerg (International Socialism, Issue 160, Autumn 2018, p. 197-206). Review of John Kelly, Contemporary Trotskyism: Parties, Sects and Social Movements in Britain (Routledge, 2018, 296 p.). “Nonetheless, despite his weak underlying theoretical framework, Kelly has undertaken painstaking empirical research into the records and publications of various groups, archival studies of internal bulletins and papers and interviews with leading members of different Trotskyist organisations.” See reply from John Kelly: The consolation of familiar ideas (Issue 161, Winter 2018, p.187-190) + rejoinder from Christian Høgsberg: Trotskyism (Issue 162, Spring 2019, p.177-181). See also review by Alex Snowdon (Counterfire, January 10, 2019) + Ian Birchall: Was it all futile? (Review 31, 2018).


Tony Cliff Bibliography by Ian Birchall

A First Approximation / by Ian Birchall, April 2002.

The compiler of this bibliograpy, Ian Birchall, to the right. Source: <a href= London Socialist Historians Group on Facebook." width="627" height="424" align="middle" srcset=" 627w, 300w, 621w" sizes="(max-width: 627px) 100vw, 627px" />
The compiler of this bibliograpy, Ian Birchall, to the right. Source: London Socialist Historians Group on Facebook.
[In print rev. and extended version: ‘Biblography of Cliff’s works’, pp. 560-603 in Tony Cliff : A Marxist for His Time. By Ian Birchall, Bookmarks publications, 2011] See also Ian Birchall: Writing Socialist Biography (London Socialist Historians Group, Newsletter, Issue 26, 2006; online at Internet Archive).

The bibliography is arranged in thirteen sections, as follows:

Capital letters in the online version refers to the printed version in the book above:Tony Cliff :  Marxists for his time. and pages of sections in [square brackets]

A: Books, pamphlets, prefaces

B: Fourth International publications

C: Socialist Review – series one (1950-52)

D: International Socialism – series one

E: Labour Worker, Socialist Worker

F: Socialist Review – series two

G: International Socialism – series two

H: Internal Bulletins, prty circulars etc. 

I: Miscellaneous articles

J: Manuscripts, correspondence

K: Translations

L: Marxism

M: Compilations


Tony Cliff (1917-2000) will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the most important Marxists of the second half of the twentieth century. His development of the theory of state capitalism made an important contribution to one of the most important theoretical debates of the period, and was vindicated by the collapse of the Stalinist bloc which for so long exercised a huge attractive power on large sections of the left.

But Cliff was not simply a theoretician. For the last fifty years of his life he was deeply involved in the building and political orientation of an organisation – the Socialist Review Group (1950-62), which became the International Socialists [IS] (1962 76) and then the Socialist Workers Party [SWP] (1977 onwards).

The present bibliography aims to reflect the totality and the unity of Cliff’s work, by listing as many as possible of his writings, from scholarly studies to popular journalism. The 636 items listed here reveal the enormous range of topics to which he applied himself.

Until the establishment of the IS printshop in 1968 Cliff was obliged to write either for bourgeois publishers or, as he generally did, for the obscure and often short lived publications of the far left, produced with a technology which nowadays seems extraordinarily primitive. In 1964 Cliff became a printer himself, working stripped to the waist in a tiny shop in Islington.

I have listed as far as possible all of Cliff’s books, pamphlets and articles. Since article titles are often not self-explanatory, I have added short notes on the context and/or content. I have, however, kept these extremely brief and not attempted to add a political commentary.
I think it would be fair to say that Cliff was more impressive as a speaker than as a writer. It would obviously be impossible to list the many thousands of meetings he addressed over fifty years. I have, however, listed his Marxism meetings; apart from the earliest years, there should be tapes of almost all these.

In addition Cliff played a vital rôle in the leading bodies of the organisation. In the 1969-74 period extensive minutes were kept of these meetings. I have tried to list Cliff’s major contributions to political and organisational questions, while omitting merely trivial and routine matters. This section is necessarily incomplete, as my own set of minutes has many gaps and I do not know of a more complete one. Some of Cliff’s 1973 membership reports were destroyed for security reasons at the time of the February 1974 election. In later years his contributions to conferences and national meetings were often reported in Socialist Worker, and again I have listed significant items.

Cliff suffered from no false modesty about the importance of his own rôle; but his eye was always on the present rather than on posterity, and only a rather random selection of his manuscripts and other papers has survived, though we do have full or partial manuscripts of three unpublished books, abandoned when they ceased to be a political priority. Sadly only a few small fragments survive from his early years in Palestine. Cliff’s papers are to be deposited at Warwick University.

Cliff had a wide influence internationally, a fact reflected by the large number of translations of his books and articles. I have attempted to list translations, but this section is necessarily very incomplete. While some sections of the IS tendency gave me very useful information, others were unable to help. My ignorance of many of the languages in question meant I had to rely on a number of informants; this accounts for the inconsistencies in the presentation of bibliographical information.

Because of the many gaps remaining I have entitled this a ”˜first approximation’ (a title borrowed from the old IS journal). Since it is in electronic form it can be easily updated, and I should be most grateful to receive any information as to items omitted. In a few cases I have listed items on the basis of second-hand information without knowing where the originals may be located. These are marked [NOT SEEN] and I should again be grateful to hear from anyone who may possess any of these items.

In compiling this bibliography I used my own personal archives and consulted those of Alan Woodward; I also examined papers at Cliff’s home and consulted material in the British Library and the Socialist Platform Library. I am grateful to all who gave me assistance of any sort, and in particular to the following who provided information of various sorts: Edward Crawford, Duncan Hallas, Jim Higgins, Mike Jones, Ronnie Margulies, James Monaghan, Al Richardson, Chanie Rosenberg, Alan Woodward and comrades from SEK Greece, IS Holland and IS Norway.

Shortly before his death Cliff told me I was a ”˜bloody pedantic bastard’. I suspect this bibliography would have confirmed his worst fears. While studying his papers in his home I found myself under the severe scrutiny of Chanie Rosenberg’s wonderfully lifelike sculpture of Cliff, and I could hear the old man saying: ”˜You are wasting your time; go to a picket line’. I hope I have not wasted my time and that this bibliography will be of some service to those studying the history of the revolutionary left and of one of the most remarkable figures active within it.

Ian Birchall
April 2002


The following abbreviations are used to indicate publications for which Cliff wrote frequently:
LW : Labour Worker (1962-68)
SW: Socialist Worker (1968- )
SR1: Socialist Review – first series 1950-62
SR2: Socialist Review – second series 1978-
IS1: International Socialism – first series 1960-1978
IS2: International Socialism – second series 1978-

The following indicate anthologies of Cliff’s works or of party writing. Where these appear in brackets after an item they indicate that the item was reproduced therein:

NWNM: Neither Washington nor Moscow 1982
W1: Cliff: Writings vol. 1 2001
W2: Cliff: Writings vol. 2 2002
ASR1: A Socialist Review (introduced by J Higgins) 1965
ITHOS: In the Heat of the Struggle (edited by Chris Harman) 1994
ASR2: A Socialist Review (edited by L German & R Hoveman) 1998

Where no author’s name is listed the item appeared under the name T Cliff or Tony Cliff. Where Cliff used one of his many pseudonyms, or wrote jointly with comrades, the authorship is indicated in square brackets before the title.

A: Books, pamphlets, prefaces [563-567]



The Problem of the Middle East (Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq).
1946, 217 pp. (Marxists Internet Archive).
Unpublished manuscript (except Chapter 8) – first published in the Marxists’ Internet Archive, June 2011.
“… it is basically Cliff trying to apply the theory of permanent revolution to the Middle East.” (Birchall: Talkin’ ’bout..)

Ygael Gluckstein, Stalin’s Satellites in Europe
Allen & Unwin, London, 1952, 333 pp.

Stalinist Russia. A Marxist Analysis
Michael Kidron, London, 1955, xiii, 273 pp.
This is based on The Nature of Stalinist Russia (Internal Bulletin Revolutionary Communist Party June 1948: see section H) but (according to C Harman, Introduction to 1988 edition) differs “mainly in terms of chapter order, but also by the addition of material referring to the split between Yugoslavia and Russia in 1948, and amendments to the section dealing with crisis in state capitalism”.

Russia: A Marxist Analysis
International Socialism, London, 1964, 384 pp.
Book I (pp. 17-191) is a reprint of Stalinist Russia. A Marxist Analysis (1955)
Book II (pp. 195-349) ‘Russia after Stalin’ was published for the first time.

State Capitalism in Russia
Pluto Press, London, 1974, 309 pp.
Reprint of Stalinist Russia from 1955

State Capitalism in Russia
Bookmarks, London, 1988, 377 pp. ”˜Revolutionary classics.
Introduction and postscript by C Harman.
pp. 309-331: “Appendix I – An examination of Trotsky’s definition of Russia as a degenerated workers’ state’ was chapter 7 in earlier versions”.
pp. 333-53: The theory of bureaucratic collectivism: a critique [see section H].

[Ygael Gluckstein]: Mao’s China: Economic and Political Survey
Allen & Unwin, London, 1957, 438 pp.

Rosa Luxemburg: A Study [W1] International Socialism, London, 1959, 96 pp.
(International Socialism, Nos 2-3)
Reprinted January 1968
Reissued April 1969 (International Socialism, London)
The 1969 edition is printed from a photocopy of the first edition, but two significant changes are made on pp. 53-4, reflecting Cliff’s changing views on the question of the revolutionary party. The two versions are published side by side in W1, p. 113.
Reissued July 1980 (Bookmarks London)
The 1980 edition follows the 1969 version, with a few purely stylistic changes (e.g. ‘epigones’ become ‘followers’.)

[Tony Cliff & Colin Barker:Incomes Policy, Legislation and Shop Stewards [W2] London Industrial Shop Stewards Defence Committee, Harrow Weald, 1966, 136 pp.

[Tony Cliff & Ian Birchall]: France: The Struggle Goes On [W1] Socialist Review Publishing Co., London, 1968, 80 pp.
International Socialism special

The Employers’ Offensive, Productivity Deals and how to fight them [W2] Pluto Press, London, 1970, 234 pp.

The Crisis: Social Contract or Socialism
London, Pluto Press for Socialist Worker, 1975, 192 pp.

Lenin Vol. 1: Building the Party
Pluto Press, London, 1975, 398 pp.

Lenin Vol. 2: All Power to the Soviets
Pluto Press, London, 1976, 412 pp.

Lenin Vol. 3: Revolution Besieged
Pluto Press, London, 1978 , x + 230 pp.

Lenin Vol. 4: The Bolsheviks and World Communism
Pluto Press, London, 1979, xi + 251 pp.

Lenin 1893-1914: Building the Party
Bookmarks, London 1986, 398 pp.
Reprint of Pluto 1975.

Lenin All Power to the Soviets 1914-1917
Bookmarks, London 1985, 412 pp.
Reprint of Pluto 1976.

Lenin: Revolution Besieged 1917-1923
Bookmarks, London 1986, xvi + 480 pp.
Reprint of Pluto 1978 & 1979.

Class Struggle and Women’s Liberation, 1640 to today
Bookmarks, London, 1984, 271 pp.

[Tony Cliff & Donny Gluckstein]: Marxism and trade union struggle, the general strike of 1926
Bookmarks, London, 1986, 320 pp.

[Tony Cliff & Donny Gluckstein]: The Labour Party, A Marxist History
Bookmarks, London, 1988, 427 pp.
Second edition, with new chapter on Blair and New Labour
Bookmarks, London, 1997

Trotsky Vol. 1: Towards October 1879-1917
Bookmarks, London, 1989, 314 pp.

Trotsky Vol. 2: The Sword of the Revolution 1917-1923
Bookmarks, London, 1990, 309 pp.

Trotsky Vol. 3: Fighting the Rising Stalinist Bureaucracy 1923-1927
Bookmarks, London, 1991, 306 pp.

Trotsky Vol. 4: The darker the Night, the Brighter the Star 1927-1940
Bookmarks, London, 1993, 427 pp.

Trotskyism after Trotsky, the origins of the International Socialists
Bookmarks, London, 1999, 95 pp.

A World to Win: Life of a Revolutionary
Bookmarks, London, 2000, 247 pp.

Marxism at the Millennium
Bookmarks, London, 2000, 86 pp.
Collection of articles written for IS tendency publications in Germany and Turkey.



Middle East at the Cross Roads
Workers International News Pamphlet, London, 1946, 24 pp.
Dated Jerusalem, 12 November 1945
Compilation of three articles which appeared in Workers International News December 1945, January & February 1946, also in Fourth International December 1945, January & February 1946 [see section B]

Russia from Stalin to Khrushchev
Published by Michael Kidron, London, 24 pp.
First impression: April 1956
Second impression: May 1956
Analyses destalinisation before ”˜secret speech’; concludes ”˜Stalin is dead, Stalinism lives’.

The Struggle in the Middle East [shortened version in W1] International Socialism pamphlet, London, no date [1967], 4 pp. newspaper format.
Analysis of situation after Six Day War in June 1967

IS Internal Bulletin December 1969 reports that Cambridge IS have produced a pamphlet containing ‘Permanent Revolution’ [IS1 12] and Kidron’s Imperialism. [NOT SEEN]

Permanent Revolution, a re-examination [IS1 12] Bookmarks for the SWP, London, 1983, 21 pp.
Reissued as:
Deflected Permanent Revolution,
Socialist Workers Party, 1990, 28 pp.

[Tony Cliff & Chris Harman]: Portugal: The lessons of the 25th November. [NWNM
8 pp. 1975

Marxism and the Collectivisation of Agriculture
Socialists Unlimited, London, 1980, 36 pp.
International Socialism reprint No. 1

Revolution and counter-revolution: lessons for Indonesia
21 pp, from IS2 80
Produced for Indonesia: outer cover reads : ‘The Internet – Guidelines for Helplines’


Prefaces etc.

Paul Frölich, Rosa Luxemburg
Pluto Press, London, 1972 , reissued 1981
pp. ix-xi: Introduction
Argues Luxemburg’s critique of reformism superior to Lenin’s.

The Bolsheviks and the October Revolution
Minutes of the Central Committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks) August 1917-February 1918
Pluto Press, London, 1974
pp. 253-323: Notes prepared by Institute of Marxism-Leninism for second Russian edition, Moscow, 1958 plus in different typeface, additional notes by T Cliff, correcting Stalinist distortions.

