Links til nekrologer mv. om Pete Seeger / Links to obituraries on Pete Seeger.
Se også linkboxen Peter (Pete) Seeger (1919-2014), med artikler, sites og sange fra hans karriere, solo såvel som sammen med The Almanac Singers og The Weavers.
Leksikale mv.:
- Seeger, Pete (Fredsakademiet.dk)
- Pete Seeger + The Weevers (Denstoredanske.dk)
- Pete Seeger (Wikipedia.dk) + Pete Seeger (Wikipedia.no) + Pete Seeger (Wikipedia.se) + Pete Seeger (Wikipedia.org)
- Pete Seeger (Spartacus Educational)
- Pete Seeger: 20 essential tracks (Rolling Stone, January 28, 2014)
Nekrologer mv. på dansk:
En antifascistisk akkordgang. Af Victor Ovesen (Solidaritet.dk, 31. juli 2019). “Som sangskriver, politisk aktivist og performer har Pete Seeger en central rolle i amerikansk historie. Et blik på folkemusikkens historie kan faktisk fortælle en masse om mennesket som kulturelt og politisk dyr.” Oprindeligt bragt i magasinet Solidaritet nr. 6, februar 2016.
Et langt og vigtigt liv er slut: Pete Seeger 1919-2014. Af Freddie Nielsen (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr. 336, februar 2014). “Hvis du ikke kender sangeren og sangene, så er mulighederne der stadig – udnyt dem.”
“We Shall Overcome”: En hyldest til Pete Seeger. Af Christopher Phelps (Socialistisk Information, 8. februar 2014). “Netop afdøde Pete Seeger er især berømt for at gøre “We Shall Overcome” til en hymne for borger- og menneskerettigheder. Her er historien om, hvor han fandt denne sang.”
Det begynder med hinanden. Af Arne Würgler (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 31. januar 2014). “Og dog: Sangene og erfaringen lever videre.“
Håbets sanger er død: Pete Seeger 1919-2014. Af Peter Rasmussen (Arbejderen.dk, 28. januar 2014). “Han holdt stædigt fast i et håb for menneskeheden.”
Med sangen som våben. Af Klaus Lynggaard (Information.dk, 29. januar 2014). “Et omvandrende stykke amerikansk musikhistorie takker af.”
Pete Seeger – en evig fighter. Af Peter Rasmussen (Arbejderen.dk, 3. maj 2019). “I dag er det 100 år siden den amerikanske folkemusiker og aktivist, Pete Seeger, blev født i New York. I 2001 besøgte journalist Peter Rasmussen … og skrev dette interview til Arbejderen, som vi genoptrykker i anledningen af den runde dag.”

Monthly Review (Vol.66, No.8, January 2015, p.1-41). Theme with 6 articles about Pete Seeger: “Pete was a long-time reader of Monthly Review and, occasionally, a writer for this magazine.”
“We Shall Overcome”: Remembering folk icon, activist Pete Seeger in his own words & songs (Democracy Now, January 28, 2014, Video, 59 min.). Host: Amy Godman + full transcript!
Pete Seeger – A song for every struggle (obituary). By Dave Gibson (Socialist Review, Issue 289, March 2014; online at Marxists Internet Archive) “… Seeger’s significance is that he continued through very tough times to put his beliefs into song, and to use song to bring people together into activity.”
Pete Seeger: The art of folksong. By Chris Gray (Weekly Worker, Issue 1000, March 6, 2014). “Pete Seeger was undoubtedly one of the most important and well-loved American folk musicians of the 20th century, being also a folksinger, songwriter and political activist.”
The sound of the small c. By Alexander Billet (Jacobin, 30 January 2014). “Pete Seeger represented a musical tradition that can’t be divorced from American radicalism.”
American folksinger Pete Seeger dead, at 94. By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 30 January 2014). “In his political views, the singer never went beyond populist radicalism, but this has a great deal to do with the dominance of Stalinism on the American left during his youth and middle age.”
“We shall overcome”: Honoring Pete Seeger (Solidarity, January 29, 2014). “Seeger is famous for making ‘We Shall Overcome’ a civil and human rights anthem. The story of where he found that song is told by historian Christopher Phelps.”
Pete Seeger 1919-2014. By Jimmy Ross (Socialist Worker, Issue 2388, 29 January 2014). “Pete campaigned against the US war in Vietnam and was a pioneer of environmentalism.”
Pete Seeger, folk legend, dead at 94. By David Browne (Rolling Stone, January 28, 2014). Seminal figure in American music influenced generations of musicians from Bob Dylan to Bruce Springsteen. Incl. links (Pete Seeeger’s Life in [23] Photos)
Pete Seeger, we honour you. By Marc Brodine (People’s World, January 28, 2014). “Here are just a few stories about the impact made by Pete Seeger on a single one of the millions of people who were influenced by him during his long, creative, inspiring and productive life.”
Pete Seeger’s break with Stalinism. By Jim Denham (Blog, Shiraz Socialist, January 28, 2014). “The death, reported today, of Pete Seeger, reminded me that he publicly broke with Stalinism back in 2007 (some say he’d privately broken with it some years previously).”
Pete Seeger dies aged 94. By Alexandra Topping (The Guardian, 28 Januar 2014). “Singer-songwriter inspired folk revival in the US and was blacklisted during McCarthy era for his leftwing views and lyrics.” Incl. an interview with Pete Seeger from 2007 + Pete Seeger – a life in pictures.
Pete Seeger: This Man sorrounded hate and forced it to surrende. By John Nichols (The Nation, January 28, 2014). “Seeger was hauled before the House Un-American Activities Committee, blacklisted and sent for a time in the late 1950s and early 1960s to the sidelines of what was becoming an entertainment industry.”
Pete Seeger: folk singer, songwriter, and communist (Religious Left Law, 28 January 2014). “While he began to formally distance himself from the Communist Party USA in 1949, Seeger remained a lifelong ‘communist’ (i.e., with a lower case ‘c’).”
The communist folk singers who shaped Bob Dylan. By Taylor Dorrell (Jacobin, March 5, 2025). “Before Bob Dylan was Bob Dylan, he was a disciple of Woody Guthrie. But Guthrie and his contemporaries were more than folk singers — they were blacklisted radicals, shaping American music while staring down the Red Scare.”
Recalling Pete Seeger’s controversial performance on the Smothers Brothers Show 50 years ago. By Peter Dreier (The American Prospect, February 28, 2018). “Seeger had been blacklisted as a communist and this gutsy defiance of a corporate media giant marked his return to the mainstream cultural scene.”
Political song in America in the thirties and sixties. By Peter Burton (Workers’ Liberty, 9 February 2014). “Labour and political songs have existed since the beginning of the 19th century ranging from worker and abolitionist songs to farmers’ laments and spirituals.”