[Peter Binns, Tony Cliff, Chris Harman Russia: From Workers’ State to State Capitalism
Bookmarks, London, 1987
pp. 7-12: Workers’ Revolution and Beyond
Introduction to reprints of articles by Harman and Binns.

AY Badayev: Bolsheviks in the Tsarist Duma
Bookmarks, London, 1987
pp. 7-15: Introduction by Tony Cliff
Partly polemic against Eric Heffer: The Class Struggle in Parliament (1973)

Leon Trotsky: The History of the Russian Revolution
Pluto, London, 1997


Articles in Books

Tariq Ali (ed.): New Revolutionaries
Peter Owen, London, 1969
pp. 219-37: The Struggle in the Middle East
1967 pamphlet listed above

N Harris & J Palmer [eds.], World Crisis
Hutchinson, London, 1971
pp. 225-50: The Class Struggle in Britain [NWNM]

R Kuper (ed.) The Fourth International, Stalinism and the Origins of the International Socialists – Some Documents
Pluto, London, 1971
pp. 14-64: On the class nature of the people’s democracies [NWNM] pp. 79-94: The theory of bureaucratic collectivism – a critique [IS1 32 & NWNM] Both were originally internal documents [see section H] [Tony Cliff, Duncan Hallas, Chris Harman and Leon Trotsky] Party and Class
Pluto Press for the International Socialists, London, 1971
pp. 26-46 Trotsky on Substitutionism (from IS1 2)

David Widgery: The Left in Britain 1956-68
Peregrine, Harmondsworth, 1976
pp. 92-97: Revolutionary Traditions
Transcript of talk given to IS aggregate at Wortley Hall, Sheffield, 22 April 1967.
pp. 437-47: Nothing So Romantic
From Idiot International No 6, June 1970 [see section I].

Socialist Worker, Fighting to Change the World
SWP, London, 2002
pp. 11-19: Pravda – the legal newspaper
Edited version of chapter 19 from Lenin 1, Building the Party (1975)
pp. v-xii: Introduction by Tony Cliff



A World to Win (p 26) reports that in Palestine Cliff translated two books into Hebrew, Lewis Corey, The Decline of American Capitalism, and a book by Fritz Sternberg. The former was for the Hashomer Hatzair publishing house, but Corey blocked publication. [NOT SEEN]

NB The British Library catalogue lists the pamphlet Steve Berry: The Prevention of Terrorism Act (1977) under Cliff’s name as ‘personal author’. This is a mistake; there is no evidence of any involvement by Cliff.


B: Fourth International publications

New International

October 1938: pp. 311-12 [W1] L Rock : British Policy in Palestine

November 1938: pp. 335-7 [W1] L Rock : The Jewish-Arab Conflict
Argues for struggle against Zionism, Arab national exclusivism and imperialism.

(January 1939, p 31: letter from Paul Koston (Cape Town) accusing Rock of being insufficiently critical of Zionism; February 1939, pp. 41-44: article from The Spark (Cape Town) urging support for Arabs against Zionism.)

June 1939, pp. 169-73 [W1] L Rock: Class Politics in Palestine
Response to article from The Spark.
(October 1939, pp. 313-14: further article from The Spark responding to Rock.)

Fourth International (SWP US)

December 1945, pp. 361-66 [NWNM] The Middle East at the Crossroads: Part I

January 1946, pp. 10-13
The Middle East at the Crossroads: Part II : The Role of Zionism

February 1946, pp. 50-53
The Middle East at the Crossroads: Part III
All three parts translated by R. Bod.
These three articles also appeared in Workers International News December 1945, January & February 1946, then as a pamphlet Middle East at the Cross Roads [1946 – see section A]

September 1946: pp. 282-84
A New British Provocation in Palestine
Common and antagonistic interests of imperialism and Zionism.

April 1947: pp 114-17
Some Features of Capitalist Economy in the Colonies
Mainly on role of banks in Egypt.

June 1947, pp. 190-91
The World Struggle for Oil
Reprinted from Socialist Appeal January 1947

Workers International News

December 1945: pp. 72-79
Imperialism in the Middle East – I

January 1946, pp. 106-13
Imperialism in the Middle East – II
On Zionism.

February-March 1946, pp. 153-60
Imperialism in the Middle East – III
On Stalinism; all three translated by R. Bod.
These three articles also appeared in Fourth International December 1945, January & February 1946, then as a pamphlet Middle East at the Cross Roads [1946 – see section A]

January-February 1947: pp. 27-32
Conflict in India
Muslims not a nation; need for Hindu-Muslim unity
(There are two versions of this issue, one dated January-February 1947, one dated February 1947; contents are identical.)

October 1947 (issue 7/3) pp. 12-21
The United States in World Economy: The Basis of the Marshall Plan
This is advertised as the first of a series of three articles; however, issue 7/4 is missing from the Socialist Platform archive; issue 7/5 (August 1948) contains nothing by Cliff and is mainly concerned with Stalin-Tito split.

Socialist Appeal

Mid-May 1946: p. 3
Palestine Strike Arabs and Jews Unite
Cliff described as ”˜Our Middle east Correspondent’.

December 1946: p. 3
Are the Terrorists Anti-Imperialist?
Argues Stern gang, Irgun etc. opposed to interests of Jews and Arabs alike.

January 1947: pp. 1-4
World Struggle for Oil.

February 1947, pp. 3-4
The Bureaucrats in Industry
This and the next five items part of a series called :’What is Happening in Stalinist Russia?’

Mid-February 1947: pp. 3-4
Piece Work in Russia

April 1947: pp. 3-4
Punishments and Fines in USSR

Mid-April 1947: pp. 3-4
Housing in Russia

Mid-May 1947: pp. 1-4
Daily Worker Defends Inequalities in Russia
Response to Daily Worker articles of 8, 9 May 1947.

Mid-July 1947: pp. 3-4
Women in the USSR
‘The degree of humanity’s progress is measured by the condition of women.’

February 1948
’The French Devaluation’
Slump can be delayed nly a few years. Online af Marxists Internet Archive.


C: Socialist Review – series one (1950-1962)

Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1950
pp. 1-7: [R Tennant] : The Struggle of the Powers
Background to Korea, though not explicitly on war; stresses parallel mechanisms of US and Russian imperialism. Ends with slogan: ”˜Neither Washington nor Moscow, but International Socialism’.

Vol. 1, No. 2, January 1951
pp. 6-10: Stalinist Russia – The Facts: The Bureaucrats in Industry
Crushing of workers’ control; managers’ privileges. Said to be from a series of articles appearing in INFORMATION DIGEST, March, April, May 1949. I have been unable to locate a collection of Information Digest.

Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1951
pp. 9-13: Stalinist Russia – The Facts: Piece-work in Russia
End of collective agreements; piece-work and Stakhanovism. From INFORMATION DIGEST.

Vol. 1, No. 4, May 1951
pp. 12-13, 21: Stalinist Russia – The Facts: Punishment and Fines in the USSR
Labour discipline and numbers in concentration camps. From INFORMATION DIGEST.

Vol. 1, No. 6, November-December 1951
pp. 11-15 [C Tariq]: Britain and Egypt
Possibly by Cliff; cites Corey (whom Cliff had translated); statistics mainly 1938-44.

pp. 17-18, 25 [Roger Tennant]: The Tsarist Empire through Stalinist Eyes
Recent Russian sources give sympathetic account of Tsarist Empire.

pp. 19-21: Stalinist Russia – The Facts; Housing in Russia
Poor quality and overcrowding in Russian housing. From INFORMATION DIGEST.

Vol. 2, No. 6, December 1952-January 1953
pp. 7-8 [L Turov]: Yes-Men on Parade
19th Congress of Russian CP; social composition of party.

Vol. 3, No. 1, February-March 1953
pp. 5-7 [unsigned]: The Kremlin’s “Jewish Plot”
Style and approach suggest Cliff’s authorship. Growing anti-Semitism in Russia, its roots and limits.

Vol. 3, No. 2, May 1953
pp. 1-4 [L Turov: A Russian Socialist Asks – What Lies Behind Malenkov’s Moves?
Situation after Stalin’s death; Sino-Russian friction. No indication of source or why Turov has become ”˜Russian socialist’.

Vol. 3, No. 3. October 1953
pp. 8-10 [N. Turov: Recent Russian Developements [sic] Limits of Malenkov concessions; disappearance of Stalin leader-cult.

Vol. 3, No. 10, June 1954
pp. 5-6 [L Turov]: Russia’s War Budget
Russian arms spending shown to be higher than claimed by CPGB.

Vol. 4, No. 7, March 1955
pp. 1-2, 8 [unsigned]: The Fall of Malenkov
No real liberalisation under Khrushchev. Written in name of ”˜we the editors of Socialist Review’, claiming to have predicted post-Stalin developments in Russia, and quoting from L Turov piece in Vol. 3 No. 2.

Vol. 4., No. 9, May 1955
pp. 4-6 [L Turov]: Purges in China
Expulsion and suicide of Kao Kang

Vol. 5, No. 4, December 1955
[L Turov]: Who Controls Soviet Factories – Workers or a Boss Class?
Crushing of post-Revolutionary workers’ control; one-man management and powerless unions. Turov described as ”˜an expert on Soviet affairs’.

Vol. 5, No. 5, January 1956
pp. 6-7 [L Turov]: Examples of Russian imperialism.
Russian treatment of nationalities.

Vol. 5, No. 9, June 1956
pp. 6-7: Life in Russia.
Anecdotes from the Russian press

Vol. 6, No. 3, December 1956
pp. 3-4, 6: The Future of the Russian Empire: Reform or Revolution? [NWNM] [ASR1] Published by Labor Action (Independent Socialist League) in collaboration with Socialist Review; these pages printed in New York.

Vol. 6, No. 4, January 1957
p. 6: Plekhanov: The Father of Russian Marxism [ASR1] Commemorating centenary of Plekhanov’s birth.

Vol. 6, No. 5, February 1957
pp. 5-6: Forum
Lucio Libertini of Italian Unione Socialista Independente writes criticising section on Titoism in ”˜Future of the Russian Empire’ (Vol. 6, No. 3), arguing Russia is bureaucratic collectivist but Yugoslavia is in some ways progressive. Cliff responds arguing limits of workers’ control in Yugoslavia.

Vol. 6, No. 6, March 1957
pp. 3-4: Forum: The Nature of Modern Capitalism. One: State Capitalism [ASR1] A reply to critics (Ken Coates & John McLaren). Followed by sections on British and US capitalism by Seymour Papert and Gordon Haskell.

Vol. 6, No. 7, April 1957
pp. 5-6 Forum: Mao Tse-Tung and Stalinism [NWNM] [ASR1] Economic backwardness, arms burden, personality cult, etc.

Vol. 6, No. 8, May 1957
.pp. 5-6: Forum: Perspectives of the Permanent War Economy [NWNM] [ASR1] Effects of arms spending and prediction of crisis.

Vol. 6, No. 9 1957, June 1957
pp. 3-5: Forum: Probing into the Economic Roots of Reformism, Tony Cliff shows What Makes Right-Wing Labour Tick. [NWNM] [ASR1] Critique of Lenin on aristocracy of labour.

8th. Year, No. 11, June 1 1958
p.7: Background to the French Crisis [ASR1] De Gaulle’s return; failings of PCF and SFIO.

8th. Year, No. 13, July 1 1958
pp. 6-7: Background to Hungary [ASR1] Nagy murder, Titoism, rise of Khrushchev, Hundred Flowers.

8th. Year, No. 15, August 1958
pp. 7-8, 3: Background to the Middle East Crisis [ASR1] Oil as key; withdraw British troops from Jordan.

9th. Year, No. 2, Mid-January 1959
pp. 4-5: 40 Years to the Death of Rosa Luxemburg – Revolutionary Socialist.
First chapter of book [See section A]

9th. Year, No. 7, Mid-April 1959
p. 7: Letter
Response to article by John Rex, Welensky’s Racial Dictatorship (SR, 9th. year, No. 6, Easter 1959). Cliff challenges Rex’s suggestion of sending British troops to Nyasaland, arguing from Algerian experience that imperialist troops will side with settlers.

9th. Year, No. 9, Mid-May 1959
pp. 4-5: China: The Hundred Flowers Wilt [ASR1] Impact of Hungary in China

10th. Year, No. 3, March 1960
p.5: What was Behind Mac’s Africa Tour?
Political independence not synonymous with economic and social freedom.

10th. Year, No. 4, April 1960
p.3: International Notebook
Khrushchev and Asia, Germany, South Africa, USA.

10th. Year, No. 5, May 1960
pp. 4-5: International Notebook – Khrushchev, De Gaulle and Algeria
Various aspects of Algerian crisis.

10th. Year, No. 8, August 1960
p. 8 [M Turov]: The Russian Organisation Man
Review of D Granick, The Red Executive, Macmillan, 1960.

10th. Year, No 11, November 1960
p. 5: The Truth about Hiroshima
Japanese surrender offer before bomb used; CP attitudes.

11th. Year, No. 2, February 1961
pp. 4-5, 8: The Belgian General Strike [ASR1] Many passages identical to article in IS1 4, but several important differences, notably a section defending La Gauche and Mandel.

November 1961
pp. 4-6: The 22nd. Congress of the CPSU [ASR1] Economic roots of Sino-Soviet split.

December 1961
pp. 4-5: Why were Krupps not expropriated?
Bevin’s failure to nationalise; anti-German chauvinism in British labour movement.

January 1962
pp. 6-7: [unsigned] Pages from Khrushchev’s Biography
Style suggests Cliff.

April 1962
pp. 4-5: [unsigned] Algerians Betrayed
Response to reader’s enquiry for information on role of PCF and SFIO on Algeria. Style and content suggest Cliff.

11th. Year, No. 6, June 1961
pp. 1, 7: Stalinism not Dead
Russian law puts property before people.


D: International Socialism – series one

No 1 – no. 35: First section online: International Socialism, content by issue – (Summer 1958 – Winter 1968/69) Marxist Internet Archive; Encyclopedia of Trotskyism.

No 1: September 1958
pp. 19-56: Changes in Stalinist Russia: I Changes in the Management of Industry
Billed as first of a series of five articles on post-Stalin Russia.

Nos 2-3 were Cliff’s Rosa Luxemburg (see section A). The journal was then relaunched in 1960, beginning again with No 1.

No. 1: Spring 1960
pp. 20-28: [Ygael Gluckstein]: The Chinese People’s Communes
The ”˜Great Leap Forward’ and subsequent retreat.

No 2: Autumn 1960
pp. 14-16, 21-27: The Revolutionary Party and the Class or Trotsky on Substitutionism [NWNM] [W1] Veiled polemic against SLL-type organisation.

No 3: Winter 1960-1
p. 29: Ephemeral Flora
Review of R MacFarquhar (ed.), The Hundred Flowers (Stevens & Sons).

p. 30: [M Turov On the Line
Review of Giuseppe Boffa, Inside the Khrushchev Era (Allen & Unwin).

No. 4: Spring 1961
pp. 10-17: Belgium 2: Strike to Revolution [W1] Many sections similar to article in SR1 February 1961, but significant differences; see section C.

No 5: Summer 1961
pp. 28-29: Regrouping
Review of AA Berle, Power without Property (Sidgwick & Jackson).

p. 31: [M Turov] China
Review of Chao Kuo-chun, Agrarian Policy of the Chinese Communist Party (Asia Publishing House) & R Hughes, The Chinese Communes (Bodley Head).

No 6: Autumn 1961
p. 33: Bureaucracy
Review of E Strauss, The Ruling Servants (Allen & Unwin).

No 7: Winter 1961
p. 30: [M Turov] The Divide
Review of H Feis, Between War and Peace (OUP).

p. 31: Soviet Studies
Review of A Nove, The Soviet Economy (Allen & Unwin) & RV Daniels, The Conscience of the Revolution (OUP).

No 8: Spring 1962
pp. 18-22: The Decline of the Chinese Communes
Changes since Gluckstein article in IS 1.

No 9: Summer 1962 isj10.jpg
pp. 4-14: The Labour Party in Perspective [online] Argument for entrism in 1960s conditions.

p. 31: Sovietology
Review of Soviet Affairs No. 3 (Chatto and Windus).

pp. 31-2: Peron
Review of G Pendle, Argentine (OUP).

No 11: Winter 1962-3
p. 28: Kremlinology
Reviews of R Conquest, The Lost Empire (Ampersand) & W Leonhard, The Kremlin since Stalin (OUP).

No 12: Spring 1963
pp. 15-22: Permanent Revolution
Theory of ”˜Deflected permanent revolution’.

No 14: Autumn 1963
pp. 3-16, 24: China-Russia: The Monolith Cracks
Sino-Soviet split.

No 15: Winter 1963 isj15.jpg
pp. 10-20: The End of the Road: Deutscher’s Capitulation to Stalinism [NWNM] Assessment of Deutscher’s work after completion of Trotsky trilogy.

pp. 38-9: [M Turov] 1925-7
Review of RC North & XJ Eudin, MN Roy’s Mission to China (University of California Press).

p. 39: Kremlinology
Review of R Pethybridge, A Key to Soviet Politics (Allen & Unwin).

No 17: Summer 1964
p 31: [Y Sakhry] Catalogue
Review of G Baer, Population and Society in the Arab East (Routledge & Kegan Paul). Book by a former comrade gone astray; hence Cliff uses an old Palestine pseudonym.

pp 31-2: Splits
Reviews of K Mehnert, Peking and Moscow (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) & D Floyd, Mao against Khrushchev (Praeger).

p 32: Useful Placidities
Review of R Hiscocks, Poland, Bridge for the Abyss, (OUP).

p32: [M Turov] Little Profit
Review of KE McKenzie, Comintern and World Revolution, 1928-43 (Columbia UP).

No 18: Autumn 1964
p. 32: Facts
Review of A Nove, Was Stalin Really Necessary? (Allen & Unwin), A Zauberman, Industrial Progress in Poland, Czechoslovakia and East Germany 1937-1962 (OUP), HP Shaffer (ed.), The Soviet Economy (Methuen) & G Ionescu, Communism in Rumania 1944-1962 (OUP).

pp. 32-33: Inadequate
Review of R Pethybridge (ed.), Witnesses to the Russian Revolution (Allen & Unwin) & J Keep (ed.), Contemporary History in the Soviet Mirror (Allen & Unwin).

No 19: Winter 1964-65
pp. 4-16: Marxism and the Collectivisation of Agriculture
Critical review of Marxist theories. isj21.jpg

No 21: Summer 1965
p.24: [unsigned] Introduction to extract from Rosa Luxemburg, Mass Strike, Party and Trade Union
Style suggests this is by Cliff.

p. 32: Figures of Fun
Review of D Ingram, The Communist Economic Challenge (Allen & Unwin).

p. 32: [M Turov] How to Grow?
Review of JW Hulse, The Forming of the Communist International (Stanford UP). Importance of fact that CPs grew from splits in existing mass parties. isj26.jpg p. 32: [R Tennant] Barton is Best
Review of S Swianicwicz, Forced Labour and Economic Development (Chatham House/OUP).

p. 32: Change of Sign
Review of L Fischer, The Life of Lenin (Weidenfeld & Nicolson).

No 29: Summer 1967
pp 7-16: Crisis in China [NWNM] The Cultural Revolution; Maoist voluntarism against Bukharinism.

No 32: Spring 1968
pp. 13-18: The Theory of Bureaucratic Collectivism – a Critique [NWNM] Duplicated document dated 1948 [see section H]; also reproduced in The Fourth International, Stalinism and the Origins of the International Socialists (1971) [See section A].

No 36 – no 73: Second section online: International Socialism, content by issue – (April/May 1969 – December 1974) Marxist Internet Archive; Encyclopedia of Trotskyism.

No 36: April-May 1969
pp. 15-21: On Perspectives [W2]

No 37: June-July 1969
pp. 23-24: Introduction
Introduces Sheng-wu-lien document ”˜Whither China?’

No 48: June-July 1971
pp 31-3: The Bureaucracy Today
Conclusion to a special issue on The Trade Union Bureaucracy in Britain.
No 52: July September 1972
pp. 16-22: From Marxist Circle to Agitation
Abbreviated chapter 2 from Lenin volume I.

No. 61: Summer 1973
pp. 18-29: Permanent Revolution
reprint from IS1 12
pp. 30-39: Crisis in China
reprint from IS1 29

No 63: October 1973
pp 29-30: review of T Deutscher (ed.), Not by politics alone: the other Lenin (Allen & Unwin)
There was no unpolitical Lenin.

No 67: March 1974 isj67.jpg
pp 10-14: Lenin’s Pravda
From Lenin volume I, chapter 19; a contribution to the internal debate on the rôle of Socialist Worker.

No 74 – no 104: Third section online: International Socialism, content by issue – (January 1975 – January 1978) Marxist Internet Archive; Encyclopedia of Trotskyism.

No 74: January 1975
pp 28-9: Lenin’s Central Committee.
Review of The Bolsheviks and the October Revolution, Central Committee Minutes of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks), Pluto 1974. Cliff contributed notes to this volume [see section A].

Nos 81-82: September 1975
Portugal at the Crossroads [W1] Special double issue entirely by Cliff.

No 87: March-April 1976
pp 10-19: [Tony Cliff & Robin Peterson] Portugal: The Last Three Months
Retreat after 25 November.

No. 95: February 1977
pp 19-24: Portugal at the impasse.
Retreat in 1976; critique of PRP.


E: Labour Worker, Socialist Worker

Labour Worker

Vol. 2, No 1 (1963)
pp. 4-5: Peking – Moscow: The Widening Gulf
Why Mao opposes peaceful coexistence.

Vol. 2, No 2 (1963)
pp. 6-7: Peking – Moscow: The Widening Gulf (concluding from last month)
Economic roots of Sino-Soviet split.

Vol. 2, No 4: June 1963
p. 3: How Hitler’s Bosses Kept Power
Why German steel industry was not nationalised after 1945.

Vol. 3, No 8: November 1964
pp. 3-4: Maurice Thorez – Communist Dinosaur
Obituary of French Communist leader; role at Liberation and over Algeria.

Vol. 3, No 9 [wrongly numbered 4]: December 1964
p. 3: Why was Khrushchev removed?
Fall of Khrushchev and crisis of Russian agriculture.

No 35: Mid-April 1965
p. 3: Permanent War Economy
Extracts from Socialist Review article (SR1 April 1957); editing by I Birchall; Cliff found the editing highly unsatisfactory and described it as an ”˜abortion’.

No 41: Mid-July 1965
p. 2: Letter
Response to article by John Palmer in LW 40; Palmer’s alleged claim that Britain could be insulated from world slump is dismissed as ”˜not revolutionary’. See also letter from Paul Foot in LW 42.

No 47: Mid-November 1965
p. 4: Profit without honour
Critique of Labour Government’s ”˜National Economic Plan’

No 62: 5 August 1966
p. 4: Letter
Reply to Tony Young’s comment on Incomes Policy book in LW 61; why Britain cannot emulate economic ”˜miracles’ in continental Europe.

No 64: 28 September 1966
p. 3: [Tony Cliff & Chris Harman] : End of the parliamentary road to socialism?
Crisis of Wilson government and need for revolutionary alternative.

No 66: December 1966
pp. 4-5: Palest pink in word and deed
History of Labour Party to 1931; why Labour has never been a socialist party.

No 67: January 1967
p. 6: Labour’s addiction to the ”˜rubber stamp’ [NWNM] [W2] Economic change means Labour no longer even reformist.

No 68: February 1967
p. 7: The sad saga of the soggies’ decline
Decline of Labour left from Lansbury to Michael Foot.

No 70: April 1967
p. 2: Mao and the workers
The Chinese working class and the Cultural Revolution.

No 72: June 1967
p. 2: Sneaky old Chu Te!
Mao’s purge of Chu Te comparable to Moscow trials.

No 73: July 1967
pp. 4-5: Middle East: Powder keg with a Zionist fuse
Précis of pamphlet The Struggle in the Middle East (1967) [see section A],

No 77: November 1967
pp. 4-5: October: The unfinished revolution…
Fiftieth anniversary of Russian Revolution.

Socialist Worker (from June 1968)

No 132: 24 July 1969
pp. 2-3: The Nigerian bloodbath
Against support for Biafra; cf. article by P Sedgwick in SW 130 and letters in SW 133.

No 144: 30 October 1969
pp. 2-3: [Harry Jones: CP: down the slippery slope…
Critique of Communist Party industrial policy; style and compiler’s memory suggest attribution to Cliff.

No 156: 29 January 1970
p. 3: Time and motion study: ”˜scientific’ way of squeezing more profit
Fighting scientific pretensions of time and motion study on the shop floor; taster for The Employers’ Offensive.

No 158: 12 February 1970
p. 4: Shift Work
Another taster for The Employers’ Offensive.

No 266: 8 April 1972
p. 11: The Irish struggle: which way ahead?
IS conference intervention; unconditional but critical support for IRA.

No 283: 5 August 1972
pp. 5, 7: The battle is won but war goes on [NWNM] [W2] Situation after freeing of Pentonville dockers; three cogs – party, rank-and-file, trade unions.

No 287: 2 September 1972
p. 5: Balance sheet on docks battle
Situation after Aldington-Jones agreement; need to involve rank-and-file.

No 293: 14 October 1972
p. 5: Heath’s pay fraud must be smashed
No incomes policy under capitalism.

No 300: 2 December 1972
p. 1: [unsigned] IS members speak to mass meeting
Brief account of Scunthorpe strike for higher pensions including quote from Cliff; full report p. 15.
p. 15: [Bill Message]: 2000 strike to back higher pensions call [ITHOS] Includes speech by Cliff to 2000 striking workers in Scunthorpe advocating industrial action to raise pensions.

No 302: 16 December 1972
p. 7: International Socialism
Plug for new monthly International Socialism, ”˜a real weapon in the struggle’.

No 304: 6 January 1973
p. 5: 1972: Tremendous year for the workers [NWNM] [W2] [Online – Reprinted as “A great year for the workers”, Socialist Review, No. 260, February 2002, pp. 12-13].
Organisational implications of the successful strikes in 1972.

No 314: 17 March 1973
pp. 8-9: Gale that can blow down the Tories…
Unevenness of struggle and need to go beyond sectionalism.

No 315: 24 March 1973
pp. 2-3 Build Workers’ Party: IS Conference Keynote
p. 2: History is knocking on our door says Cliff
Introduction to conference debate on perspectives; also short intervention on ”˜rising scale of wages’.
p. 3: Programme adopted

No 319: 21 April 1973
p. 7: Now rank & file must pick up the gauntlet
Retreats by TU bureaucracy and need for rank-and-file organisation.

No 328: 23 June 1973
p. 9: Grasp nettle of factory power
Need to build IS factory branches.

No 347: 3 November 1973
p. 9: Phase 3 must go
Attack on Tory wages policy; importance of SW Industrial Conference on 11 November.

No 349: 17 November 1973
p. 2: Build new leadership – with socialist politics
Speech to SW Industrial Conference at Manchester.

No 355: 5 January 1974
p. 5: Heath’s blackmail
How to fight three-day week imposed by Heath in response to miners’ overtime ban.

No 357: 19 January 1974
p. 7: How far will the bosses go?
Deepening crisis of British capitalism.

No 359: 2 February 1974
pp. 8-9: Lenin – His ideas are the future [NWNM] Fiftieth anniversary of Lenin’s death; first volume of biography promised for later in year.

No 364: 9 March 1974
p. 3: Minority: Alibi for union chiefs
Perspectives for newly elected Labour government.

No 380: 29 June 1974 (wrongly dated 1975)
pp. 8-9: Lessons for the revolution [ITHOS] How to develop the pre-revolutionary situation in Portugal.

No 394: 5 October 1974
p. 14: We have the muscle, we need the brain!
Introductory speech at IS conference.

No 404: 14 December 1974
p. 7: Stagflation!
Extract from The Crisis.

No 405: 21 December 1974
p. 7: The Great Incomes Policy Con-Trick [NWNM] Extract from The Crisis.

No 406: 4 January 1975
p. 9: The Revolutionary Party – Midwife of socialism
Extract from The Crisis.

No 413: 22 February 1975
p. 2: We’ve planted the seed – now we must make it grow
Second IS factory branches conference to be held in Manchester, 22 February.

No 418: 7 June 1975
p. 10: IS Conference 1975
Opening speech at conference.

No 446: 11 October 1975
p. 11: Portugal: An open letter to the revolution
Extracts from pamphlet Portugal o caminho a frente [see section K] distributed in Portugal.

No 448: 25 October 1975
p. 5: Portugal: The great danger
Soldiers cannot substitute for workers; critique of PRP.

No 454: 6 December 1975
p. 7: [Tony Cliff & Chris Harman] Portugal: Reaction has won a battle
Situation in Portugal after 25 November.

No 479: 5 June 1976
p. 10: Link with the Party – in action!
p. 13 Racism
Contributions to IS Conference on united front and on exploitation and oppression.

No 509: 8 January 1977
p. 10: Why we need a socialist workers’ party [NWNM] International Socialists become the SWP.

No 521: 2 April 1977
pp. 8-9: Phase 3 … or phase-free?
Fighting new phase of Labour’s Social Contract.

No 546: 24 September 1977
p. 8: Build the Socialist Workers Party in the workplace!
Situation after Grunwicks strike and Lewisham anti-NF demonstration.

No 568: 4 March 1978
p. 7: Scenario for the future?
First of a series on the present state of the class struggle.

No 571: 25 March 1978
p. 5: Divide and rule!
Differentials and craftism.

No 573 (wrongly numbered 523): 8 April 1978
p. 7: Steel: These jobs can be fought for
Analysis of situation in the steel industry.

No 578: 13 May 1978
p. 4: Build the Anti Nazi League
Perspectives after first ANL carnival.

No 579: 20 May 1978
p. 9: King Canute would be just as effective…
Inadequacy of CP and Labour Left policies against unemployment.

No 581: 3 June 1978
p. 4: Unemployment: Building the Resistance
Experience of fighting sackings in 1930s and 1970s.

No 582: 10 June 1978
p. 6: Letters
Comment on Martin Tomkinsons’s article on Muhammad Ali in SW 580, stressing importance of joining Black Muslims.

No 591: 12 August 1978
p. 11: Shooting it out in Paris and London
Attacks on PLO offices have roots in Arab states’ dependency on imperialism.

No 592 (wrongly numbered 560): 19 August 1978
p. 12: News from the Socialist Workers Party
Statement by Cliff, now SW editor, on role of strike reports and sales to strikers.

No 593 (wrongly numbered 592): 26 August 1978
p. 2: For the Right to Work
Editorial on socialist answer to unemployment.
p. 9: Why socialists must support the gays [NWNM] Part of centre spread on ”˜Coming Out’; London workers’ council will be led by ”˜19 year old black gay woman’.

No 594 (not numbered); 2 September 1978
p. 12: Getting away from boring reports
Call from editor for more imagination in strike reports.
p. 16: From Calcutta to King’s Cross
We can learn from Indian bus workers who ran buses but refused to collect fares.

No 596: 16 September 1978
p. 2: Stormy weather for ship of state
Editorial forecasting winter of industrial discontent.

No 598: 30 September 1978
p. 2: Ford fight for us all
Editorial: Ford victory will help low paid; Ford defeat will open door for Thatcher.
p. 7: Still United!
Second ANL carnival; admission of mistake in not mobilising enough people to oppose NF in Brick Lane.

No 599: 7 October 1978
p. 2: 100,000 Plus
Editorial on need to keep ANL broad, but fight for socialist ideas within it.

No 600: 14 October 1978
p. 10: The Prod Fraud
Ford strikers popular but other workers should take action now.

No 601: 21 October 1978
p. 2: Wages, profits and prices
Editorial – wages do not cause inflation.

No 605: 18 November 1978
p. 3: Healey’s Hammer
Labour government raises interest rates.

No 606: 25 November 1978
p. 2: The Whip
Editorial – Labour government drops humane rhetoric and becomes more openly anti working class.

No 631: 26 May 1979
pp. 8-9: Ten Years On [NWNM] [W2] [ITHOS] Class struggle 1969-79 – based on speech at Skegness rally, Easter 1979.

No 635: 23 June 1979
p. 4: No More Murders
Extract from speech at Blair Peach funeral.

No 647 (wrongly numbered 674): 15 September 1979
p. 8: These words are weapons against the cuts
Review of Dave Widgery, Health in Danger (Macmillan) and Noreen Branson, Poplarism 1919-1925 (Lawrence & Wishart).

No 656: 17 November 1979
p. 10: What they said
Speech to SWP conference on downturn and Code of Practice.

No 657: 24 November 1979
p. 6: Socialist Worker
Editor’s introduction to debate on SW at SWP conference.

No 660: 15 December 1979
p. 2: It’s time to close ranks
Editorial on need for unity in face of employers’ offensive.

No 664: 19 January 1980
p. 13: Get a hold on the present
Plug for new issue of Socialist Review.

No 676: 12 April 1980
pp. 2-3: Steel – Time to stoke the fires down below
Assessment of the steel strike after return to work.

No 677: 19 April 1980
p. 11: The £62,000 misprint
Letter correcting misprint in SW 676 article.

No 681: 17 May 1980
p. 3: After May 14…
Limits of TUC Day of Action on 14 May.

No 685: 14 June 1980
p. 2: Who’s left to back Benn?
Editorial – Benn does not dare challenge TU bureaucracy.

No 698: 13 September 1980 [NB subsequent issue also numbered 698] p. 4: Poland: How long can the deal last?
Polish unions challenge state capitalism.

No 709: 29 November 1980
p. 10: In the fight against this … is he going to be any help?
Michael Foot elected Labour leader; limits of Labour’s challenge to Tories.

No 741: 18 July 1981
p. 3: After the riots we say Jobs not Jails
1981 riots.

No 767: 23 January 1982
p. 13: Poland: Read all about it in Socialist Review
Review of Socialist Review [SR2 23 January – 19 February 1982] issue on Poland.

No 787: 12 June 1982
pp. 8-9: Labour Left in Retreat
Bennism and the Falklands war.

No 790: 3 July 1982
pp. 8-9: The Road from Zionism to Genocide

No 1743: 14 April 2001
p. 10: Roots of Israel’s violence [Online – Rerprint No. 1743: 14 April 2001, p. 10] Personal recollections of origins of Zionism.

No 793: 24 July 1982
pp. 8-9: Picking up the Pieces
Lessons of the train drivers’ defeat.

No 794: 31 July 1982
p. 12 [Tony Cliff & Peter Clark] The SWP – building in the next nine months
Organising in the downturn.

No 809: 13 November 1982
pp. 8-9: Russia 1917 – When the Workers Took Over
Sixty-fifth anniversary of October Revolution

No 812: 4 December 1982
p. 10: To understand Ireland today you have to start with Connolly
From speech to SWP Conference.

No 819: 5 February 1983
p. 13: Building Castles in the Air
Summing up and response to series of interviews (‘Where do we go from here?’) with representatives of Labour left: Peter Hain (11 December 1982); Chris Mullin (18 December 1982); Laurence Coates (8 January 1983); Val Veness (15 January 1983).

No 822: 26 February 1983
p. 11: The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx
Review of Callinicos book.

No 824: 12 March 1983
Marx Special supplement pp. 7-8: There cannot be a revolutionary movement without a revolutionary theory, And this theory is Marxism
Marx centenary.

No 880: 14 April 1984
p. 10: Neither side has broken through
First month of the miners’ strike.

No 881: 21 April 1984 (wrongly numbered/dated 880/14 April)
pp. 4-5: Taking the initiative
Summing-up of meeting of SWP supporting miners.

No 888: 9 June 1984
p. 10: A crisis of leadership
Miners’ strike after three months.

No 889: 16 June 1984
pp. 4-5: Weighing up the problems sizing up the tasks
Introduction to meeting of SWP supporting miners.

No 962: 16 November 1985
p. 10: Militant – the scapegoat
SWP conference speech – unity appeal to Militant.

No 1103: 15 November 1986
p. 11: Election will solve nothing for our rulers
Introduction to discussion on tasks for socialists at SWP conference.

No 1023: 7 February 1987
p. 10: BT strike: strength and weaknesses
Socialist strategy in a sectional dispute.

No 1064: 21 November 1987
p. 11: Winning an audience for revolutionary ideas
SWP Conference – New stage of the downturn; preparing for the upturn.

No 1065: 28 November 1987
p. 10: Nationalism
Contribution to conference debate on Iran; military but not political support.

No 1066: 5 December 1987
p. 10: Fighting Racism
Contribution to conference debate: black nationalism as reformism without reforms.

No 1114: 19 November 1988
p. 11: Learning to lead
Introduction to party-building session at SWP conference

No 1118: 17 December 1988
pp. 8-9: [Interview with Tony Cliff & Duncan Hallas] Which way forward for the left?
Labour Party and anti-Tory mood.

No 1202: 18 August 1990
p. 10: ‘As long as I breathe I hope’
Fiftieth anniversary of Trotsky’s death.

No 1215: 17 November 1990
p. 11: Opportunities ahead
Introduction to SWP Conference debate on Socialist Worker and building the SWP.

No 1266: 16 November 1991
pp. 10-11: Building the Party
Report of speech to SWP conference.

No 1300: 18 July 1992
p.7: Class struggle in the 90s [ITHOS] Text of Marxism meeting.

No 1317: 14 November 1992
p. 11: Build the Socialists
Report of speech from SWP Conference.

No 1326: 23 January 1993
p. 10: [Interview] Shape the future
Perspectives after pit closures.

No 1368: 13 November 1993
p. 10: [Tony Cliff & Chris Bambery] Get Stuck in and Build
Introduction to session at SWP Conference.

No 1418: 12 November 1994
p. 10: Balance of forces
SWP conference – introduction to discussion on state of class struggle.

No 1433: 11 March 1995
p. 5: ‘We can learn from each other’
Reasons to support SW trade union conference

No 1468: 11 November 1995
p. 10: Socialist Workers Party conference
Introduction to first session on year ahead.

No 1520: 16 November 1996
p.10: Our historic opportunity
Introduction to opening session of SWP conference.

No 1545: 17 May 1997
p. 13: Moving on after the celebrations
Speech to SWP national meeting after Labour election victory.

No 1566: 11 October 1997
p. 13: ‘Our politics can bridge the gap’
Speech to SWP national meeting.

No 1571: 15 November 1997
p. 10: Politics can win a big audience
Speech to SWP conference on discontent with Blair government.

No 1617: 10 October 1998
p. 14: A bold response to the economic crisis
Speech to SWP national meeting on Indonesia and conditions for revolution. 2009sw1999best.jpg

No 1673: 20 November 1999
p. 11: Politics is vital [Online – scroll down] Speech to SWP conference on nature of present period.

No 1743: 14 April 2001
p. 10: Roots of Israel’s violence [Online] Written 1982; [reprint of SW 3 July 1982]


F: Socialist Review – series two

No. 1, April 1978
pp. 12-15: Where do we go from here?
Interview with Alex Callinicos; analysis of state of labour movement before development of ‘downturn’ thesis.

1981:1, January-February
p. 36 [Tony Cliff interviewed by Simon Turner]: T is for Trotsky the hero who had to take all of the blame
Contribution to back-page series ”˜The Socialist ABC’

1981:4, April-May
p. 29: contribution to SWP National Committee discussion on failure to resist Linwood closure.
Downturn not an excuse for passivity; need to relate to minority.

1982:6, May-June
pp. 18-19: You can’t have a rank & file movement if the factories are empty’
Reasons for winding up the rank and file movement.

No 53, April 1983
pp. 3-5: Building in the downturn
Extracts of speech to SWP National Committee.

No. 55, June 1983
pp. 16-19: Prologue to an upturn
Speech to SWP National Committee; small revival of industrial struggle.

No 58 (misnumbered 57), October 1983
pp. 5-7: The charge of the right brigade
Speech to SWP National Committee on TUC move to right.

January 1985 Issue 1 (No. 72)
pp. 15-17: 1905
Eightieth anniversary of 1905 revolution in Russia.

No. 76, May 1985
p. 34: Letter: In Defence of Lenin
Response to book review by Colin Sparks (‘Lenin and the patriots’ in SR2, No. 75, April 1985, pp. 28-9) which had made criticisms of Lenin’s positions during World War I.

No. 85, March 1986
pp. 32-3: Unclear pictures
Review of HA Clegg, A History of British Trade Unions since 1899, Vol. II, 1911 35, OUP. Praise for Clegg’s ‘impeccable scholarship’.

No. 86, April 1986
pp. 17-20: The state of struggle today [W2] Interview with Lindsey German; balance of forces at time of Wapping print dispute; need to be realistic.

No. 88, June 1986
pp. 20-22: Another tale of betrayal
Career of Stafford Cripps used as a means of criticising modern Labour left.

No. 100, July/August 1987
pp. 14-19: Fifty-Five Years a Revolutionary [ASR2] Interview with Alex Callinicos and Lindsey German; review of life on occasion of seventieth birthday.

No. 101, September 1987
pp. 18-22: The working class and the oppressed
From speech at Marxism 87.

No. 102, October 1987
p. 34: Letter: Where are the Workers?
Response to article on South Korea by Nigel Harris in SR 101(September 1987, p. 10), criticising Harris for neglecting Korean working class and opening door to popular frontism.

No. 107, March 1988
pp. 17-20: In fighting mood
Interview on current balance of class forces.

No. 113, October 1988
pp. 10-11: Dark Clouds and Silver Linings
Speech to SWP National Committee analysing ‘new mood’ of hostility to Thatcher.

No. 126, December 1989
pp. 11-14: Earthquake in the East [ASR2] Extract from recent speech; continuing crisis in Eastern bloc.
p.26: report of speech at SWP Conference.
Individual non-payment cannot defeat poll tax.

No. 133, July/August 1990
pp. 19-20: ‘The revolution changed to a sword the pen of its best publicist’
Extracts from volume two of Trotsky, The Sword of the Revolution.

No. 135, October 1990
pp. 15-18: The Struggle in the Middle East [W1] Edited and shortened version of The Struggle in the Middle East (1967)
[see section A]

No. 145, September 1991
pp. 10-11: Balance of powerlessness
Crisis in Russia continues after failure of August coup.

No. 183, February 1995
pp. 16-19: In the balance W2] [[Online] Revival of industrial struggle with signal workers’ victory.

No. 202, November 1996
pp. 9-11: Labour’s crisis and the revolutionary alternative [Online] Interview with Chris Nineham; perspectives for SWP in run-up to 1997 election.

No. 209, June 1997
pp. 9-11: Change is going to come – but how? W2] [[Online] Speech to SWP national meeting on illusions and contradictions in consciousness after Blair victory.

No. 219, May 1998
pp. 20-22: The Jews, Israel and the Holocaust W1] [[Online] Roots of Zionism; need for working-class revolution in Arab states to resolve Palestinian question.

No. 221, July/August 1998
pp. 20-21: The test of time [Online] Theory of state capitalism proved correct by history.

No. 241, May 2000
pp. 16-20: Nothing So Romantic [Online] Interview with Nicolas Walter from Idiot International (June 1970) reprinted on occasion of Cliff’s death.

No. 260, February 2002
pp. 12-13: 1972: A Great Year for the Workers [Online] Reprinted from SW 6 January 1973


G: International Socialism – series two

No. 6: Autumn 1979
pp. 1-50: ‘The balance of class forces in recent years’ [W2] Said to be extract from forthcoming book ‘The Employers’ Offensive and the Fight Back’. Analyses extent of workers’ retreat, the ‘downturn’. A response – though not explicitly – to Steve Jeffreys ‘Striking into the 80s’ in IS 5.

No 13: Summer 1981
pp. 29-72: ‘Clara Zetkin and the German Socialist Feminist Movement’.
Some of this forms chapter 5 of Women and the Struggle for Socialism but also contains much additional material not in book. See also polemics by Juliet Ash and Janet VAX in IS2 14 pp. 120-27, showing how this relates to internal debate in SWP on women’s organisation.

No 14: Autumn 1981
pp 75-104: ‘Alexandra Kollontai: Russian Marxist and Women Workers’.
Substantially the same as chapter 6 of Women and the Struggle for Socialism, but contains additional material.

No 29: Summer 1985
pp. 3-61: ‘Patterns of mass strike’.
1984-85 miners’ strike in historical context.

No 31: Spring 1986
pp. 69-111: ‘The Tragedy of AJ Cook’
Although it is never made explicit, this article is clearly a response to Paul Foot’s pamphlet An Agitator of the Worst Type (SWP, January 1986, based on a talk at the Skegness Rally, Easter 1985). Foot is much more sympathetic to Cook. The parallels with Scargill are unstated but obvious.

No 55: Summer 1992
pp 65-76: [Lindsey German & Peter Morgan] ‘The prospects for socialists – an interview with Tony Cliff.’
1992 election and underlying class relations.

No 80: Autumn 1998
pp 53-70: ‘Revolution and counter-revolution: lessons for Indonesia’ W1] [[Online] Historical analogies for Indonesian revolution.


H: Internal Bulletins, circulars etc.

Period prior to Formation of Socialist Review group

On the Irresponsible Handling of the Palestine Question [Online] From Revolutionary Communist Party, Internal Bulletin, no date but early 1947.

All that glitters is not gold [NWNM] [online] Revolutionary Communist Party Internal Document, September 1947
Polemic against Germain (Mandel), arguing that there is currently a boom in Britain.

The Nature of Stalinist Russia.
Internal Bulletin Revolutionary Communist Party June 1948
Translated by C Dallas

Marxism and the theory of bureaucratic collectivism ( 24 pp. duplicated document – no date [1948]) Translated by C Dallas [NWNM] Reprinted in IS1 32 and in The Fourth International, Stalinism and the Origins of the International Socialists (1971) [See section A] [No name]: On the class nature of the people’s democracies (39 pp. duplicated document July 1950) Reprinted in The Fourth International, Stalinism and the Origins of the International Socialists (1971) [See section A] [NWNM]

Socialist Review Group

The Socialist Platform Library has minutes of various SR group meetings 1950-52. These include various contributions and resolutions by ‘RT’ (= Roger Tennant, Cliff’s pseudonym.

International Socialism Internal Bulletin

A Socialist Survey [No date or number – No 1 c March 1963] contains a reply by SJ [Sergio Junco = Sam Farber] to ‘the analysis of Cuban events which T.C. recently wrote for this bulletin’. I am unable to trace the bulletin in which this appeared. [NOT SEEN]

IS Bulletin No 8 5 December 1965
pp. 1-2: report by TC on visit to various branches in North of England.

Undated [c. February 1970] pp. 8-15: [unsigned, in name of NC]: Document entitled ‘Metropolitan Countries’
Apparently drafted by Cliff. One of three documents, on metropolitan countries, Stalinist states and Third World, produced for 1970 conference. Some passages taken verbatim from ‘On perspectives’ (IS1 36)

Undated (Autumn 1971) (Special bulletin before December 1971 conference to exclude Workers’ Fight)
pp. 10-12: For the Record
Defence of IS position on troops in Ireland in August 1969 against Workers’ Fight criticisms.

June 1971
pp. 6-7: [Tony Cliff & Chris Harman]: Theses on the Common Market for June National Committee
Argues for dropping previous abstentionist position and voting in TUs for opposition to Common Market. (Adopted by June NC)

January 1973
pp. 18-20: [Tony Cliff & Andreas Nagliatti]: Main Features of the Programme We Need
Contribution to debate on draft programme for annual conference

Undated June 1973
pp. 3-4: [Tony Cliff & John Charlton]: Further Remarks on Recruitment
Yorkshire experience; batch recruitment and public meetings.

April 1974
pp. 3-4: The Use of Socialist Worker as a an organiser [NWNM] Argues that buyers of SW should become sellers

Undated [May 1974] p. 3: Introduction to ‘Organisation Perspectives’
Argues audience is mainly younger workers without traditions; need for Organisation Commission to examine restructuring of organisation.
pp. 8-9: The way ahead for IS
Factory branches, SW a workers’ paper, worker leadership.
SWP Internal Bulletin

No 1: February 1977
[Tony Cliff & Duncan Hallas]: The devolution referenda
Advocates abstention in Scottish and Welsh referenda.

No. 6 [undated. 1979] p. 4: [Tony Cliff & Jack Robertson: The Future of Socialist Worker
How to improve industrial coverage in post-ANL period.

Pre-conference Bulletin No 2, 1994
pp. 8-12: Why do we need a revolutionary party?
Transcript of talk at Marxism 94.

Spring 2000
pp. 20-21: [Tony Cliff & Alex Callinicos]: Letter to ISO (20 February 2000)
p. 22: [Tony Cliff & Alex Callinicos]: Letter to ISO Steering Committee (23 February 2000)
pp 40-41: [Tony Cliff & Alex Callinicos]: Letter to ISO Steering Committee (20 March 2000)
pp 41-47: [Tony Cliff & Alex Callinicos]: Letter to ISO Steering Committee (29 March 2000).
Polemic with ISO (US) re inadequate response to Seattle and anti-capitalist movement.

International Socialists: Minutes of leading committees

Minutes of an ISEC 19-9-64
[The ‘EC’ was in fact a quarterly delegate meeting] p. 2: Intervention by TC
YS ‘no longer a horizon of growth’; turn to industry.

[NOTE: From 1969 to 1975 IS had a National Committee (NC) elected by conference and meeting monthly, and a London-based Executive Committee (EC) elected by the NC and meeting weekly. For most of this period minutes of both bodies were circulated to the membership, at times as part of the Internal Bulletin.]

EC Minutes 23.2.1970
TC reports speaking tour by himself and Chris Davison to promote Employers’ Offensive.

NC minutes 22 August 1970
p. 4 Report on Pilkington dispute; need to oppose breakaway unions and for IS to have more centralised industrial intervention.

EC minutes 12.5.69
p. 2: Interventions by TC arguing that LSE students should ‘fight to the end’, and that Socialist Worker should become 6-page, with middle two pages ‘devoted top theory’.

NC minutes 19 December 1970
p. 1: TC report: January 12th
Preparing for TUC day of protest against Tory anti-union laws on 12 January.

NC minutes 27 February 1971
pp. 1-2: TC intervention re fighting Tories.

NC minutes 10 July 1971 (in Internal Bulletin July 1971)
pp. 1-2: TC report: IS and the Labour Party
How IS should relate to LP in TUs and in recruitment.

NC minutes 14 August 1971 (in Internal Bulletin August 1971)
p. 3: TC intervention re Upper Clyde Shipbuilders occupation
Warns of dangers of demoralisation
p. 5: TC intervention re Ireland
Weakness of left in North; suggests that ‘Irish comrades go home’.

NC minutes October 1971 (in special Internal Bulletin of Discussion material for 4 December Conference
p. 3: TC intervention – why Trotskyist Tendency should be excluded.
Opening of debate culminating in exclusion of ‘Workers’ Fight’ grouping.

NC minutes 11 December 1971 (in December 1971 Internal Bulletin)
p. 4: TC intervention in education discussion.
Need for worker-intellectuals; role of cadre schools.

NC minutes March [1972] p. 3: TC on downturn after miners’ strike.

NC minutes 12 August 1972
p. 4: TC on rightward move of Communist Party in docks dispute.

NC minutes November [1972] p. 6: TC on Tory freeze and split consciousness

EC minutes 11 December 1972
p. 2: TC on rise of National Front.
Argues conditions for a fascist movement not present

NC minutes 10 March 1973
pp. 1-2: TC introduction on ‘The Freeze and the TUC’
pp. 4-5: TC intervention re parliamentary elections – against candidates at this stage.

EC minutes 26 March 1973
p. 2: TC intervention – to oppose National Front IS must call for Labour vote.

EC minutes 2 April 1973
pp. 1-2, 4: TC introduction and summing up on ‘Proposed United Front with the CP’
Long-term perspective – overtake CP over 2-3 years.

EC minutes 9 April 1973
pp. 1-2: TC introduction on ‘Political Perspectives’
Inflation and TU bureaucracy retreat will mean large unofficial strikes.

NC minutes April [1973] pp. 2-3, 5: TC introduction and conclusion on ‘Political Perspectives’
Short downturn in struggle; need to recruit; preparing united front strategy towards CP.

EC minutes 8 May 1973
p. 1: TC introduction on ‘Recruitment’
Unevenness in organisation; need to recruit quickly in present period.

NC minutes May [1973] pp 1-3: TC report on recruitment
Stress on recruiting workers in bunches and not as individuals.
(Appended) [Andreas Nagliatti & Tony Cliff]: Birmingham Commission Report to May NC
Proposals for district reorganisation to deal with problems caused by Left Faction.

EC minutes 28 May 1973
pp. 2-3: TC interventions on improving London organisation and introducing flat rate subs.

EC minutes 25 June 1973
pp. 3, 4-5: TC interventions about recruitment
Argues worker members should be encouraged to recruit fellow workers.

EC minutes 30 July 1973
pp. 2, 4, 5: TC on need for International Socialism to relate to needs of present membership.
Discussion with Mike Kidron, at that time about to take on editorship of journal (he did not in fact do so).

NC minutes October [1973] pp. 1-2: TC introduction on ‘Phase 3: Perspectives’
New stage of Tory incomes policy; preparing for IS Manchester rally on 11 November.

NC minutes November [1973] pp. 1-2, 3: TC report and conclusion on ‘Political Perspectives’
Deep crisis caused by miners; ‘we must put politics forward more’
There is a somewhat different report of these speeches in ‘National Secretary’s Report’ dated 27 November 1973.
pp. 5, 7: TC interventions on rank-and-file conference and recruiting black workers.

NC minutes December [1973] p. 3: TC intervention in ‘Political Perspectives’ discussion
Problems of generalising in current crisis.

NC minutes April [1974] pp. 5-6, 8: TC introduction and conclusion on ‘Socialist Worker’
Most readers are young workers without traditions; we need workers’ paper not paper for workers. Debate led to removal of Roger Protz as SW editor.

NC minutes 30 May [1974] p. 2: TC introduction and conclusion re ‘Threshold/Incomes Policy’
Prospect of new incomes policy based on threshold agreements

NC minutes July 1974
p. 3: TC intervention defending Steve Jefferys’ Industrial Perspectives document against reference back moved by Andreas Nagliatti.


Factory Branches [W2] International Socialists, no date [1973], 22 pp
Published in summer of 1973 for first Factory Branches conference in September 1973; IS formed factory branches following conference decision in March 1973.
Miscellaneous Documents and Circulars
20 June 1968
Notes on Democratic Centralism [NWNM] Arguing for transition to a democratic centralist structure, finally agreed December 1968.

December 1969
Some Preliminary Notes on Perspectives for Western Capitalism. 5 pp.
Document for NC December 1969

July 1970
p. 1: [Tony Cliff and Duncan Hallas] Introduction to ‘Organizational Notes 1’
This was a four-page duplicated bulletin with reports on selling The Employers’ Offensive and the teachers’ fraction. I know of no further issues; it was probably subsumed into the Internal Bulletin.

[March] 1971
[T Cliff, D Hallas, C Harman]: The Current Situation and Immediate Perspectives in Industry and the Unions
Document for 1971 Easter conference on strategy in trade unions following defeat of postal strike.

22 June 1972
Suggestions re Autumn/Winter Campaign
Proposals for party-building campaign in late 1972.

Undated [July 1972] [JH (Jim Higgins) & TC]: Security
Response to fears of repression during industrial conflicts of 1972. Various measures to minimise circulation of names and addresses.

22 August 1972
IS Building Workers Group
4-page document for IS Building Workers Conference, 2 September 1972, at time of strikes during which Shrewsbury pickets were arrested.

January 1973
Letter to members of ATTI and AUT requesting donation of £100 to Fighting Fund.

Undated (probably Spring 1973)
Letter to I Birchall and D Hallas re drafting of programme after 1973 conference.

4 May 1973
Branch Circular [73/83] re procedures for reporting membership to centre
Cliff was at this point Membership Secretary of IS.

19 September 1973
Branch Circular 73/124
Request to branches for membership information.

20 December 1973
[Tony Cliff, Jim Nichol, Dave Peers] Financial appeal
To members in various white-collar unions, asking all earning over £ 2000 a year to donate £ 100.

16 May 1974
Letter asking for information and suggestions for Organisation Commission.
The Organisation Commission was established following heated May NC which brought out deep divisions in organisation.

3 June 1974
Letter apparently to members of Organisation Commission asking for suggestions.

9 June [1974] Notes of Organisation Commission discussion
Contains many comments by TC

11 June 1974
Circular to branches requesting statistics on membership for Organisation Commission.

13 June 1974
Covering letter sent out with minutes of first Organisation Commission meeting.

23 June [1974] Notes of Organisation Commission discussion 23 June [1974] Contains many comments by TC, in particular on roles of NC and EC.

13 July 1974
Letter to all NC members asking for amendments to report of Organisation Commission.

Undated [June 1974] [P Bain, T Cliff, J Deason, D Hallas]: Report of the Commission Appointed….
Commission into disputes in Manchester district following May NC.

Undated [June-July 1974] Organisation Commission Questionnaire No 2
Questions on workplace SW sales and leaflets.

No date; probably summer-autumn 1974
Second Part of Cliff-Foot Document on Improving the Content of the Paper
After removal of Roger Protz as editor; Need to encourage worker writers.
First part presumably exists [NOT SEEN]

March 1977
[Paul Foot, Jim Nichol, Tony Cliff]: Financial Appeal to the Trade Union and Labour movement following the award of damages to Clive Jenkins of ASTMS
SW sued for £ 10,000 for criticising Jenkins for organising holidays in Franco’s Spain.

19 January 1982
[Tony Cliff & Peter Clark]: Individually addressed appeal to lecturers to donate to Fighting Fund.

3 March 1983
[Peter Clark, Nasreen Tabrizi, Tony Cliff]: Appeal for money to publish Farsi translation of Cliff’s State Capitalism in Russia.


Miscellaneous articles

Ha-Mesheq Ha-Shittufi [The Cooperative Economy] Issue 3(11), 1935
pp.183-188: The Present Agrarian Crisis in Egypt [Online] Originally written in Hebrew. Cliff’s first article, written at the age of 18

New Politics (US)
Advertisement for No 2: Winter 1962 includes:
The 22nd Congress of the Russian Communist Party [NOT SEEN] Probably the same article as SR1 November 1961.
Errata: This article is an expanded edition of the article in SR1 November 1961; which also is online: [The 22nd Congress.

Idiot International
No 6, June 1970
pp 8-10: Tony Cliff – interview by Nick Walter
Interview on IS politics, especially role of party.

The Leveller
No 29, August 1979
pp. 12-13: [David Clark and Tim Gopsill]: Taking on the Tories – ”˜Defend Our Unions’
Report on the Defend Our Unions conference, Manchester, 23 June 1979.
Contains extracts from an interview with Cliff on the Rank and File movement.
No 30, September 1979
pp. 20-21: [Tony Cliff interviewed by Dave Clark and Mike Prest: Sell the Paper! Build the Party!
On politics of SWP; approach to CP and Bennism.

The Guardian20 July 1987
p. 20: Why the Workers did not Fight for Labour
Based on Marxism talk ‘Elections 87 – Lessons for Socialists’; see also Guardian 22 July, Letters, p. 12 for response.

New Statesman & Society
16 September 1994
p. 13: Influences (questionnaire)
Says ‘I don’t listen to music’; trusts nobody in the world other than Chris Harman and Lindsey German; most admired political figures listed as: ‘Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Leon Trotsky and Rosa Luxemburg’. Cliff claimed ‘Leon Trotsky’ was misheard over telephone, should have been ‘Lenin, Trotsky’.

International Socialist Review (ISO – US)
Issue 01: Summer 1997
pp. 27-31: [Ahmed Shawki interviews Cliff] 50 Years of the International Socialist Tradition
Fiftieth anniversary of document on state capitalism.

Other Items

In an article in SWP Internal Bulletin No. 6 [1979], p. 4, Cliff refers to the fact that he wrote his first strike leaflet 45 years previously, that is, in 1934. [NOT SEEN]

Revolutionary History
Volume 6, no 2/3, Summer 1996
pp. 4-48: Ciaran Crossey & James Monaghan: ‘The Origins of Trotskyism in Ireland’
On pp. 43-44 the authors refer to and quote a leaflet issued in Dublin in May 1948 entitled ‘Who Wears Connolly’s Mantle?’ They speculate that this may have been written or influenced by Cliff who was in Dublin at the time. [NOT SEEN]

Isis (Oxford University)
No. 1452: 13 November 1963
p. 7: [Richard Condon]: Colourful Mixture
Detailed report of meeting of Oxford University Labour Club addressed by Cliff on ‘The Limits of De Stalinization’.

EC minutes of 23 February 1970 report that Cliff had signed on behalf of IS an ISRACA leaflet making the following points:

  • against persecution of Jews in Russia
  • against the slogan of calling for Jews to return to Israel
  • in favour of Palestinian Arabs being able to return to Israel [NOT SEEN]

Redskins: Neither Washington nor Moscow (Decca FLP 1)
This album contains some extracts from a speech by Cliff; it entered the Music Week chart on 22 March 1986, peaking at No. 31.


Manuscripts, correspondence

Cliff’s papers, to be deposited at Warwick University, contain a wide variety of material reflecting his methods of work. Material falls into the following categories:
Ӣ Manuscripts of unpublished books and articles
Ӣ Brief notes for talks (handwritten and largely illegible)
Ӣ Publications of the SWP and of groups in the IS international tendency
Ӣ Press cuttings
Ӣ Manuscripts and proofs of published works
Ӣ Photocopies of books and articles
Ӣ Letters from comrades and others (including a letter on Keynes from Maurice Dobb)
I list below the more significant items; in particular I have listed those manuscripts which do not seem to correspond to any of Cliff’s known published works:


Imperialism and the Arab East
Palestine, May 1946; iv + 216 pp. Typescript

I – Historical background
II – Imperialism in the Arab East
III – The Economic Structure of the Arab East [extract in W1] IV – The National Movement in the Arab East
V – Zionism
VI – The Working Class Movement in the Arab East

Manuscript on Keynes
This is very incomplete and many pages are missing; the following pages survive:
11, 15-17, 26-27, 29-38, 40-57, 75-81, 83-84

[Ygael Gluckstein]: Communism and the Peasantry
4 pp. Outline of book
1) Collectivisation of Agriculture
2) Russian Collectivisation
3) The Chinese People’s Communes
4) Communist Regime Upholds Individual Farming
5) Castro’s Transformation of Agriculture
6) The Israeli Communal Farm (Kibbutz)
7) Communism and the Peasantry

Sections of typescript
pp. 1-34 : Part I: Collectivisation of Agriculture (General Analysis) Chapter I Marx and the Peasantry (two copies)
pp. 39-47 : Soviet Collectivisation
pp. 35-116: Russian Collectivisation
pp. 117-168: The Chinese People’s Communes
pp 169-198: Yugoslavia and Poland
pp. 199-227: Castro’s Transformation of Agriculture
pp. 228-246: The Israeli Communal Farm (Kibbutz)
pp. 247-292: Communism and the Peasantry

Manuscript 17 pp.
Chapter XIV: Some historical analogies. An idea transformed into its opposite
Parallels between Christianity and Stalinism

Manuscript 4 pp.
”˜The Crisis of Society is the Crisis of Leadership’
A critique of voluntarism

Manuscript 12 pp. (incomplete)
Malenkov’s Russia
May be version of article in SR1 May 1953

Manuscript 3 pp. (handwritten, wholly illegible)
Analysis … [??] Appears to be notes on the Comintern and the Popular Front.

Manuscript 6 pp.
Notes on Revolutionaries and Reformism.
Advice to Linksruck comrades

Manuscript 5 pp.
Revolutionaries and Reformism
Addressed to Linksruck after Lafontaine/Schröder break

Manuscript 4 pp.
Revolutionaries and reformism
Different from previous two – no reference to Linksruck.

Typescript 6 pp.
Speech at the final rally, Marxism 1998.

Manuscript 3 pp
Addition to Revolution and Counter-revolution
Bolsheviks 1902-1905

Manuscript 3 pp.
XII: The struggle against imperialism and national oppression
Strikes in Egypt to 1998

Incomplete Manuscript (4 pages out of 8)
[Unsigned] State of organisation during miners’ strike
Style suggests by Cliff

Manuscript 5 pp.
The relevance of Marxism

Manuscript 5 pp.
Fifty years of state of Israel

Typescript 4 pp.
The Russian Revolution
May be notes for talk

Single separated sheet (p. 8)
Notes on sectarianism

Manuscript in Hebrew 5 pp
[Y Tsur]: The managerial revolution. The theory of counter revolution of monopoly capitalism.
No date (late 30s, early 40s). Apparently published, but no record of which journal it appeared in. English translation has been made. Critique of James Burnham, The Managerial Revolution (1943). Postscript promises a further article on the nature of the Russian regime.

Manuscript 5 pp. handwritten
Paper of the Cominform (15 June 1948)

Manuscript in Hebrew pp 78-124
The price of agricultural produce, rent and the price of land in the period of declining capitalism

[Y Gluckstein]: A very rough draft of a synopsis of a book on Trotsky (4 pp.)
Probably c. 1960

What was the position of … (damaged)
Democracy and fascism

Manuscript 6 pp. handwritten in Hebrew
Current tendencies in the concentration of land and the break-up of the village.

Letter to Turkish comrade (incomplete – final page only)
On ‘economism’.


Folder labelled ‘some unpublished works’
c. 200 pp. typescript, mainly on Russia.

Manuscript 10 pp. Very tattered
Quotes from Trotsky on fascism.

Typescript pp 1-76
Extracts from New International, Dunayevskaya, etc.

Notebook 346 pp.
Mostly Hebrew, some English. Statistics re Russian agriculture, etc.
Contains offer of reward of £5 if found.




State Capitalism in Russia (cf A World to Win p. 201)


Russiay Rashtriya Pujibad
Social Education and Alternative Research, Kalikata, 1992, xxvii + 251 pp.
State Capitalism in Russia


See also: [Secció Catalana de l’Arxiu Virtual dels Marxistes: Tony Cliff]


Rosa Luxemburg. En politisk biografi
Politisk Revy, Copenhagen, 1973
Translation of 1959 edition of Rosa Luxemburg
Contains foreword for Danish edition by Cliff, dated 1972

Trotsky on Substitutionism (IS1 2)
Proletar No. 6, November 1974, pp. 24-34.

For a full bibliography in Danish, see section: [På dansk af Tony Cliff; In English]


De strijd in het Midden-Oosten
in Tariq Ali (ed.), Nieuwe revolutionairen. Linkse oppositie (Bussum 1969) pp. 213-33
(‘The Struggle in the Middle East’, in Tariq Ali, New Revolutionaries, London, 1969). 1967 pamphlet – see section A.

Rosa Luxemburg’s verdediging van het marxisme
in Rosa Luxemburg, Dubblernummer te elfder ure. 18e jaargang nr. 7 en 8 (Nijmegen 1971), pp. 312-22
De opvatting van Rosa Luxemburg over de massastaking
in Rosa Luxemburg, Dubblernummer te elfder ure. 18e jaargang nr. 7 en 8 (Nijmegen 1971), pp. 364-76
(Chapters on ‘Reform or Revolution’ and ‘Mass strikes and revolution’ in Rosa Luxemburg; translated from German edition of 1969).

Revolutie en contra-revolutie, lessen voor Indonesie
in Chris Harman, Tony Cliff, Pepijn Brandon, Marxisme en de partij (Amsterdam 1999) pp. 6-139
Revolution and counter-revolution: lessons for Indonesia (IS2 80)

See also: [Nederlandstalig Marxistisch Internet-Archief: Tony Cliff]


State Capitalism in Russia [March 1983] Printed in Britain, ‘Socialist Publications’.

Deflected Permanent Revolution,
Bookmarks, 1990

[See also: [Marxist Internet Archive Farsi: Tony Cliff]


See also: [Marxilainen internetarkisto; Tony Cliff]


Quatriéme Internationale, August-September 1946: pp. 38-46
Le Proche et le Moyen-Orient a la croisée des chemins: Part I
October-November 1946:
[Not seen] presumably contains Part II.
December 1946: pp. 20-25
Le Proche-Orient au carrefour: Part III.
These three articles are a French translation of ‘The Middle East at the Crossroads’ (Fourth International, December 1945, January & February 1946) subseequently published as a pamphlet Middle East at the Cross Roads [1946 – see section A] [Y Gluckstein] Les satellites européens de Staline
Les iles d’or, Paris, 1953
Stalin’s satellites in Eastern Europe.

L’avenir de l’empire russe: réforme ou révolution?
In Correspondance socialiste (Pivertiste), No 69, December 1956, pp. 9-11.
Résumé from ‘The Future of the Russian Empire’ (SR1 December 1956)

Portugal au Carrefour [1975] Portugal at the Crossroads [IS1/81-82] IS International Department

La Pravda de Lénine [1977??] Lenin’s Pravda [IS1/67] IS International Department
Prepared for sale at Lutte Ouvriere fêete

Le Capitalisme d’état en URSS de Staline á Gorbatchev
Etudes et documentation internationales, Paris, 1990
State capitalism in Russia – contains introduction and conclusion by C Harman
also contains (pp. 261-276): The theory of bureaucratic collectivism: a critique (IS1 32)

La Révolution permanente
Permanent Revolution [IS1/12] Referred to in an internal document of the Canadian IS; date not known [Not seen]

See also: [l’Archive Internet des Marxistes; Tony Cliff]


Revolte der Arbeiter
Oberbaumpresse, Berlin, 1968
Incomes policy, legislation and shop stewards

Studie über Rosa Luxemburg
Neue Kritik, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1969, 92 pp.
Rosa Luxemburg (from 1969 version)
Also another edition of the same book: Linden-Druck, Hanover

Jahrbuch Arbeiterbewegung Band II: Marxistische Revolutionstheorie (ed.) C Pozzoli
Fischer, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1974
pp. 93-113: Revolution und revolutionäre Organisation (Trotsky on Substitutionism – IS1 2)

Portugal at the Crossroads [IS1/81-82] Published by the SAG [?], 1975

Staatskapitalismus in Russland
SAG, Frankfurt-am-Main 1975, 283 pp.
State Capitalism in Russia

See also [Marxists’ Internet Archive; Deutschsprachiger Teil: Tony Cliff] & Reds – Die Roten: Tony Cliff] [online]


Rosa Luxemburg
(includes two chapters from Cliff’s Rosa Luxemburg)
November 1972 (out of print)
Ydrohoos, 125 pp.

Portugal at the Crossroads
1977 (out of print)

State capitalism in Russia (two editions)
1st edition Bookmarks 1983, 326 pp.
2nd edition Marxistiko Vivliopolio December 1991, 290 pp.

Russia – from Workers’ State to State Capitalism (two editions)
1st chapter: ”˜Workers’ revolution and beyond’
from Binns, Cliff, Harman, Russia: From Workers’ State to State Capitalism, (1987)
1st edition Athens 1989, ESSD, pp. 20-26
2nd edition 1991 (out of print)
Marxistiko Vivliopolio

Deflected Permanent Revolution
October 1991
Marxistiko Vivliopolio, 40 pp.

Lenin Vol. 1 1893-1914
March 1995
Marxistiko Vivliopolio, 382 pp.

Lenin Vol. 2 1914-1917
October 1997
Marxistiko Vivliopolio, 430 pp.

Lenin Vol. 3 1917-1924
February 2000
Marxistiko Vivliopolio, 492 pp.

Spain 1936 – Revolution against fascism
(includes chapter on Spanish Revolution from Trotsky Vol. 4)
1st edition October 1995; 2nd edition January 2000
Marxistiko Vivliopolio, 70 pp.

June 1936 – The factory occupations in France
(includes chapter on France from Trotsky Vol. 4)
May 1996
Marxistiko Vivliopolio, 60 pp.

‘We have a world to win’
(last chapter of Cliff’s autobiography)
‘Socialism from below’ journal No 35 – April 2000

See also: [Marxists Internet Archive; Tony Cliff]


Revolusi dan kontra-revolusi
Henry Marten, London, 22 pp.
Revolution and counter-revolution: lessons for Indonesia (IS2 80)


Portugal at the Crossroads [IS1/81-82] IS International Department, 1975

Capitalismo di stato in Russia
Prospettiva, Rome, 1999, 242pp.
State Capitalism in Russia

See also: [Marxists Internet Archive; Seksi Bahasa Indonesia: Karya-Karya maxis]


Socialist Review (No. 3, March 1960), p. 5 reports that Tadayuki Tsushima’s latest work, A Criticism of Soviet ‘Socialism’ contains two articles from SR1’The Future of the Russian Empire’ (December 1956) and ‘Mao-Tse tung and Stalin’ (April 1957), plus a chapter from Stalinist Russia.

France – the Struggle Goes On
Gendaishichosha. 1968
Also contains texts by Raya Dunayevskaya and Eugene Walker

Stalinist Russia: A Marxist Analysis

State Capitalism in Russia

Rosa Luxemburg
Two editions: 1988 & 1993

NB: Cliff’s personal library contains three other volumes in Japanese which I was unable to identify.

See also: [Marxists’ Internet Archive; Japanese section]


Lenin, volume 1,
Chaegkalpi Press, Seoul, 432 pp.

State Capitalism in Russia
(cf A World to Win p. 201)

See also: [Marxists Internet Archive; (korean)]


Hva er reformisme? (1957) [online]

Marxists Internet Archive, Norsk seksjon

Economic roots of reformism (Socialist Review Vol.6 No.9, June 1957)

Røttene til Israels vold (1982) [online]

Intenasjonale Sosialister, 07.02.2002

Roots of Israel’s violence (Socialist Worker, No.1743, 14 April 2001)

Trotskij om substitusjonismen

Internasjonale Sosialister, Oslo 1994. 19pp.

Trotsky on Substitutionism (IS1 2)

50 år med den Internasjonale Sosialistiske tradisjonen

Internasjonal Sosialisme 2-1998, pp. 90-101

Interview with Ahmed Shawki from International Socialist Review Summer 1997 [see section I]

Regimene var ikke sosialistiske

Sosialistisk Arbeideravis 22-1999 (16 November 1999)

Source unknown

Trotskisme etter Trotski : Internasjonale Sosialisters røtter
[online] [with foreword, but without notes] and online [with notes, but without foreword]

Internasjonale Sosialister, Oslo, 1.1.1999, 88 pp.
Trotskyism after Trotsky

“Globalisiering” – myter og virkelighet

Sosialistisk Arbeideravis, 24-2000 (15 December 2000)

Chapter 4 – “‘Globalisation’ – myths and realities” – from Marxism at the Millennium

See also: [Marxists Internet Archive; Norsk seksjon: Tony Cliff]


Pánstwowy Kapitalizm W Rosji
Warsaw, 316 pp.
State capitalism in Russia

See also: [Marxists Internet Archives; Witamy serdecznie w Polskiej Sekcji]


Portugal en la Encrucijada
IS International Department, 1975, 48 pp.
Portugal at the Crossroads [IS1/81-82]

Portugal – O Caminho a Frente
London, 28 September 1975
According to SW 11 October 1975 2500 copies had been sent to Portugal; an extract from the pamphlet appears in this issue of SW.

Licöes do 25 de Novembro
Printed/Published London, IS International Department, 1975, 8 pp.
Portugal: The Lessons of the 25th November (with Chris Harman)

State Capitalism in Russia
Leningrad 1991
contains (pp. 3-5) Cliff’s preface to Russian edition
This translation was originally made by the KGB in 1956, printed and kept in a sealed section of the library. (See A World to Win, p. 201)

Russian paper (Sosialisticheskaya Solidarnost No 12, June 1996) announces Rusian translations of:
Economic Roots of Reformism (SR1 June 1957)
Permanent Revolution (IS1 12)
Permanent War Economy (SR1 April 1957

See also: [Arquivo Marxista na Internet]


Portugal at the Crossroads [IS1/81-82] IS International Department, 1975
Published under misleading title (‘Springtime’)  and without author’s name for clandestine distribution in Franco’s Spain.

State Capitalism in Russia (cf A World to Win p. 201)

See also: [Marxists Internet Archive; Archivo Tony Cliff]


Kampen i Mellanöstern
Text av Tony Cliff i antologin “De nya revolutionärerna”, utgiven 1969 på svenska av Aldus Aktuellt. Redaktör för antologin var Tariq Ali. Online på The same as:
“The Struggle in the Middle East,” in Tariq Ali, ed., The New Revolutionaries: A Handbook of the International Radical Left (New York: William Morrow, 1969), p. 219–220. Texter av Tony Cliff


See also: [Internet Marxist Archive (Thai): Tony Cliff]


Lenin 1: Partinin Insasi
(Lenin1, Building the Party)
Translated by Tarik Kaya
1st ed. Yeni gün Yayinlari, London, 1987
2nd ed. Z Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1994.

Rusya’da devlet kapitalizmi
(State Capitalism in Russia)
Translated by Ronnie Margulies and Tarik Kaya
Metis Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1990

Sürekli Devrim: Bir Degerlendirme
(Deflected Permanent Revolution)
Translated by Ronnie Margulies and Tarik Kaya
Koral Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1990

Kadinlarin Özgürlügü ve Sinif Mücadelesi
(Class Struggle and Women’s Liberation)
Translated by Samil Bestoy
Ataol Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1991

Lenin 2, Bütün Iktidar Sovyetlere
(Lenin 2, All Power to the Soviets)
Translated by Tarik Kaya and Bernar Kutlug
Z Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1994

Lenin 3, Kusatilmis Devrim
(Lenin 3, The Revolution Besieged)
Translated by Bernar Kutlug
Z Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1996

‘Uluslararasi Sosyalizm Akimi’nin 50 Yili’
Interview with Ahmed Shawki: ‘Fifty Years of the International Socialism Tendency’
from International Socialist Review Summer 1997 [see section I] Translated by Ronnie Margulies
Enternasyonal Sosyalizm, No 1, September 1997

Rosa Lüksemburg
(Rosa Luxemburg)
Translated by Metin Firtina
Z Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1998

Lenin 4, Bolsevikler ve Dünya Devrimi
(Lenin 4, The Bolsheviks and World Revolution)
Translated by Bernar Kutlug
Z Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2001

See also: [Marxist Interenet Arcive; Türkce Bölümü]

NB: Cliff’s personal library also contains one book and one pamphlet (possibly Arabic) which I was unable to identify.




Bolshevism, Menshevism, Lenin, Trotsky, Martov
Lenin as a Philosopher
Portugal and the Revolutions of the West

[Not found]
[Not found]
[May be incopmplete] Balance Sheet of Fight Against the Tories
Labour in History
Spanish Civil War


The English Suffragettes
Russian Revolution
The Working Class Family

[May be incomplete] The Pentonville Five – Ten Years On [with Micky Fenn] The Women’s Movement in the last 15 Years
Socialism Today, Building in the Downturn


Rebuilding Shop Stewards’ Organisation
What Next After the Election?
Lenin and the Party
Party and Class in the Russian Revolution
Student Forum
The Rise and Fall of Bennism
Syndicalism and the Working Class
Zionism and the Middle East
Marx 100 Years On


The Class Struggle today
Women’s Liberation and the Class Struggle
The General Strike and the Lessons of 1926
The Russian Revolution
Deflected Permanent Revolution
SWP: Tactics and Strategy Today (Forum)


Changing Balance of Class Forces 1945-1985
The Revolutionary Party
The General Strike
The Revolution (Russian)
Reform or Revolution? Rally


Marxism and the Trade Union Struggle
Lenin and the Revolutionary Party
Socialist Question Time [with Chris Harman & Sheila McGregor] Cripps, Bevan and Benn – Leaders of the Labour Left
The Socialist Alternative. Rally


Elections 87 – Lessons for Socialists
Lessons of October
1951-67 – Building in the Boom
The Accumulation of Capital (Luxemburg)
The Working Class and the Oppressed
The Case for a Socialist Alternative. Rally


Revolutionaries and the Class Struggle Today
State Capitalism
Permanent Revolution
Lenin, Trotsky, Luxemburg and the Party
The Revolutionary Road to Socialism. Rally


Where Our Politics Come From [SWP] Trotsky and the Russian Revolution
Trotsky and the Red Army
The Crisis of Labourism
The Foundation of Mao’s China
Reform or Revolution? Rally.


State Capitalism
How do we Build the Revolutionary Party?
50 Years Since Trotsky’s Assassination – a Commemoration
International Forum
Socialism into the 90s. Rally.


State Capitalism
Trotsky and the Fourth International
Revolutionaries and the Class Struggle Today
Can Socialism Come Through Parliament?
Lenin and the Party
Build the Socialist Alternative. Rally


The Class Struggle in the 90s.
State Capitalism
The Legacy of Trotsky
Marxism and Oppression
Spain 1936
Stopping the Nazis Today (Forum)
Build the Socialist Alternative. Rally


The New Militancy
The Changing Nature of Labourism
Trotsky’s Fight Against Stalinism
State Capitalism
The Working Class and the Oppressed
Final Rally


Build the Resistance. Opening Rally
Marxism and the Oppressed
Prospects for Building the SWP Today
Trotsky’s Fight for Internationalism
The Theory of State Capitalism
What is the Revolutionary Party?


Engels: Centenary of a Revolutionary [W1] The Revolutionary Party
The Theory of State Capitalism
Why do Workers Look to Blair?
Marxism and Oppression
Final Rally


The Relevance of Marxism
Can Blair deliver?
Lenin and the Party.
Final Rally.


Socialists under Blair
What are Rank and File Politics? (Trade Unions)
State Capitalism
Lenin on Revolutionary Strategy and Tactics
Could Trotsky have won?
Final Rally


Israel: Fifty Years of the Zionist state
The International Socialist Tradition
Globalisation: Fact and Fiction
James Connolly and the Limits of Syndicalism
Final Rally


State Capitalism
Deflected Permanent Revolution
The Permanent Arms Economy
Final Rally



Volumes of Cliff’s writings

Neither Washington nor Moscow, (introduction by D Hallas), Bookmarks 1982

pp. 11-23: The Middle East at the crossroads (Fourth International, December 1945)

pp. 24-39: All that glitters is not gold (RCP Internal Document, September 1947)

pp. 40-85: On the class nature of the people’s democracies (Duplicated document July 1950)

pp. 86-100: The theory of bureaucratic collectivism: A critique (Duplicated document 1948)

pp. 101-07: Perspectives for the permanent war economy. (SR1 March 1957)

pp. 108-17: Economic roots of reformism (SR1 June 1957)

pp. 118-34: The future of the Russian empire: Reform or revolution? (SR1 December 1956)

pp. 135-42: Mao Tse-Tung and Stalin (SR1 April 1957)

pp. 143-65: Crisis in China (IS1 29)

pp. 166-91: The end of the road: Deutscher’s capitulation to Stalinism (IS1 15)

pp. 192-209: Trotsky on substitutionism (IS1 2)

pp. 210-14: Labour’s addiction to the rubber stamp (LW January 1967)

pp. 215-17: Notes on democratic centralism (IS internal document June 1968)

pp. 218-38: On perspectives: the class struggle in Britain (Harris & Palmer (eds.) World Crisis, and not, as stated in volume, IS1 36)

pp. 239-45: After Pentonville: the battle is won but the war goes on (SW 5 August 1972)

pp. 245-49: 1972: A tremendous year for the workers (SW 6 January 1973)

pp. 249-52: The use of Socialist Worker as an organiser (International Socialists Internal Bulletin April 1974)

pp. 253-56: Lenin: His ideas are the future (SW 2 February 1974)

pp. 257-59: The great incomes policy con-trick (SW 21 December 1974)

pp. 260-73: Portugal : the lessons of the 25th November (pamphlet 1975, written with Chris Harman)

pp. 274-77: Why we need a socialist workers party (SW 8 January 1977)

pp. 278-79: Why socialists must support gays (SW 26 August 1978)

pp. 279-83: Ten years on: 1969 to 1979 (SW 26 May 1979)

Selected Writings Volume 1: International Struggle and the Marxist Tradition, Bookmarks, 2001

pp. 7-25: The Palestine Question (New International October, November 1938, June 1939)

pp. 27-41: Industry and banking in Egypt (Part three, chapter eight, from unpublished book Imperialism and the Arab East)

pp. 43-51: The Struggle in the Middle East (from edited and shortened version of 1967 pamphlet in SR2 October 1990)

pp. 53-57: The Jews, Israel and the Holocaust (SR2 May 1998)

pp. 59-116: Rosa Luxemburg (1959 & 1969; main variants between two editions given)

pp. 117-32: Trotsky on Substitutionism (IS1 2)

pp. 133-42: Engels (Marxism 1995)

pp. 143-57: Belgium: strike to revolution? (IS1 4)

pp. 159-217: [Tony Cliff & Ian Birchall] France – the struggle goes on (1968)

pp. 219-310: Portugal at the Crossroads (IS1 81-2)

pp. 311-26: Revolution and counter-revolution: lessons for Indonesia (IS2 80)

Selected Writings volume 2: In the Thick of Workers’ Struggle, Bookmarks 2002

pp. 1-22: The Labour Party in perspective (IS1 9)

pp. 23-122: [Tony Cliff & Colin Barker]: Incomes policy, legislation and shop stewards (1966)

pp. 123-28: Labour’s addiction to the rubber stamp (LW January 1967)

pp. 129-44: On perspectives (IS1 36)

pp. 145-328: The employers’ offensive (1970)

pp. 329-34: After Pentonville: the battle is won but the war goes on (SW 5 August 1972)

pp. 335-38: 1972: a tremendous year for the workers (SW 6 January 1973)

pp. 339-68: Factory branches (International Socialists internal pamphlet)

pp. 369-72: Ten years on: 1969 to 1979 (SW 26 May 1979)

pp. 373-422: The balance of class forces in recent years (IS2 6)

pp. 423-30: The state of the struggle today (SR2 April 1986)

pp. 431-36: In the balance (SR2 February 1995)

pp. 437: Change is going to come: but how? (SR2 June 1997)

Selected Writings volume 3: Marxist Theory After Trotsky, Bookmarks 2003

pp. 1-138: The nature of Stalinist Russia (RCP International Bulletin, June 1948)

pp. 139-154: All that glitters is not gold (RCP internal document, September 1947)

pp. 155-168: The theory of bureacratic collectivism: a critique (IS1 32 – a considerably revised version of the original 1948 document)

pp. 169-176: Perspectives for the permanent war war economy (SR1 May 1957)

pp. 177-186: Economic roots of reformism (SR1 June 1957)

pp. 187-202: Permanent revolution (IS1 12)

pp. 203-210: Mao Tse-Tung and Stalin (SR1 April 1957)

pp. 211-232: Crisis in China (IS1 29)

pp. 233-260: Marxism and the collectivisation of agriculture (IS1 19)

pp. 261-267: Earthquake in the East (SR2 December 1989)

pp. 269-272: Balance of powerlessness (SR2 September 1991)

pp. 273-292: The family: haven in a heartless world? (chapter 14, pp. 205-223 of Class Struggle and Women’s Liberation)

pp. 293-294: Why socialist mus support the gays (SW 26 August 1978)

pp. 295-310: Lecture notes on Marxist theory (revised and updated version of NCLC pamphlet from the early sixties)

Anthologies of SWP publications

A Socialist Review, J Higgins (intro), International Socialism undated [1965]

pp. 34-40: Perspectives of the Permanent War Economy
SR1 May 1957 [online]

pp. 48-58: Economic Roots of Reformism
SR1 June 1957 [online]

pp. 75-82: Background to Middle East Crisis
SR1 August 1958 [online]

pp. 191-98: The Nature of State Capitalism
SR1 March 1957

pp. 199-215: The Future of the Russian Empire: Reform or Revolution?
SR1 December 1956

pp. 222-28: Background to Hungary
SR1 1 July 1958 [online]

pp. 228-35: Mao Tse-Tung and Stalinism
SR1 April 1957

pp. 236-41: China: The Hundred Flowers Wilt
SR1 Mid-May 1959

pp. 241-48: The 22nd. Congress
SR1 November 1961

pp. 296-300: Plekhanov: The Father of Russian Marxism
SR1 January 1957

pp. 312-16: Background to the French Crisis
SR1 1 June 1958

pp. 316-26: The Belgian General Strike
SR1 February 1961

In the Heat of the Struggle, C Harman (ed.), Bookmarks 1993

p. 91: 2000 strike to back higher pensions
SW 2 December 1972

p. 128: Lessons for the revolution
SW 29 June 1974

pp. 181-2: Ten years on
SW 26 May 1979

Class struggle in the 90s
SW 18 July 1992

A Socialist Review, Lindsey German & Rob Hoveman (eds.), Bookmarks 1998

pp. 15-28: Fifty five years a revolutionary
SR2 July 1987

pp. 46-53: Earthquake in the East
SR2 December 1989



På dansk

In English (translation of Danish text)


Rosa Luxemburg : en politisk biografi
Oversat af Dorte Hultgren, Palle Nielsen og Poul Petersen. København, Politisk Revy, 1973, 107 sider (Politisk Revy serien, 7).
Forord til den engelske udgave, Tony Clif, 15. januar 1959, side 6.
Forord til den danske udgave, Tony Cliff, 1972, side 7-8.

Online på Marxisme Online:
Rosa Luxemburg – en politisk biografi, af Tony Cliff, 1959.
Introduktion af Lindsey German (til den engelske udgave), 1986.
[Både online og trykte udgave er med ændringerne fra den engelsk 1969-udgave]. Anmeldelse: af Jørgen Lund (i Proletar! nr. 9 – Side 33-36 – August 1974)


Trotsky om substitutionisme [omslagstitel] Indhold: Parti og klasse: Trotsky om “substitutionismen”. Oversat af Brian Gooseman og Tage Bild fra Party and Class: Essays by Tony Cliff, Duncan Hallas, Chris Harman and Leon Trotsky. Pluto Press, London 1972, side 26-46.
København, Faglig Fællesliste, uden år [1981], 11 sider. (Skolings-pjece, 2).
Genoptryk fra Proletar!, nr. 6, november 1973, side 24-34.
Online på Marxisme Online.
Også genoptrykt af Internationale Socialister, Århus), uden år, 11 sider (Skolings-pjece; Internationale Socialister, 2)

Den permanente revolution
Oversat af Jørgen Lund efter Permanent Revolution, International Socialism, nr. 12, foråret 1963. Her fra International Socialism, nr. 61, august 1973, side 18-29.
København, Faglig Fællesliste, august 1981, 32 sider (Skolings-pjece; 3).
Indledning af Duncan Hallas, juni 1973, side 1-3.
Også genoptrykt af Internationale Socialister, Århus, (uden år), 32 sider. (Skolings-pjece, 3).
Online på Socialistisk Bibliotek: Den afbøjede permanente revolution.

Portugal: Læren af den 25. november 1975
Dublikat, uden år, 22 sider
Online på Marxisme Online, overført til internettet februar 2015. 14 A4-sider.
Fra Tony Cliff & Chris Harman: Portugal: The lessons of the 25th November, 1975.

Den tunge arv fra det gamle samfund
Statskapitalismen i Rusland, kapitel 4: Den materielle arv fra samfundet før oktober). Oversat af Thomas Olesen.
Dublikat, 3. september 1981, 13 sider.

Online på Marxisme Online.
De fælles og forskellige træk ved statskapitalismen og arbejderstaten
Statskapitalismen i Rusland, Kapitel 5. Oversat af Gunnar Ørsted (Work in progress).
Online på Marxisme Online.


Organisationsformen er historisk bestemt: om Luxemburgs og Lenins syn på partiets organisering. Oversat af Dorte Hultgren og Poul Petersen.
i: Det revoltionære parti, arbejderklassen og smågrupperne. København: Politisk Revy, 1972, side 13-30 (Politisk Revys hæfter, nr. 3).
Genoptryk fra Politisk Revy, årg. 9, nr. 199, 1971/72, side 6-10: Det revolutionære parti: Organisationsformen er historisk bestemt.
Artiklen er lig “1. udgave” af kapitel 5: Spontanitet, bevidsthed og organisation, i: Rosa Luxemburg: en politisk biografi, 1973, side 37-54.
Online på Marxisme Online.

Trotskij om “substitutionismen”. Oversat af Brian Gooseman og Tage Bild.
i: Proletar!, nr. 6, november 1973, side 24-34.
Online på Marxisme Online.

Opbygning af smågrupper i dag: En tale holdt af Tony Cliff, SWP. Oversat og bearbejdet af Tom Christiansen, IS (fra båndudskrift af oplæg og afslutning på indlæg, Marxism 1984).
i: International Socialisme: Politiske arbejdstekster, nr. 9, juni 1990, side 3-24.
Online på Marxisme Online.

Fifty five years a revolutionary (55 år som revolutionær) : interview med Tony Cliff (oversat fra Socialist Workers Review, nr. 100, juli 1987, side 14-19. Interview ved Alex Callinicos og Lindsey German.
i: International Socialisme: Politiske arbejdstekster, nr. 9, juni 1990, side 45-63.

Den skrøbelige balance
i: International Socialisme, nr. 9, forår 1995, side 10-15.
Online på
Fra Socialist Review, nr. 183, februar 1995, p. 16-19: In the Balance).

Østeuropa : socialisme eller statskapitalisme?
i: Socialistisk Revy, nr. 6, august 1998, side 10-12.
Online på
Fra Socialist Review, jul/aug 1998, nr. 221, side 20-21: The test of time].

50 år med den internationale socialistiske tradition. Interview ved Ahmed Shawki.
i: Socialistisk Revy, nr. 7, september 1998, side 14-17.
Online på
[Fra International Socialist Review, nr. 1 summer 1997, side 27-31: 50 Years of the International Socialist Tradition.

Portugal ved korsvejen
Indhold: kapitlerne: “Revoluton uden om sovjetterne” og “Ikke Herrens værk”.
Oversat til af Jørgen Lund.
Duplikat, februar 1981, 3 sider.
Fra: Portugal at the crossroads, International Socialism, no. 81/82, september/october 1975, side 31-33.
Online på Marxisme Online.

Tony Cliff, en stor revolutionær: En inspirator for alle socialister [interview/nekrolog] i: Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr. 183, juni 2000, side 9.
Online på
[Fejlagtigt angivet som fra tidsskriftet The Left in Britain; men er forkortet fra Nothing to romantic: Tony Cliff. – i: David Widgery: The left in Britain 1956-1968. London, Penguin Books, 1976, side 436-447. Interview ved Nicolas Walther, fra tidsskriftet Idiot International, nr. 6, juni 1970].



In English

This English translation of the text above is for the Tony Cliff Bibliography by Ian Birchall; section Translations: Danish

Organisationsformen er historisk bestemt : om Luxemburgs og Lenins syn på partiets organisering. Oversat af Dorte Hultgren og Poul Petersen.
in: Det revolutionære parti, arbejderklassen og smågrupperne. Copenhagen: Politisk Revy, 1972 (Politisk Revys hæfter; 3), p. 13-30.
Reprint from Politisk Revy, årg. 9, nr. 199 (1971/72), p. 6-10: Det revolutionære parti: Organisationsformen er historisk bestemt.
This articles is ‘first edition’ of a translation of chapter 5: Spontanitet, bevidsthed og organisation, – in: Rosa Luxemburg : en politisk biografi, 1973, side 37-54. Kapitlet online = Chapter 5 (online) Party and Class in Rosa Luxemburg.

Rosa Luxemburg : en politisk biografi
Poltisk Revy, Copenhagen, 1973. 107 pages (Politisk Revy serien, no 7).
Forword for the 1959-etidion by Clfif, dated 15. januar 1959, p. 6
Foreword for the Dansh edition by Cliff, dated 1973, p. 7-8.
Internet-edition: Rosa Luxemburg – en politisk biografi.

Both Danish editions are wrongly stated as translations of 1959 eidition of Rosa Luxemburg, but both are with the changes from the 1969-edition.
See note on editions: Editor’s note on the text from Marxists Internet Archive (MIA)

Trotsky om substitutionisme
Faglig Fællesliste, Copenhagn, [no date i.e. 1981] 11 p. (Skolings-pjece ; 2)
Contains reprint from Proletar!, no. 6, Nov. 1973, p. 24-34
also reprinted by Interntionale socialister; [Århus]; [no date] Translated from Party and Class : Essays by Tony Cliff, Duncan Hallas, Chris Harman and Leon Trotsky.

Den permanente revolution
Falgig Fællesliste, Copenhagen, august 1981, 32 p. (Skolings-pjece : 3).
Also reprinted på Internationale Socialister; [Århus]; [no date] Translation of Deflected Permanent Revolution (1963); as reprinted in International Socialism; 61 Special double issue (1st series), June 1973, p. 18-29. See also notes in edition online.

Uddrag af Tony Cliff: Portugal ved korsvejen: Revolution uden om sovjetterne
Photocopied manuscript [no date], 3 p.
Translation of p. 31-33: Revolution deflected from soviets, in: Portugal at the crossroad, International Socialism Special (1. series), no. 81/82, September 1975, 47 p.

Læren af 25 november 1975
Mimeographed [no date], 22 p.
Translation of Tony Cliff & Chris Harman: Portugal: The lessons of the 25th November (December 1975).

Den tunge arv fra det gamle samfund
Mimeographed, 13 p.
Translation 1981 of chapter 4: The material heritage of pre-October society, in: State Capitalism in Russia.

Opbygning af smågrupper i dag : en tale holdt af Tony Cliff, SWP
in: International Socialisme: Politiske arbejdstekster, no. 9, 1990, p. 3-24.
From translated and edited taperecording of speech and final remark by Cliff at Marxism 1984 [The same as Marxism 1984 : SWP : Tactics and Strategy Today].

Fifty five years a revolutionary (55 år som revolutonær: Interview med Tony Cliff
in: International Socialisme : Politiske arbejdstekster, no. 9, 1990, p. 45-63.
From Socialist Workers Review, no. 100, 1987, p. 14-19.

Den skrøbelige balance
in: International Socialisme : Politiske arbejdstekster, no. 9, 1995, p. 10-15.
From Socialist Review, 1995, no. 183, p. 16-19: In the Balance.

Østeuropa : socialisme eller statskapitalisme?
in: Socialistisk Revy, nr. 6, august 1998, side 10-12.
Also online
From Socialist Review, 1889, no. 221, pp. 20-21: The test of time.

50 år med den internationale socialistiske tradition. Interview ved Ahmed Shawki.
in: Socialistisk Revy, nr. 7, 1998, p. 14-17. Also online.
From International Socialist Review, nr. 1, 1997, p. 27-31: 50 Years of the International Socialist Tradition.

Tony Cliff, en stor revolutionær: En inspirator for alle socialister [interview/nekrolog] in: Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr. 183, juni 2000, side 9.
Also online.
A short obituary with an abbriviated translation of Nothing so romantic : Tony Cliff, in: David Widgery: The Left in Britain 1956-1968, Penguin Book, 1976, p. 436-447, interview by Nicolas Walther, in the journal Idiot International, no. 6, June 1970.
In the Danish bibliography the source is wrongly indicated as a periodical by the same name.


Errata to English “Bibligraphy of the ..” , Section I, Miscellaneous articles:
New Politics (US)
vol. 1, no. 2 Winter 1962, page 51-65:
The 22nd Congress of the Russian Communist Party. An expanded edition of the article in SR1, November 1961.
So it is not “Probably the same article as SR1 November 1961”, as stated in the bibliography.

One online translation in Swedish has been added in Section Translations
